Can I get pregnant during menstruation - is there a completely safe sex? - How to calculate time

April 17th, 2013

  • Can I get pregnant during menstruation - is there a completely safe sex?
  • The periods of the menstrual cycle
  • How to calculate time

 how to calculate the time for safe sex

How to calculate the time for safe sex

It's not so easy. In order to determine in what period of the menstrual cycle, it is impossible to get pregnant, you need to carry out its analysis for at least six months, but better - the year, not taking advantage of the hormonal contraceptives. Plant a special calendar, where there are all critical days. If the menstrual cycle is different regularity, it is impossible to accurately calculate the need to use other methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

If menstruation are held regularly with small deviations, the calculation is performed: select the shortest and longest menstrual cycles that were over the study period and short subtract the number 18 - get the first day of a dangerous period, for example, 24 - 18 = 6 (6 th day of the menstrual cycle). From the longest period subtracted 11: 28-11 = 17 (17th day of the menstrual cycle).

Conclusion: The risk of unwanted pregnancy is saved with the 6th to the 17th day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases

 How to calculate the time | Can I get pregnant during menstruation - is there a completely safe sex?

Why do I sometimes become pregnant during menstruation

The egg remains viable for one day after the release of follicle, and sperm can remain active in the fallopian tubes of up to seven days. If favorable conditions occur oocyte with the sperm, the fertilization occurs, ie, pregnancy occurs. The main reasons for its occurrence during menstruation:

  • Short menstrual cycles and prolonged menstrual period;
  • Oocyte maturation earlier than usual;
  • Spontaneous ovulation.

Girls with short cycle and long monthly output of the oocyte from the follicle takes place a few days after the removal of the upper layers of the mucous membrane of the uterus. In other cases, the egg can mature early. If the sexual act takes place on the fifth or sixth day, month, and active sperm stored in the female body to one week, pregnancy can occur a few days after sex.

Considered relatively safe only the first few days of menstruation. At this time, copious blood and a hostile environment in the vagina significantly reduce the activity of sperm.

Women who have irregular menstrual cycle or sometimes the length suddenly changes, you need to be especially careful if they do not want to get pregnant. But even if she has the perfect menstrual cycle of twenty-eight days, it does not mean that sex during menstruation can not lead to conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
 . Due to the many negative factors (stress, sudden change in climate over time, vacation or relocation) can occur hormonal failure, and ovulation suddenly comes first.

Another cause of pregnancy with menstruation - spontaneous ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . This is a very rare phenomenon in which during a regular cycle of two mature egg. The phenomenon is still not fully understood.

It is believed that most of spontaneous ovulation occurs in young women because of the strong orgasm. This can also result in dramatic changes in hormonal levels. Normally, the body's ability for one cycle of girls play two oocyte inherited.

There are times when a woman finds that pregnant during menstruation, because then sex she did not have. But usually, the following occurs: fertilization occurs in the middle of the previous cycle, as it should be the norm. Because any hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   menstruation begins prematurely, and the pregnancy is not interrupted and continues to develop further.

From all this we can conclude that during menstruation is still better to be protected and the most appropriate way - barrier (using a condom), which will protect a woman is not only an unwanted pregnancy, but do not give the possibility to get an infection in the open bleeding blood vessels to the uterus, It is also important.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • menstruation and pregnancy

Can you dye your hair during menstruation - "for" beauty and "against" health

April 5, 2012

 dye your hair during menstruation
 Women of all ages and nations have sought and seek to look attractive and charming. Which only tricks are not resorted to. It is no exception and hair coloring, which has recently become increasingly popular. Types and colors, there are many colors to suit every taste and budget. Someone painted with a specific purpose, such as to hide the gray hair, and someone just loves regularly and radically change its "coloring". But some women are more reasonable, try to approach the issue of hair coloring with the utmost seriousness and thoughtfulness. Exactly this part of the fair sex begins to be interested in, you can dye your hair at any time or should not be done during menstruation.

 Can you dye your hair during menstruation - "for" beauty and "against" health

Hormonal changes in the body

Doctors have proven it is absolutely clear that dye your hair during pregnancy and lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   it is impossible. This is due not only to a powerful hormonal changes occurring in the body, but also the negative impact of hair dyes on the fetus and the child, absorbed through the scalp. All modern paints are based on synthetic dyes and chemicals are potent.

And what can be said about the color of hair during menstruation? Whether it is harmful? In this context, the views of the doctors and hairdressers diverge. Month period refers to one of the most difficult of all hormonal processes of the menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle and its characteristics  Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
 . It occurs during menstruation hormonal storm, or, more simply, the war hormones. Progesterone, which is produced in the luteal phase, still holding their positions, and estrogens (hormones of the first phase) have not yet reached the required level.

Hormonal changes in the body during menstruation, reflected not only in the reproductive system, but also to all organs in general, not avoiding hair, nails and skin.

Therefore, the impact of harmful factors at this time may negatively affect the whole body as a whole.

 Can you dye your hair during menstruation - "for" beauty and "against" health

Dangerous consequences of hair coloring during menstruation

And yet, some desperate women decide to dye your hair in the critical days. What can cause hair coloring during menstruation:

  • paint can go smoothly, sometimes (hair resemble leopard skin);
  • hair can not be painted (regardless of exposure time paint);
  • desired hair color is not acquired;
  • funny hair color, especially for blondes (after dyeing hair get a greenish tint);
  • in the case of the possible absence of a perm curls;
  • after dyeing hair become brittle;
  • hair after exposure to paint hard fall (until the formation of foci of alopecia);
  • inhalation of paint fumes worsen already poor health of women.

And yet, many masters contend that the hair coloring Hair coloring - Beauty lossless  Hair coloring - Beauty lossless
   and menstruation does not affect each other. Undoubtedly, this statement is difficult to argue, as the body of each person is different.

 Can you dye your hair during menstruation - "for" beauty and "against" health

How to reduce the risk of possible complications

The optimal solution, of course, is to refrain from hair coloring during menstruation. But if you still an urgent need (holiday, clearly show through gray, etc.), you should follow a few rules:

  • hair coloring is preferably carried out in the cabin, an experienced master;
  • be sure to notify the hairdresser critical days;
  • hair dye should be selected high-quality, proven brands;
  • whenever possible, use natural dyes (Basma, henna, chamomile pharmacy, tea);
  • Use only been used previously tone (not to experiment);
  • instead of hair dye is better to use toning shampoos, mascara and so on.

From all the above it is clear that every woman decides at what time is the hair dye, because the individual characteristics are different.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • hair coloring
