Very plentiful monthly - you need to look for the cause

January 22, 2013

 very plentiful monthly
 Almost every woman at least once in their lives faced with the problem of very heavy menstrual period. This is not only an inconvenience in daily life, but also often indicates the presence of a disease, and requires examination and treatment. The reasons that may give rise to heavy menstrual period are numerous. Timely access to a doctor to help cope with this problem and to avoid unintended consequences. Depending on the situation as a gynecologist can prescribe medication, and treated folk methods.

 Very plentiful monthly - you need to look for the cause

Menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is divided into two phases, proliferative and secretory. The proliferative phase lasts an average of fourteen days and is subject to the action of estrogen. Under the influence of female sex hormones in the lining of the uterus occurs proliferation, ie, the endometrium thickens and grows gradually. The secretory phase lasts fourteen to sixteen days. In the second phase of the cycle in the endometrium secretory changes occur that causes the corpus luteum hormone - progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   (begins to stand out after the rupture of the main follicle release a mature egg and the formation of the corpus luteum). The secretory phase gland mucosa are beginning to function, and he is preparing to receive the endometrium (implantation) of a fertilized egg. If conception has not occurred, then there is a sharp drop in estrogen and progesterone and the endometrium starts to peel off (menstruation).

 Very plentiful monthly - you need to look for the cause

Very heavy menstruation

On a very heavy menstrual period said if the following factors:

  • menses lasts longer than seven days;
  • change pads or tampons How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   It is required every two hours and more often;
  • blood clots (often very large) in the menstrual flow.

 Very plentiful monthly - you need to look for the cause


As noted above, the reasons are very plentiful monthly numerous. These include:

  • hormonal disorders (usually in adolescence and menopause);
  • uterine fibroids;
  • glandular endometrial hyperplasia;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • ovarian cysts or cystoma;
  • endometrial cancer;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device;
  • cervical cancer;
  • disorders of blood coagulation;
  • thyroid disease and so on.

 Very plentiful monthly - you need to look for the cause

The clinical picture

It is characterized by abundant monthly massive blood loss. Women often have to change the means of sanitary protection, often at night. Excessive bleeding leads to anemizatsii patient. The woman complained of dizziness, weakness, palpitations, fatigue. Skin becomes pale, blood pressure greatly reduced. Bleeding can be so intense that the patient can lose consciousness.

 Very plentiful monthly - you need to look for the cause


A woman with very heavy menstrual periods should first consult a doctor in case of massive bleeding, you must call an ambulance. During a pelvic exam the doctor will determine the presence or absence of any space-occupying lesions of the pelvic organs (uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst) or inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs (endometritis, salpingo). The next step is the ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. In addition, you must determine the hormonal profile (sex hormones, thyroid hormones and adrenal glands). If necessary, designate medical consultation and an endocrinologist. Also shown is the study of blood coagulation. In severe cases, a hysteroscopy and diagnostic curettage Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
   the uterine cavity.

 Very plentiful monthly - you need to look for the cause

The treatment is very plentiful monthly

Treatment of uterine bleeding depends on the cause, caused it. Conservative treatment is to appoint a styptic and hormones. Good effect have traditional methods (broth nettle, yarrow, etc.). In the case of a very massive bleeding held medical diagnostic curettage Curettage - how dangerous it is?  Curettage - how dangerous it is?

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • plentiful monthly

Heavy periods: causes numerous to

January 22, 2013

 plentiful monthly reasons
 The menstrual cycle is a complex system, which is influenced by various factors. Any deviation in the body can lead to failure of the menstrual cycle. Often cycle disorders are manifested in the form of heavy menstrual period. The reasons that cause heavy periods, are very diverse and numerous. It is important to abundant blood loss during menstruation is not self-medicate, and as soon as possible to see a doctor. Undoubtedly, heavy periods may be a manifestation of constitutional features of a woman, but in almost all cases, they indicate the presence of any disease.

 Heavy periods: causes numerous to

Heavy menstruation

If menstrual bleeding lasts more than seven days, and total bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   more than one hundred milliliters, talk about heavy menstrual period. In such a menstruating woman is forced to change the pad or tampon How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   very often (every two hours). In normal menstruation intensified on the third day, and can be quite abundant. If the next day after amplification uterine bleeding, the amount of menstrual fluid decreases, it is considered normal and does not require special treatment. If the month each month are becoming more abundant, and the cycle is shortened to 21 days or less, it should alert a woman and a reason for referral to a specialist.

 Heavy periods: causes numerous to

Causes heavy menstruation

  • Hormonal disorders

The most common cause of heavy menstrual periods is hormonal imbalance. In the menstrual cycle affect hormones: estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . The most common failure of the menstrual cycle in the form of occurrence of heavy menstrual period occurs in the teenage and pre-menopausal. In adolescence, the emergence of heavy menstrual bleeding and the juvenile due to the transient cycle. The same can be explained by the occurrence of heavy menses in premenopausal (permanent jumps of sex hormones). In addition, heavy menstruation often occur in women of reproductive age due to high levels of estrogen and low progesterone (for example, anovulation). Also, menorrhagia (heavy periods) may occur in the case of birth control pills or other hormonal drugs.

  • Hysteromyoma

Uterine cancer is also one of the common causes of heavy menstrual periods. Menorrhagia in the presence of uterine fibroids due to two factors. Firstly, due to the increase of the uterus and increased its area of ​​the endometrium, which provokes a marked bleeding. And secondly, with uterine fibroids observed hormonal failure due to the absolute estrogenemii (increased production of female sex hormones). Typically, the disease is found at the age of 35-40 years. Menorrhagia when uterine fibroids often leads to the development of anemia in patients. Particularly disadvantaged by the presence of submucosal fibroids with nodes that requires surgery.

  • Endometriosis genitals

Endometriosis refers to gormonalnozavisimym disease and is characterized by the appearance in the pelvic organs and other places of sites which are similar to the histological structure of the mucous membrane of the uterus. The most unfavorable considered endometriosis (adenomyosis) of the uterus. In the myometrium areas grow endometrium. The disease is confirmed by pelvic exam Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
   (uterus rounded, somewhat enlarged and painful on palpation), as well as ultrasound. Treatment of endometriosis held hormones.

  • Endometrial hyperplasia and polyps

Hyperplasia - is a proliferation of endometrium. Hyperplasia and endometrial polyps are accompanied by copious, clotted spotting. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound and medical diagnostic curettage. The disease is more common in women of reproductive age.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

Chronic endometritis and salpingoophoritis accompanied by hormonal disorders that lead to heavy menstruation.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • plentiful monthly
