Treatment of kidney: it is important to remember about diet

March 27, 2011

  • Treatment of kidney: it is important to remember about diet
  • Nephrolithiasis

 Treatment of kidney
 Kidney disease, there are many, but the most common ones are nephritis - an inflammatory nature of the disease. This group includes pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Keep in mind that the treatment of kidney will be more effective if begun in the early stages of disease development.

Treatment of pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis - is an infectious-inflammatory process in which primarily affects the calyx, pelvis and renal parenchyma. The disease can be acute or chronic.

Adherence - one of the components of treatment of pyelonephritis. Patients should avoid hypothermia and excessive exercise. During exacerbation of the disease, eating it is accompanied by fever or a significant increase in blood pressure, patients need to comply with bed rest.

Patients are encouraged to lacto-vegetarian diet, you can eat meat and boiled fish. The diet should be included vegetable dishes (potatoes, carrots, cabbage), fruits that contain a lot of potassium and vitamin C and the group B (apples, plums, raisins), dairy products and eggs. Watermelons, melons, pumpkin has a diuretic effect and thus purify the urinary tract of bacteria and mucus. From savory seasonings and patients should be abandoned.

If there are no contraindications, the patient can drink per day to two or three liters of fluid (in the form of mineral water, juices, compotes). Cranberry juice or juice is especially useful for patients, since it contributes to the death of bacteria in the kidneys and urinary tract. If exacerbation of pyelonephritis is accompanied by violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney and high blood pressure, limit the amount of liquid.

Infection control - the most important part of the treatment of the disease. Selection of drugs depends on the microorganism species, their sensitivity to antibiotics and renal. The following group of drugs:

  • Penicillins (ampicillin, ampioks);
  • Cephalosporins (klaforan, ceftriaxone);
  • Aminoglycosides (gentamicin);
  • Tetracyclines (methacycline, doxycycline);
  • Monobactams (aztreonam);
  • Chloramphenicol.

If the patient does not improve while taking one of these medications, you need to choose another drug. In marked inflammation and severe disease are appointed several antibiotics simultaneously.

In order to improve renal blood flow, patients are advised to take Trental, chimes or venoruton. These drugs prevent platelets from sticking together and form blood clots, increasing the delivery of oxygen to the affected tissues.

Herbal medicine must necessarily be part of a comprehensive treatment of patients with pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis - kidney disease  Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
 . Medicinal plants have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The most commonly used bearberry, cowberry leaves, St. John's wort, elder, kidney tea.

In order to strengthen immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
   it is recommended to take a multivitamin complexes and adaptogens (ginseng tincture Chinese magnolia vine). In the absence of contraindications performed physiotherapy and spa treatment.

Treatment of glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis - immunological kidney disease, that affects vascular glomerulus, and subsequently all the other structures of the body. If the disease is chronic, and the changes are progressing, developing nephrosclerosis (kidney scarring) and renal failure Kidney failure - when treatment is vital  Kidney failure - when treatment is vital

Patients with acute exacerbation of glomerulonephritis should be hospitalized. They are encouraged to comply with bed rest until the condition improves performance and urine tests will not come back to normal. In the future, these people need to avoid hypothermia, considerable physical exertion, stress. They can not work at night, and in areas with hot or cold air.

Choose a diet will depend on whether the patient's renal failure. In hypertensive form of the disease, which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the diet should be limited to eight grams of salt per day. The diet should be a dairy plant with the inclusion of low-fat varieties of fish and meat. If persistent increase in blood pressure is recommended fasting days.

Nephrotic form, the main feature of which serve as edema, salt limited to three grams per day. Thus it is necessary to consider the content in the products. The amount of fluids you drink should be no more than eight hundred milliliters per day. Additional protein diet limits.

If latent (when the disease can only be detected in the study of urine) and hematuric (where urine comes admixture of blood) forms of diet should contain a number of physiological proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

If the patient has a renal failure, depending on its severity in the diet reduced the amount of protein and phosphates. But at the same calorie intake it should meet the needs of the person. This is achieved by increasing the dietary fat and carbohydrates.

At a glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis - a severe infection of the kidneys  Glomerulonephritis - a severe infection of the kidneys
   designate such groups of medicines, as:

  • Glucocorticoids (prednisolone) reduce inflammation and suppress autoimmune responses in the kidney.
  • Cytotoxic agents (azathioprine, cyclophosphamide) also inhibit the immunoinflammatory reaction. They are appointed in cases where the glucocorticoids are not effective or have contraindications to their use.
  • Anticoagulants (heparin, fenilin) ​​and antiplatelet agents (Courant trental) improve blood circulation in the blood vessels of the kidneys.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, indomethacin) are appointed with moderately severe changes.
  • Drugs that lower blood pressure: diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide, veroshpiron), β-blockers (propranolol).

Herbal medicine with glomerulonephritis has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, helps normalize blood pressure. Patients are encouraged to take an infusion of birch leaves, kidney tea, elderberry flowers and cornflower. There are special fees, which are used in the treatment of glomerulonephritis.

Treatment of renal disease should be prescribed by a doctor after a complete survey will be patient. It is important to remember that diet and mode - the same essential components of therapy as well as medications.

Kanefron: application in the treatment of urological diseases

November 2, 2011

 Kanefron: application in the treatment of urological diseases
 The use of medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract has a long history. However, there was a period when they were used by doctors is not enough. In recent years, the well-forgotten old tradition regained its position. Medicinal plants are increasingly used as therapeutic agents appointed physicians, nephrologists and urologists.

 Kanefron: application in the treatment of urological diseases

Natural resources and their benefits

Their advantage compared to synthetic drugs are obvious. First is the absence of complications and undesirable side effects. Second, a wide scope for maneuver, which provides a rich choice of plants have different effects. However, one can argue that herbs can cure any disease - they are not a panacea.

Priority use of medicinal plants is determined by the nature of the pathological changes, the phase of the disease and the presence of complications.

One of the rules of herbal medicine Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects  Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects
   It can be formulated as a principle of her testimony and priority. Guided by this principle should be to define the role of medicinal plants at a certain stage of the disease. It may be the main, auxiliary and parity. The second principle of herbal medicine - the principle of its individuality.

 Kanefron: application in the treatment of urological diseases

History kanefron

In Germany kanefron it produced since 1934. This period of the drug shows its effectiveness. Kanefron - combined preparation plant. In its composition includes centaury (Herba Centaurii), lovage (Radix Levistici), rosemary (Folia Rosmarini), rosehip (Fructus Cynosbati).

Substances which are included in the drug have antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect on the urogenital tract, reduce the permeability of the capillaries of the kidneys, have a diuretic effect, improve kidney function, potentiation of antibacterial therapy.

 Kanefron: application in the treatment of urological diseases


Thus, in grass centaury present alkaloids, flavonoid compounds, bitter glycosides, phenolic acids. The rosehip peel contains large amounts of ascorbic acid, organic acids, a lot of sugar, pectin acids, organic acids (citric and malic), and carotene. As part of lovage are essential oils, phenol carboxylic acids, phthalides. Rosemary contains rosmarinic acid, essential oils and flavonoids.

 Kanefron: application in the treatment of urological diseases


Various kanefron action on the body is due to its composition of essential oils Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   (lovage, rosemary), phenol carbonic acids (rosemary, lovage, centaury) phthalide (lovage), bitterness (centaury).

Kanefron diuretic effect due to a combination of different entry points for drugs. Essential oils dilates blood vessels of the kidneys, which helps to improve blood supply to the renal epithelium, as well as have an impact on the function of the epithelium of the renal tubules. This is manifested primarily in reducing the reabsorption of Na + and appropriate amounts of water. Diuretic action fenilkarbonovyh acids explained osmotic effect. The principle of operation is that if it enters the lumen of the renal tubules they create high osmotic pressure (suckback these drugs are not exposed), and significantly reduces the reabsorption of water and ions Na +.

 Kanefron: application in the treatment of urological diseases

Inflammation and impact kanefron

Due to the excretion of excess fluid and sodium salts kanefron Kanefron - indispensable for kidney disease  Kanefron - indispensable for kidney disease
   reduces blood pressure. Herbal diuretics are somewhat weaker and slower than modern synthetic drugs, but they are more forgiving.

As is known, the main signs of inflammation associated with the action of mediators of inflammation (bradykinin, prostaglandins, histamine, serotonin and others). The anti-inflammatory properties kanefron mainly provided through rosmarinic acid and related to the inhibition of the synthesis of inflammatory mediators or slowing their release and activation.

 Kanefron: application in the treatment of urological diseases

Plants composed kanefron

All herbs belonging to the kanefron contain substances (fenolkarbolovye acids, essential oils, etc.) that have antimicrobial activity. It should be emphasized broad antimicrobial spectrum of medicinal plants and their activity in resistant synthetic drugs microflora. The advantage of these medicinal plants is a combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is particularly valuable in chronic processes in the urinary tract. It was established that kanefron increases the excretion of uric acid salts Uric acid - a normal level?  Uric acid - a normal level?
 . This side of the action is only partly linked to the diuretic effect and is quite specific. Increased excretion of uric acid prevents the precipitation of crystals in the urinary tract, the growth of existing and formation of new stones. It was also noted that the drug alkaline urine if it sharply acidic with urate nephrolithiasis, and keeps it within 6, 2-6, 8, which also prevents the formation of uric acid stones.

Antispasmodic effect kanefron due to flavonoids. Pharmacologically proven kanefron effect on kidney tubular device clearly shows that urinary protein excretion due to the previously transferred pathological processes that damage the tubular device is significantly reduced.

Thus, herbal preparation kanefron has a broad spectrum of action, although in our study we considered only the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic activity.

However, according to available data, kanefron widely used in renal failure, proteinuria, and interstitial nephritis. Kanefron shows a large group of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases: pyelonephritis, cystitis. It should be administered to patients with urate nephrolithiasis, as well as a discharge of small stones after shock wave lithotripsy.

Side effects and complications of the application of this preparation for 4, 6 and 8 weeks was observed. Thus, the drug can be recommended for children and adults, it is also assigned to pregnant women suffering from inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

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  • kanefron
