Kidney Cyst: you must observe - Why is she there?

March 24, 2011

  • Kidney Cyst: the need to monitor
  • Why is she there?
 why there is a kidney cyst

What is a kidney cyst and why it may be

Renal cyst - a rounded education, and surrounded by a capsule enclosing a liquid (usually it is yellow - the color of urine, but may contain impurities of blood, infected cyst contains pus). Cysts can be congenital or acquired. Recent usually occur after an inflammatory kidney disease or metabolic disorders in the elderly.

The mechanism of formation of cysts is that within his own kidney tissue is blockage of the renal tubules (most often it occurs against proliferation of the epithelium lining the renal tubules inside, resulting in constant irritation in some pathological process), urine accumulates in them, forming a cavity.

Renal cysts may be single or multiple, unilateral or bilateral, congenital and acquired. Their diameter can be up to 10 cm. In most cysts arise in the upper and lower edges (poles) kidney, sometimes - in the middle part of the kidney pelvis area.


What are the symptoms of kidney cyst

The most common kidney cyst is asymptomatic and is found in the random survey. The cyst has an effect only if the blood circulation in the kidney or urinary outflow from it.

When poor circulation in the kidney patient can appear persistent increase in blood pressure and swelling. This should be cause for inspection.

In violation of the outflow of urine, pain in the lumbar region, sometimes permanent, sometimes in the form of attacks of renal colic Renal colic: a signal that the danger in the bud  Renal colic: a signal that the danger in the bud
 . With long-term violation of the outflow of urine own kidney tissue gradually decreases in volume (atrophy), and kidney filled with liquid, losing their functions (hydronephrosis).

Circulatory disorders in the kidney and urine outflow from it can lead to inflammation in it (pyelonephritis), which manifests itself by a sharp rise in temperature and a violation of the general condition of the patient.

Large cysts sometimes (very rarely) may rupture, they can occur hemorrhage.


Diagnosis of renal cyst

Kidney cyst is often similar to kidney cancer. In addition, the cyst is often associated with kidney cancer Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable  Kidney cancer: in the early stages the prognosis is favorable
 . Finally, the renal cancer can be cystic structure. Therefore, it is important to quickly identify the cyst and to ensure its purity.

Renal cyst can be identified through a comprehensive survey, which includes ultrasound diagnosis, radiographic methods (panoramic picture of the kidneys and the picture after administration into a vein of a contrast agent - excretory urography), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). With a thorough examination can reveal a cyst, its size and condition of the kidneys.


Treatment of renal cysts

Small renal cysts do not require treatment - just watch them, eliminating inflammatory kidney disease, impaired circulation, the flow of urine, and cancer. Usually the cyst with a diameter of 5 cm, causing no complications, do not operate.

The indications for surgery are large cysts (the threat of rupture and hemorrhage), violation of the outflow of urine identified in the survey, a strong pain, frequent exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, a persistent increase in blood pressure.

Remove a cyst in various ways. A small kidney cyst is most often removed by puncture carried out under the supervision of the ultrasonic beam. From the contents of the cyst is pumped and injected into the cavity of its substance, contributing to bonding cyst wall.

When circulatory disorders of kidney and delay the flow of urine is usually performed abdominal surgery - a cyst carefully separated and removed, and the surgeon is trying not to damage the surrounding tissue. Sometimes (if not expressed violations of the kidney) such operations are carried out endoscopically, using a special optical equipment, introduced through small incisions in the abdomen or back. With this method it is possible to remove the cyst located in any region of the kidney and of any size. In addition, endoscopic equipment (image is seen on the screen) allows the surgeon a good view of the cyst and kidney itself, that is to make the operation less traumatic and safer.

If renal cyst led to the development of pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis - kidney disease  Pyelonephritis - kidney disease
 , It is first treated with medication and then removed cyst. After removal of the cyst or its contents is required to send to the laboratory for analysis to detect abnormal cells characteristic of cancer Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad

Article Tags:
  • cyst

Polycystic kidney disease: severe hereditary disease - What are the symptoms

February 24, 2011

  • Polycystic kidney disease: severe hereditary disease
  • As shown

What is polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease - a severe hereditary renal cystic part of a two-way enough to develop their own kidney tissue (parenchyma). There are polycystic kidney disease in children, which has different manifestations in children of different ages, and polycystic kidney disease in adults.

Polycystic is a common abnormality of the kidney and is almost always bilateral. In this disease, kidney tissue is replaced by a variety of brush sizes, which are formed during the formation of the renal tubules wrong: tubular portion ends blindly, filled with urine and adopts a spherical shape - so formed cysts. When many cysts, kidney resembles a bunch of grapes. This anomaly structure of the kidneys often associated with anomalies of other organs, such as polycystic liver.

 How does | Polycystic kidney disease: severe hereditary disease

How does polycystic kidney disease

The most difficult runs polycystic neonates. They have a frequent vomiting, the baby is not gaining weight. When viewed from such a child can be felt enlarged kidneys. Sharply reduced ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine, the blood contains large amounts of protein decay products (increased residual nitrogen, large amounts of urea). Perhaps the increase in blood pressure. Renal failure increases rapidly as cysts occupy about 90% of kidney tissue, so most children die within the first week of life, the other - at the age of about one year.

Polycystic kidney disease in infants and the elderly characterized by a gentle flow, as in the kidneys to retain 40 to 75% of intact tissue. Nevertheless, further reduced size of the kidneys due to proliferation of connective tissue, kidney failure increases with simultaneous increase of liver dysfunction.

If polycystic kidney disease in adolescents cysts occupy about 10% of kidney tissue. Thus the fore signs of liver dysfunction and portal hypertension (increased pressure in the inferior vena cava, which brings venous blood to the liver), which is caused by the growth of connective tissue in the liver, and compression of the veins. In the future progression of changes observed in the kidney. Insufficient kidney function while slow to develop.

Children and adults complain of dull pain, malaise, fatigue during exercise, frequent urination and thirst plentiful. With impaired renal function increased blood pressure, circulatory disorders are attached. In the urine there is a blood (hematuria). Since kidney stagnant urine, it is a breeding ground for infection, and against the background of polycystic often develop inflammation in the kidney - pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis - kidney disease  Pyelonephritis - kidney disease

There are three stages of polycystic kidney disease, which are related to changes in renal function:

  • Stage I - renal failure is, but it does not manifest itself as anti-aliased (compensated) the work of other internal organs and systems; manifestations of the disease are small, they can be shared (lethargy, malaise) and local (minor back pain);
  • Stage II - kidney failure develops, the compensatory capacity of the organism are reduced, there are growing thirst, nausea, headache, blood pressure begins to rise;
  • Stage III - kompensatronye capabilities fully utilized, this is the stage of decompensation: constant fatigue, headache, thirst, nausea, vomiting; dramatically impaired kidney function, they do not do their job on the excretion of toxic products of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 ; accumulate in the blood urea, creatinine Creatinine - will talk about the work of the kidneys  Creatinine - will talk about the work of the kidneys
 That can be detected by the laboratory method.

 How does | Polycystic kidney disease: severe hereditary disease

Diagnosis and treatment

Enlarged kidneys seen during inspection and palpation. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound, X-ray and laboratory (blood and urine) research.

Treatment of polycystic kidney consists of conservative measures, which are aimed primarily at preventing infection, combat intoxication (poisoning products of metabolism), and high blood pressure. With an increase in renal failure hemodialysis Hemodialysis: artificial kidney  Hemodialysis: artificial kidney
   - Cleansing the blood with the help of an artificial kidney. Work is also operative treatment - cysts punctured and their contents removed. In some cases, a kidney transplant.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • multicystic kidney disease
