- Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
- First aid and exercises
Vertigo - a condition characterized by the illusion of movement of the person or surrounding objects. It is a symptom, not a separate disease. Depending on the underlying cause, vertigo may last for a few seconds, minutes, hours or even days.
For bouts of dizziness characterized by the following symptoms:
- Loss of balance;
- Nausea;
- Vomiting;
- Inability to stand and / or walk.
Sometimes it is accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, hearing impairment, increased body temperature, and nystagmus - uncontrolled eye movements.
Labyrinth - is an infection of the inner ear, a fluid-filled structure that controls hearing and balance.
With his inflammatory information which it sends the brain is different from the one that sends the healthy inner ear. It can cause dizziness - the main symptom of labyrinthitis.
The cause of labyrinthitis is usually a viral infection; much less it is a bacterial infection of the inner ear. In addition to dizziness, symptoms of labyrinthitis can be high fever and severe headache.
Vestibular neuritis
Vestibular neuritis - a disease of the inner ear, causing nerve pain and inflammation. This can cause a dizzy spell lasting a few hours or days.
Viral infection can also cause vestibular neuritis
Neuritis - nerve damage
- If it spreads to the vestibular nerve, which is used to maintain balance.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Short, intense, recurring bouts of dizziness (usually lasting less than thirty seconds) are often the result of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (DPPG). DPPG Episodes usually occur when a person turns his head sharply, looking up, he stands up or bends. Dizziness may be accompanied by nausea, rarely - vomiting, and nystagmus.
It is assumed that DPPG cause small fragments, which, for whatever reason, are separated from the channels of the inner ear shell. Usually they do not cause problems unless fall into a fluid-filled channels.
Most of the time these fragments remain at the bottom of channels. However, due to certain movements of the head they are sensitive hairs on the walls of the ducts of the inner ear. The brain receives a signal that causes dizziness.
DPPG most often affects older people, but also occurs in young. In most cases, the violation develops for no apparent reason, but sometimes it is the result of an ear infection, surgery, a head injury or a long stay in a horizontal position - for example, due to illness.
Meniere's Disease
Severe vertigo may be caused by a rare disease such as Meniere's disease. Other symptoms of this condition are hearing loss, ringing in the ears, a feeling of pressure in the ears.
Meniere's disease patients may experience sudden bouts of vertigo lasting from twenty minutes to twenty-four hours. The attacks often cause nausea and vomiting. Ringing in the ears, characteristic of Meniere's disease, can be enhanced with time. Deterioration or loss of hearing in the first stage of developing the disease are temporary, but may eventually become permanent.
Head injury
Sometimes dizziness starts after a head injury. This may be a sign of serious damage, so the appearance of this symptom should be as soon as possible, seek medical help.
In some cases, migraine, severe headache except
Headache: Causes and Complications
and increased sensitivity to light and sound, causing dizziness.
Other reasons
In addition to the above factors, the causes of vertigo can be a stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
or transient ischemic attack (a "mini-stroke"), multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis - whether in remission?
, Acoustic neuroma and tumors of the cerebellum.