Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia

June 15, 2012

 Alzheimer's forms of dementia Acquired
 The acquired dementia (dementia) is the degradation and loss of intellectual abilities such as the ability to think, remember and reason. Performing simple everyday tasks like this become extremely difficult.

Dementia in itself is not a disease, but rather a group of symptoms that occur in the presence of other diseases or certain conditions. If you notice any of these symptoms are observed changes in the nature of man, his mood and behavior. In some cases, the dementia can be cured if the very reason he was called, is treatable. Such cases include, for example, dementia caused by alcohol abuse or drug-interaction taken drugs or imbalance of hormones and vitamins in the body. In some cases, the cause of dementia can be a period of deep long depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood

Such a phenomenon doctors call pseudo-dementia (false dementia). This form is treatable in most cases. Unfortunately, dementia to date not curable.

The development of dementia

Dementia develops under the influence of any infections or diseases in the area of ​​the brain that are responsible for the processes of perception, memory, decision-making capabilities of the question. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, but along with it there are more than fifty well-known causes of this state. Many of them, in practice quite rare.

Since some of the reasons causing the dementia can be treated, it is important to consult a qualified technician to accurately diagnose, to watch out for potentially treatable forms of dementia. Approximately 20% of dementia can be cured.

What causes dementia?

There can be several:

  • Diseases caused by the destruction or loss of brain cells, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or Huntington's chorea.
  • Diseases that affect the state of the blood vessels, such as stroke and strokes. Such diseases may be the cause of multiinfarct, or as it is called vascular dementia.
  • Toxic reactions, such as the abuse of alcohol or drugs.
  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin B12 or folate.
  • Infections that affect the brain and spinal cord, these include mental disorders caused by AIDS, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
  • Some forms of hydrocephalus, fluid accumulation in the brain, which are the result of brain pathologies, infections, injuries or brain tumor.
  • Head injury, serious cases of isolated or repetitive micro-trauma, such as those obtained boxers during fights.

Not only disease affecting the brain may be a cause of dementia, as a precipitating factors can act as kidney, liver, lungs.

In 50-60% of the occurrence of dementia caused his appearance speaks Alzheimer's disease. But scientists have found that there are two diseases that are sometimes mistaken for Alzheimer's disease - is a disease and Lewy body syndrome Peak. They are also among the main causes of dementia.

How common is dementia?

Dementia due to Alzheimer's disease, the most common form. Some scientists believe that about half of people over 85 years suffer from this disease. Recently, increased levels of mental disorders caused by AIDS, which in turn was triggered by the development of the HIV infection, but at the same time, the development and the emergence of more effective treatments for HIV infection, the spread of dementia caused by AIDS, is gradually reduced.

Who is most susceptible to dementia?

Dementia - a phenomenon that occurs most often in the elderly, its symptoms manifest with age: 5-8% of people over 65 suffer from some form of dementia and, unfortunately, every year the number of such patients is increasing inexorably. By some estimates, in the future, about half of those older than 80 years may be diagnosed dementia.

In some cases, dementia is treatable?

  • In cases of alcohol or drug abuse.
  • If the cause of dementia, is a tumor which can be removed.
  • When hematomas located under the hard shell of the brain, impaired blood circulation in the skull, which may be the result of damaged blood vessels of the brain, or the result of an injury.
  • Normal pressure hydrocephalus.
  • Metabolic disease Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , A lack of vitamin B12.
  • Decreased activity of the thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
  • Hypoglycemia - a condition caused by low blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator

Some are not treatable causes of dementia

  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Multiinfrktnaya dimentsiya caused numerous injuries of cerebral vessels.
  • Dimentsiya that occurs in Parkinson's disease and similar disorders.
  • Mental changes caused by AIDS.
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - a rapidly progressive and leads to fatal disease characterized by manifestations of dementia, muscle cramps and spasms.

Article Tags:
  • Alzheimer's disease

Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

October 9, 2012

 recovery of stroke rehabilitation
 People who have had a stroke often have many questions and assumptions about time and the possibility of full recovery. Once again it will be possible to move the limbs? When it returns to normal? When a person is able to re-man for a care? It is difficult to predict the recovery time for such people.

Generally, watching the speed of recovery of the patient in the first week, it is possible to draw conclusions about the extent of brain damage, and after that you can already build a scientific speculation about his condition. Restoration of functions and abilities depend on the type of stroke, number of damaged brain cells, the age and rate of recovery process starts.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

The cause of stroke

Eighty percent of all strokes occur due to blockage of blood flow in the brain, it is usually due to a blood clot or other entity. This is called an ischemic stroke. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when blood vessels rupture in the brain.

Knowing the type of your stroke will allow the patient to assist the doctor in identifying the causes of stroke.

For example, ischemic stroke may occur due to the formation in the arteries of platelets - a mixture of cholesterol and other blood lipids or fats. Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries of the platelet formation leads to a risk of this type of stroke. High blood pressure is a common cause of hemorrhagic stroke. Both of these health conditions increase the risk of stroke, and work with them will help prevent a second stroke.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

Can it happen a second stroke

After the first shock is very high risk of a second. Three percent of stroke survivors experience it again within thirty days, and one-third of all patients - over the next two years. Despite this, the risk for each patient is different. That is why the vital need to discuss with the doctor the factors influencing the occurrence of a second stroke and ways to minimize them.

High blood pressure is the first cause of stroke and the biggest risk factor for stroke. Also, patients are at risk of heart disease, high blood cholesterol and diabetes. Smoking, completeness, lack of physical activity and alcohol and drug use increases the risk of stroke.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

What can be done to reduce the risk of future strokes

Consult your doctor about ways to control blood pressure or other disturbing health. You can also discuss ways to lifestyle changes, including getting rid of smoking, a healthy diet, weight loss and regular exercise.

Quit Smoking - is the first thing you can do to improve your health: two years reduced the risk of stroke, and in five years will be at the same level as that of a non-smoker.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

The recovery process

Although the program of recovery after stroke is individually designed, many patients by and large follow the same path. As soon as the patient comes back to normal, begin exercises with an assistant. The purpose of these exercises is to restore basic human abilities, such as the ability to self-acceptance of food or the ability to get dressed without help or undress.

Then you can get rehabilitation therapy, which will help to become more independent. Upon returning home, you can make an outpatient or home therapy to restore as much as possible functions.

Typically, rehabilitation takes three to six months. But studies show that patients who engaged in their own, continue to recover and achieve good results.

After a stroke patient are specialists who help him recover as much as possible functions and explore ways to compensate for lost functions.

  • A physical therapist will help restore power. The patient must learn to walk independently.
  • Occupational therapists will re-learn how to eat, dress and bathe.
  • Speech pathologists, and speech therapist Speech - when to resort to the help of a doctor  Speech - when to resort to the help of a doctor
   help defeat the problems with memory, logic, building speech and swallowing.

Depending on the desire, you can consult with other specialists. Your doctor will help navigate to the extent of recovery.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

The duration of the recovery period,

Recovering from a stroke - a tough process for any patient. Some people have experienced very light stroke, recovered quickly, but for the majority of surviving this long process of recovery capabilities can take years.

Although the biggest achievements taking place in the first three months after a stroke, patients still need to continue to restore some of the functions with the help of daily exercise.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

The risk of depression after stroke

Many people get depressed after a stroke. Consult your doctor about the symptoms of depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . Depression after stroke is often caused by the body's biochemical reactions. It is also a natural reaction to the losses caused by the stroke. No matter what the reason, but the treatment is necessary.

Fortunately, modern medicine has many methods for the treatment of depression Treatment of depression - pills needed  Treatment of depression - pills needed
 From medication to counseling.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

Preparations for the treatment and side effects

A stroke is often a result of the emergence of platelets in the blood, so your doctor may prescribe anticoagulants or antitromobtsitnye drugs known as raszhizhiteli blood. This will help prevent further strokes. It may be necessary administration of drugs that lower blood pressure or cholesterol level, reducing the correct functioning of the heart or assist in diabetes.

Discuss with your doctor the value of all the items of medical treatment, ask about possible side effects and interactions with other drugs. To accurately follow the treatment, you can make a table taking the drugs.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

When to call the doctor

It is necessary to discuss with the doctor the symptoms that require immediate intervention specialists. Nevertheless, as soon as you notice the symptoms of recurrent stroke, you should immediately call a doctor. Delays are not permitted, as in this situation, every second counts.

Symptoms of recurrent stroke

  • sudden numbness, paralysis, weakness of one side of the body;
  • sudden dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Trouble walking, loss of balance and coordination;
  • sudden change of perception;
  • salivation pronunciation and indistinct;
  • sudden and sharp headache that is different from the usual and has no reason.

 Restoration and rehabilitation after stroke - ten important issues

Where can I get support for people who have had a stroke

Perhaps the city has a club of people who have had a stroke or a health recovery center that provides support to victims. Consult your doctor on the matter - he will share information and advise you where to turn.

Article Tags:
  • stroke
