The radial nerve - is a long radial nerve plexus innervating the muscles of the back surface of the hand, the skin surface of the lower half posteroexternal shoulder, forearm and hand. This mixed nerve which comprises a motor and sensory nerve fibers. Among the nerves of the hand radial nerve is affected more than others.
Reasons for radial nerve entrapment
The radial nerve is restrained mostly in wounds and fractures of the shoulder, sometimes the forearm, while squeezing the nerve in his sleep
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Especially while intoxicated (sleep paralysis, drunk paralysis), when walking on crutches (spike paralysis), with long-lasting hold hands to the operating table during surgery under general anesthesia, as well as in long-term compression of medical instruments (hooks) during the operation at the point of passage of the nerve.
The nerve can also be diminished tumor located in the surrounding tissues or own a benign tumor
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nerve (neuroma). Malignant tumors of the radial nerve are extremely rare.
Infringement of the radial nerve can be primary (due to injuries, crushing its own tumor) and secondary (with the involvement of nerve scarring, squeezing his tumor that develops in the surrounding tissues, tissue edema, plaster cast).
If the infringement of the radial nerve in the arm extensor function falls shoulder, forearm and hand. Forearm is bent towards the shoulder, wrist droops, and the fingers are half-bent position.
Upset sensitivity observed infringement of the radial nerve at the back of the shoulder, forearm, on the rear half of the radial brush (big toe side) adjacent to the hand and the middle phalanx I, II and part III fingers. Through connections with other nerve disorders, these much smaller area of the zone of innervation of the skin.
If the infringement of the radial nerve in the middle and lower third of the shoulder and the upper third of the forearm function triceps muscle stored appears paralyzed extensor digitorum only phalanges adjacent to the brush and extension of the middle and end phalanges partially preserved through the work intercostals muscles.
Depending on where the infringement could be affected, and triceps. If it affects the nerve in the wrist affected the final branch of the radial nerve, which contains a lot of vegetative fibers (they innervate the blood vessels), in connection with which there is swelling, cold and blue back of the hand. Pain while extremely rare.
The procedure for recovering the function of the muscles in the regeneration of the radial nerve is the following: the extensors of the hand, the common extensor digitorum, longus, abductor thumb.
When the extensor paralysis may also suffer wrist flexor function, which often leads to misdiagnosis simultaneous destruction of median and ulnar nerves, so it is important to clarify the diagnosis by means of special tests.
Test first. Both hands palms close to each other so that all the fingers of the same name came in contact. When the distance fingers good hand from the fingers on the side of the patient affected nerve is marked palmar flexion of the fingers.
The second test. At the request of a doctor or to shake hands with his fingers into a fist enhanced flexion posture droops brush.
Treatment of radial nerve entrapment depends on the reason he was called. It can be conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment aims to restore nerve stimulation and pain. Used drugs, relieves swelling of the surrounding tissues, vitamin B
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, Drugs that prevent the development of scars (eg lidasa) painkillers.
Widely used physiotherapy (painkillers and stimulates regeneration of the nerve), massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture
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. In the absence of signs of recovery within two months of surgery performed (neurolysis, nerve trunk cross-linking).
When you break the nerve surgery is performed - the nerve sutured. The operation required and the tumor, causing a pinched nerve - the tumor was removed under a rising pain and symptoms of loss of nerve function. Often held neurolysis - nerve allocation of scars in order to improve conditions for its restoration and operation. Work is also neyrorafiya (accurate comparison of nerve ends and stapling using microneurosurgical equipment).
Infringement of the radial nerve are very common, so the main thing - time to pay attention to the first manifestations of the disease and seek medical advice.
Galina Romanenko