Entrapment of the trigeminal nerve - can be accompanied by severe pain

February 10, 2012

 jamming the trigeminal nerve
 Trigeminal nerve - Mixed nerve, which is composed of motor, sensory and autonomic branches. This is the fifth pair of cranial nerves, which departs from the nuclei in the brain and gives the three main branches - the eye (especially sensitive), maxillary (sensitive) and mandibular (mixed, consisting of sensory and motor nerves). In each of the three branches is and autonomic nerves.

 Entrapment of the trigeminal nerve - can be accompanied by severe pain

The cause of the jamming of the trigeminal nerve

Entrapment of the trigeminal nerve may occur against a background of inflammation in the surrounding tissue. But more often it happens in traumatic nerve damage, such as a fractured skull, jaw injuries, operations on the upper or lower jaw, the maxillary sinus surgery, performed incorrectly anesthesia, removal of foreign bodies from the mouth, esophagus and upper respiratory tract. Quite often, the trigeminal nerve injury occurs during dental procedures: remove or dental treatment, dentoalveolar prosthesis, dental implants Dental implants: how to make a smile "Hollywood"?  Dental implants: how to make a smile "Hollywood"?

 Entrapment of the trigeminal nerve - can be accompanied by severe pain


The main feature is the infringement of the trigeminal nerve pain. Pain can be of different intensity, they occur in areas that are innervated by the affected nerve branches, accompanied by disturbances of skin sensitivity to these same regions and much less - movement disorders that may occur in the muscles of the lower jaw.

Pain may be small, growing or very intense in the form of attacks ("beats like an electric shock"). Sometimes they are aching in nature and are accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the lower teeth, lower lip and chin on the side where the infringement occurred. The nature of pain can be constant, intermittent (that is amplified, then weakens). Significant infringement may be accompanied by paresis of the masticatory muscles and lockjaw (long convulsive contraction of the masticatory muscles, which manifests teeth clenching). During lockjaw patient can not eat, drink and talk. Violated the sensitivity of the oral mucosa with the relevant parties.

There may be symptoms of infringement of individual branches of nerves extending from the three main branches - the mental, lingual, buccal, upper alveolar, palatal nerves. Infringement of the mental nerve disorders accompanied by a crawling sensation in the body tingling and decreased tactile (by touching) the sensitivity of the lower lip and chin, as well as pain on the affected side. At the same time the full restoration of sensitivity sometimes occurs.

If the infringement of the trigeminal nerve disorders occur various autonomic functions. This is due to the fact that in each of the main branch of the trigeminal nerve extend acceding thereto autonomic fibers. Infringement of these fibers leads to disorders of the lacrimal, salivary, sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as blood circulation in the affected area. As a result, you may experience changes such as dryness of the eyes, ulceration of the cornea, ulceration in the nasolabial folds and the area of ​​the wing of the nose, a violation of salivation.

 Entrapment of the trigeminal nerve - can be accompanied by severe pain

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of infringement of the trigeminal nerve and its branches established on the basis of the characteristic symptoms of the disease and an additional survey data in the form of electric pulp test (EDI - checked electroexcitability soft tissue of the tooth, with the infringement of the trigeminal nerve is reduced EDI) electroneurogram (ENG), computer and magnetic resonance tomography.

Treatment of infringements of the trigeminal nerve The trigeminal nerve and its defeat: what happens in the body?  The trigeminal nerve and its defeat: what happens in the body?
   traumatic origin often held conservative. When painful forms of conduct medication (pain relievers, vitamins B B vitamins: the body useful helpers  B vitamins: the body useful helpers
 ATP), physiotherapy. But in some cases, if medical treatment is not effective, and continuing severe pain, surgery is carried out, for example, excision of the nerve and laying between the ends of nerve pieces of muscles, preventing recovery of the nerve. Surgical treatment is carried out in the case, if there is compression of the nerve growing tumor.

If the trigeminal nerve disadvantaged in injury fragments of bone filling material and other relevant cases, it is necessary to release him. To this end, various operations are carried out. Sometimes, when the infringement of major branches of the trigeminal nerve neurolysis performed - allocation Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   nerve from scar to improve the conditions of its recovery.

At all stages of treatment are widely used physiotherapy. Please electrophoresis with analgesics and heat treatments, then electrical stimulation. In the recovery period prescribed physiotherapy.

In all cases of violation of the trigeminal nerve is conducted dental health.

To be repeated recurrences of pain, the patient is advised to avoid overcooling and overheating of the head, emotional overload, promptly treat any infections in the head.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pinched nerve

Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach

April 18, 2010

  • Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach
  • Causes

 Stuttering - a speech disorder characterized by frequent repetition or prolongation of sounds, syllables, or words, or by frequent stops and missing syllables. People suffering from stuttering, know what they want to say but can not say the right words.

Stuttering is common among children, it is a normal step in the process of learning speech. However, in some cases, stuttering becomes chronic and steadily maintained until adulthood. Stuttering this type of negative impact on the self-esteem of man and his difficult relationships with others.

For the treatment of stuttering The treatment of stuttering - it is important to find the cause  The treatment of stuttering - it is important to find the cause
   in children and adults apply speech therapy and speech therapy, psychological counseling, and speech correction using electronic devices.

 Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach

Symptoms of stuttering

Symptoms of stuttering include:

  • difficulty in pronouncing the first letter of the word, beginning a sentence or phrase;
  • repetition of sounds, syllables or words;

Violations of speech stuttering may be accompanied by:

  • frequent and rapid blinking;
  • trembling lips, or jaw;
  • a sense of tension, stiffness, or movement of the face and upper body;

Stuttering may deteriorate if you are nervous, tired or under stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 And when you hesitate, hurry or feel psychological pressure. Particular difficulties in people with stuttering, causing telephone conversations and speeches before an audience.

 Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach

When you need to see a doctor

Stuttering is normal for children aged 2 to 5 years. In most cases the child is a natural step in the process of mastering speech and usually goes away without any intervention. However, sustainable stuttering may require special treatment.

Record your child to the doctor if stuttering:

  • It lasts more than six months;
  • quickens;
  • accompanied by stress or stiffness of the facial muscles;
  • accompanied by a mimic or gestures;
  • It affects the child's learning and interaction with other people;
  • It is a source of psychological stress causes fear or makes the child to avoid situations in which you need to talk;
  • It continues after 5 years, or appears when the child begins to read aloud in school.

Adults should seek help if stuttering causes stress or anxiety, affect self-esteem, career or relationships. Consult a physician or speech therapist Speech - when to resort to the help of a doctor  Speech - when to resort to the help of a doctor
 Or get a specialized treatment program for stuttering in adults.

 Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach

What Mauger cause stuttering?

Stuttering can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • normal development of speech skills. Young children stutter when their language skills and language skills are underdeveloped and do not allow us to express what they want to say (that is, it "falls short" of thinking). Most children outgrow stuttering for four years.
  • hereditary diseases of the brain. Stuttering is often hereditary. Scientists attribute this to the fact that stuttering occurs due to an inherited (genetic) disorders in the language centers of the brain.
  • stroke or traumatic brain injury. In some cases, stuttering occurs as a result of stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
 , Traumatic brain injury or other damage to the brain.
  • mental disorders. In individual cases, the cause of stuttering can be a strong psychological trauma or thought disorders. First it was thought that the scope of psychological disorders are a major cause of stuttering, but now know that's not true.

The exact cause of stuttering is unknown. It is unclear why the majority of people who stutter speak without hesitation, when they can not hear or they sing.

 Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach

Risk factors

Factors that increase the risk of stuttering include:

  • the presence of relatives suffering from stuttering. Stuttering - an inherited disorder of speech.
  • developmental delays in young children. Children who have marked delay in development or other cognitive problems are more susceptible to risk of stuttering.
  • floor. Men are more likely to stutter than women.
  • stress. The high level of parental expectations, or other pressures may aggravate stuttering or contribute to its development in the presence of other prerequisites.

 Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach


Stuttering can lead to:

  • low self-esteem;
  • social isolation (the person tries to avoid situations requiring verbal communication);
  • psychological trauma (if the child laugh and mock);
  • Social anxiety disorder.

 Stuttering - when you need a comprehensive approach


If your child stutters, a therapist or a speech therapist will ask a few questions about his health, asked when he started to stutter in some situations aggravated stuttering. Then the doctor will talk with your child, ask him to read aloud to see how the child's speech, when he reproduces word.

Adults doctor asks more questions to determine exactly what the speech disorder. Also, the doctor will ask how stuttering affect relations, school performance, career and other areas of your life, as well as an interest, whether causes stuttering stress. The doctor will want to know what the patient is already correction methods used in the past to determine the appropriate course of treatment.
