- Tenoten - application: a complete victory over stress
- pharmachologic effect
Tenoten - a homeopathic remedy with a soothing, restoring normal mood and mental function of brain activity. Furthermore, it protects the brain from various toxic effects - free radicals alcohol. Tenoten makes the body more resistant to stress, reduces anxiety
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How does tenoten
Tenoten includes brain-specific antibodies to S-100 protein in the ultra-low doses. S-100 protein helps the body adapt to stress conditions
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. The impact on his ultra-low doses of antibodies slightly changes his job, enhancing its involvement in the regulation of the exchange of information and processes in the brain. Tenoten zone capable of limiting the brain damage, as further partially or completely (depending on the degree of damage) to restore the brain.
Due to such wide possibilities tenoten found use in the treatment of various diseases.
Application tenoten in treating neurological disorders
Tenoten prescribed for a variety of neurological disorders associated with cerebral ischemia. For example, when Pre-stroke condition. Admission tenoten in this case contributes to the restoration of the central nervous system, which depends on the work and blood vessels. Removed increased anxiety, improved mood, performance appears. All this contributes to improving the underlying disease.
After a stroke, the central nervous system and blood circulation is gradually recovering. Tenoten at this time limits the area of brain damage, preventing the spreading of ischemia. It is often after a stroke are neurological consequences in the form of paresis and sensory disturbances. Tenoten in the complex treatment contributes to a more rapid elimination of such effects. He also contributes to the restoration of memory and intellectual abilities.
Assign tenoten and recovery after traumatic brain injury, which often lead to an organic (restructured) brain lesions. Patients with such lesions frequently violated intellect and character changes - they become sticky, suspicious, very irritable. Tenoten smoothes all rough edges of character such patients, making them more relaxed, tolerant and slightly recovers intelligence.
Application tenoten in the treatment of chronic alcoholism
Alcoholism - a heavy defeat metabolism, which is accompanied by severe intoxication. The changes can occur in all internal organs, but especially - in the liver and brain. Changes in the brain in chronic alcoholism may be very different in nature, often leads to chronic intoxication with organic brain lesions similar to traumatic injury.
Characteristic of patients with chronic alcoholism is a violation of the individual in the form of severe irritable nature, suspicion, often passing into delirium, for example, in the delirium of jealousy, persecutory delusions, delusions of permanent violation of rights. With such patients is very difficult to communicate at work, at home, they become unbearable.
Tenoten chronic alcoholism can take long courses as part of a treatment - it is combined with any drugs. Tenoten relieves irritability
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, Depression, anxiety, calms and tones slightly, returning patients with chronic alcoholism performance. Since tenoten not induce sleep, it is quite possible to use during the day, including patients who are engaged in work which requires high concentration of attention.
In the initial stages of chronic alcoholism tenoten able to reduce cravings for alcohol patients by soothing tonic and light.
Of course, tenoten not cure organic brain lesions, but to improve the condition of patients with chronic alcoholism, he is quite able.
Application tenoten the treatment of children
Available special children tenoten that is assigned to three years. Assign it with the effects of perinatal (28 weeks of pregnancy to 7 days after birth) lesions of the central nervous system, neurotic disorders (disorders of functional nature) in children. These children are easily excitable, sometimes aggressive, often with difficulty concentrate their attention that interfere with learning, they suffer from the memory, and sometimes intelligence.
Tenoten in this case is also assigned in the complex therapy. But in contrast to other psychotropic drugs
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it can take quite long courses without harm to the child.