Symptoms of meningitis: treat only in the hospital - Rash

November 2, 2013

  • Symptoms of meningitis: treat only in hospital
  • Signs
  • Rash
  • Meningeal syndrome

 rash with meningitis

The rash of meningitis

Diagnosis of meningitis - inflammation of the lining of the brain - is complicated by the fact that often the first symptoms of meningitis are very similar to symptoms of other diseases (eg, ordinary flu or colds). Many children develop meningitis at an early stage accompanied by nonspecific symptoms - for example, a general sense of malaise.

Among the first symptoms of meningitis, which often can be confused with symptoms of other diseases include fever, fatigue, a feeling of malaise. However, the three main symptoms of meningitis that appear first, often until the classic symptoms include:

  • Pain in the legs - sometimes sharp so that the child can not stand or walk
  • Cold hands or feet - even if the child has a high temperature
  • Pale or bluish skin in the area around the lips


Rash - the main symptom of meningitis

Typical rash - a common symptom of bacterial meningitis Bacterial meningitis - the reasons for the spread of infection  Bacterial meningitis - the reasons for the spread of infection
 , Meningococcal disease Meningococcal disease: the danger you need to know in person  Meningococcal disease: the danger you need to know in person
 . The color can be red rashes or purpunymi. First, in some areas of the body there are small lesions that grow and can look like small bruises, a large number appearing on the body. When you click on such a rash they do not fade away (as opposed to other forms of rash). The rash - a sign of septicemia, a bacterial infection of the blood, often develop on the background of bacterial meningitis. If a bacterial infection has led to a meningitis as an independent disease rash may not be.

Other symptoms of meningitis in infants include:

  • Constant crying, often shrill, sharp, not like a normal baby crying
  • Rapid shallow breathing
  • Increased body temperature, which is accompanied by a shudder, the appearance of pallor, cyanosis of the skin around the lips, cold hands and feet.
  • Refusal to feed, vomiting
  • Irritability
  • Lethargy, drowsiness
  • In some cases - bulging fontanelle, kolvulsii (convulsions).

In older children and adults may experience the following symptoms of meningitis:

  • High body temperature, trembling - even hands and feet remain cold
  • Stiffness of the neck muscles
  • Headaches are aggravated with time
  • Rapid breathing
  • The pain, the feeling of aching muscles and joints
  • Pale, in some cases - cyanosis of the skin
  • Intolerance of bright light
  • In some cases - vomiting, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms


The development of the symptoms of meningitis

Very often, the symptoms of meningitis develop quickly, within just a few hours - or, sometimes slowly, over several days. In most cases, the first symptoms of meningitis are very similar to symptoms of other diseases and do not allow to recognize the serious illness - for example, fever, headaches, vomiting may occur with other viral infections, flu Influenza - expect the unexpected but always  Influenza - expect the unexpected but always

Gliatilin - stimulates memory - Nootropy

January 14th, 2010

  • Gliatilin - stimulates memory
  • Nootropy


Nootropy - it's drugs, which have an impact on higher functions of the brain. They activate intellectual activity, improve memory, enhance learning and the harmful effects, improve communication between the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. These drugs are not addictive and addiction, so apply a long-term treatments. The first was a nootropic piracetam (Nootropil), produced in 1970. Currently available are a number of neuroprotective drugs, including those which have the ability to provide a central cholinomimetic action.

The whole nervous system comprises nerve cells - neurons, which are connected to each other by synapses. The synapses of the nerve impulses are transmitted from neuron to using chemical transmitters (neurotransmitters). One of these neurotransmitters is acetylcholine, and synapses, for which it serves as a mediator, called cholinergic. Drugs that enhance the transmission of impulses in the cholinergic synapses, called holinomimetikami. Holinomimetiki centrally acting enhance transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system.

 Nootropy | Gliatilin - stimulates memory

The mechanism of action gliatilin

Gliatilin (INN - choline alfostserat) - a neuroprotective drugs belonging to holinomimetikami central action. Available Italian pharmaceutical company "Italfarmako." The analogue gliatilin producing domestic company "Verafarm" called Cerepro.

Once in the body, gliatilin absorbed into the blood and into the brain where enzymatically decomposed into choline and glycerophosphate. Choline is a component of acetylcholine and is involved in its synthesis, thereby increasing the speed of transfer of excitation in the nerve synapse. Glycerophosphate improves metabolic processes in nerve cells.

Gliatilin relieves mood instability, irritability, weakness and indifference. It stimulates intellectual activity, and particularly memory. It increases blood flow to the affected side in stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
 , Thereby contributing to a faster recovery of the affected brain tissue. Positive effect on behavioral and cognitive abilities in patients with age-related mental disorders, including those with dementia. Therefore, it is prescribed for the treatment of traumatic brain injury, stroke and other brain lesions.

Gliatilin output through the lungs (in the form of carbon dioxide), kidneys and intestines.

 Nootropy | Gliatilin - stimulates memory

In some cases, prescribe

Gliatilin apply:

  • in traumatic brain injury;
  • in ischemic stroke (eating disorders of brain tissue from pressure or spasm of the blood vessels);
  • with changes in intellectual abilities after injury, illness or with chronic cerebral circulatory disorders (eg, atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease of the arteries  Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease of the arteries
   or hypertension);
  • at the age of mental changes (impaired memory, thinking, mood, and so on);
  • Huntington's chorea (a genetic disorder of the nervous system Diseases of the nervous system - the basic classification  Diseases of the nervous system - the basic classification
 Which manifests itself in violation of movements and mental disorders).

 Nootropy | Gliatilin - stimulates memory

Contraindications for the purpose gliatilin and side effects when used

Gliatilin contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
 Despite the fact that the studies showed that the drug has no adverse effects on the fetus.

Side effects when taking gliatilin can manifest itself in the form of nausea. It does not violate the motor activity and does not cause drowsiness, therefore is not suitable for driving transport and all work requiring the coordination of movements.

Gliatilin, like all other nootropics, low-toxic drug that can be used so long courses. It is produced as a solution in ampoules and capsules for oral administration. In the acute phase of treatment administered as intravenous or intramuscular injection, and then go to the reception of the drug inside. The course of treatment usually lasts from three to six months.

When used properly, nootropic drugs can significantly restore the violated intellectual abilities. But nootropics are different, and their individual use only on prescription can benefit.

Article Tags:
  • gliatilin
