- Blue Devils - alcohol starts and wins
- How does this happen
What is alcoholism
Alcoholism - a chronic disease, not a behavioral disorder, as many believe. Thus as a result of the toxic effects of alcohol on cells and tissue metabolism varies
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And this state remains for ever, return to the metabolic processes in the initial state failed anyone yet. Therefore, a person who formed such a condition (alcohol dependence) has only two options: either to drink more and move into more severe stages of the disease with lesions of the internal organs and the brain, or not drink at all - in this case, if complications do not exist, man remains perfectly normal and socially adapted. But if (even a few years of abstinence) he will use alcohol, all the symptoms of chronic alcoholism immediate return (alcohol in contact with such a person it is always him win).
The Hangover
One sign of a fully formed alcohol dependence
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a hangover or withdrawal. Abstinence syndrome is that after 8-10 hours after cessation of drinking the patient has sudden sweating, chills, shaking hands (or whole body), headache, nausea, etc. The treatment is simple: you need to drink, because the body needs alcohol. This is a dependency. Hangover - it is an absolute sign of alcoholism.
delirium tremens
Delirium tremens or delirium tremens occurs against a background of hangover after a long binge drinking. Statistics show that of all the people who suffer from chronic alcoholism, 10-12% at least once suffered delirium tremens. Appears delirium gradually, usually 2-3 hours after discontinuation of alcohol, when a person completely sober. Initially, there is anxiety
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, Restlessness, mood variability. Then joins irrational fear, which gradually increases and becomes permanent. Appear first illusions, such as the shadows begin to move and acquire a strange shape. This state first held only in the evening and night, and the day passes, there is only anxiety, but these symptoms gradually increase. Then there are visual and auditory hallucinations, that is something that is not true. Hallucinations become permanent with possible minor enlightened consciousness. A feature of delirium tremens is that no matter how strange hallucinations in a patient may be, no matter where he traveled, no matter who pursued, he always knows who he really is and what is his name, which means it is always oriented in the self . This tremens differs, for example, psychosis in schizophrenia.
Hallucinations in delirium tremens are very bright, long-lasting, with a certain sense: the persecution of monsters, bandits and so on. The patient sees and hears very real images, talking with them, resist them, sometimes taking as pursuers of their loved ones. The consequences can be the most tragic.
If at this time to talk to patients, for example, about his life, hallucinations at the time of retreat and then come back again. Questions can cause false recognition of a person to get to see that on a clean sheet of paper something written in the silent handset someone says, and so on.
Some patients suffer delirium tremens several times, and then in moments of enlightenment consciousness they understand what is happening and try to get to the hospital.
Delirium lasts 3-4 days and more passes and after many hours of sleep, after which the patient often does not remember anything. Heavy delirium tremens may go into a coma, and result in death of the patient (mortality up to 5%).
Atypical forms
Delirium tremens may proceed for several hours, with no occurrence of hallucinations accompanied by disturbance of orientation in the environment (abortifacient delirium).
When hypnagogic delirium (occurs during sleep) content of dreams
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It resembles delirium tremens (part animal, and adventure themes chase scenes, car chases, salvation). Sometimes this is a precursor of this delirium deployed delirium tremens.
Treatment of delirium tremens is carried out only in the hospital. Psychotropic drugs are used to remove the excitement, anxiety and induce sleep, as in most cases after a long sleep medication recovery occurs (primarily used drugs with a pronounced calming effect).
Remember! If a person has formed a hangover, then the termination of another long binge could begin delirium tremens.
Galina Romanenko