Aktovegin: instruction - rules on the use of the drug

November 21 2011

 Aktovegin - a drug which is obtained from the blood of calves by its ultrafiltration, so the active physiological effects on the body aktovegin almost no contraindications. Aktovegin contains only physiological components, a third of which are organic compounds (peptides, amino acids, intermediates of carbohydrate and fat metabolism), in its composition there is also necessary for the metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   salts and trace elements, the intermediate products of metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the elements of cell membranes and glikosfinogolipidy. One of the physiological constituents aktovegina - phosphoryl inositol oligosaccharides having insulin-like action, whereby the drug is widely used to enhance the intracellular utilization of glucose. The molecular weight of the organic components aktovegina - less than 6000 Daltons.

 Aktovegin: instruction - rules on the use of the drug


Active substances increase in the composition aktovegina pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and stimulate the metabolism in cells by increasing the transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, increasing their intracellular deposit (insulin-like effect). These processes lead to an acceleration of the metabolism of adenosine triphosphate and increase energy cells. Under the conditions that restrict the normal functions of the energy metabolism and increased energy consumption, aktovegin stimulates energy processes functional metabolism (the process of metabolism in the body) and anabolism (the process of assimilation of substances by the body). A secondary effect is to increase the blood supply.

 Aktovegin: instruction - rules on the use of the drug


Acute toxicity: Acute toxicity test in mice of both sexes showed that 50% lethal dose was aktovegina:

  • when administered intravenously: 2, 31 g / kg body weight;
  • with intraperitoneal administration of 2, 97 g / kg body weight;
  • subcutaneously: 5, 57 g / kg body weight;
  • by oral administration: 7, 93 g / kg body weight.

Subacute (sub-chronic) toxicity: Experiments in female rabbits demonstrated the absence of any organic macro- and microscopic lesions in comparison with the animals in the control group after intravenous administration of 20% aktovegina once a day (dose 7 ml per kg body weight) for 7 days for three months. Aktovegin toxic for pregnant women, it does not affect the development of the embryo and the female fertility. In applying the drug practically no adverse reactions (mutagenic, carcinogenic or teratogenic) and complications.

 Aktovegin: instruction - rules on the use of the drug


Aktovegin - is liberated from the protein extract of calf blood (gemodializat). Since this is not mono-component drug spend it pharmacokinetic study difficult. However, a number of pharmacological studies in animals gives some idea of ​​the pharmacokinetics aktovegina: study susceptibility to glucose in rats showed that the blood glucose level begins to decrease within five minutes after intravenous administration of the drug, and the peak effect of the drug has reached 180 minutes after administration. For parenteral administration of the drug, this figure improves to 15 minutes.

 Aktovegin: instruction - rules on the use of the drug


Aktovegin indicated for use in the following cases:

  • at metabolic and vascular disorders on the part of the brain, such as ischemic stroke, the recovery period of hemorrhagic stroke;
  • in peripheral arterial and venous vascular disorders and their consequences (eg, arterial angiopathy);
  • for wound healing (including postoperative), ulcers, bedsores (necrosis of tissue caused by prolonged pressure on them by lying down);
  • in plastic surgery and skin lesions;
  • for burns of different origin;
  • for the treatment and prevention of radiation damage organs and tissues;
  • trophic disorders (eating disorders of the skin) with varicose veins (veins changes, characterized by uneven increase in their lumen to form a diverticulum wall due to dysfunction of the valve apparatus);
  • when damage to the cornea (the clear covering of the eye) and sclera (opacity of the eye) in the corneal burns (acids, alkalis, lime);
  • Corneal ulcers of various origin and keratitis (corneal inflammation), including post-transplant (transplant) cornea;
  • when corneal abrasions in people with contact lenses;
  • for the prevention of lesions in the selection of contact lenses in patients with degenerative processes in the cornea;

 Aktovegin: instruction - rules on the use of the drug

Action aktovegina

Glucose transport:

  • Phosphorus-oligosaccharides composed aktovegina inositol has a positive effect on the activity of glucose transporter (GLUT1) in the plasma membrane;
  • aktovegin enhances the delivery of glucose Glucose: The energy source  Glucose: The energy source
   in brain and muscle tissue.

Disposal of glucose:

  • Phosphorus-oligosaccharides in the composition of inositol aktovegina causes oxidation of glucose;
  • phosphoryl inositol oligosaccharides composed aktovegina indirectly affects the citric acid, which leads to the accelerated formation of acetyl-coenzyme A

Disposal of oxygen and energy metabolism:

  • aktovegin Aktovegin - without fear of negative consequences  Aktovegin - without fear of negative consequences
   improves the respiratory capacity of the mitochondria;
  • aktovegin improves the utilization of oxygen in dogs under anesthesia;
  • aktovegin beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the brain tissue of rats with hypoxia.

 Aktovegin: instruction - rules on the use of the drug

Security aktovegina

Manufacturer aktovegina pharmaceutical company Nycomed, ensures that the product is absolutely safe for human health. It has almost no side effects and does not cause complications. Security products for human use is determined by the following factors:

Animals as a raw material for the drug: the most suitable sources of raw materials for the drug come from countries where there is no epidemic of BSE in cattle (mad cow disease), and where there are control standards adopted by the international community. It is also possible to use raw materials from countries with a low level of BSE in cattle. The blood of calves used as the main component aktovegina obtained from calves born, reared and slaughtered in Australia, because Australia OIE recognized a country where there is no epidemic of BSE in cattle and scrapie, and where applicable global standards of quality control.

Parts of bodies and body fluids of animals used as raw material: there are four categories of tissues and body fluids of animals according to their level of safety for humans (I category = high level of danger (the brain of animals), IV category = low level of danger is not harmful for humans (milk and animal blood). Raw materials for aktovegina - the blood of calves, which belongs to the most secure category IV.

Age animals, the young age of the animals, which is extracted raw materials - a very important safety factor. Blood is taken for the production of aktovegina calves up to six months, only eat vegetarian food. Moreover, the manufacturer can trace each batch aktovegina a particular calf. Also known information about the mother of each calf.

Technology of production of the drug involves destruction or deactivation of carriers transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Production Technology aktovegina involves the destruction of potential vectors of infectious spongiform encephalopathy in the blood of calves.

Risk analysis system PhPMA, showed that aktovegin completely safe to human health and may not contain a virus transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Moreover, aktovegin - a highly efficient biological products, which confirmed the safety of long-term use in medicine. Medicinal properties aktovegina are such that he can not be replaced with chemicals.

Before applying aktovegina consult a doctor. Contraindications aktovegina can be hypersensitivity to the drug. During breastfeeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   aktovegina use undesirable.

Article Tags:
  • aktovegin
