- Neuralgia - the scourge of the elderly
- The reason for its occurrence
What is the cause of neuralgia and its origin
Neuralgia - is pain spreading along the nerve trunk or its branches, often accompanied by increased sensitivity of the skin in the area of innervation of this nerve.
In most cases neuralgia is the initial stage of peripheral nerve or root (nerve exit site of the central nervous system). The cause of neuralgia - trauma, intoxication internal or external poisons, infectious and allergic diseases, metabolic disorders. A significant role in the occurrence of prolonged neuralgia belongs microtrauma (small injuries) nerve on exertion, especially in combination with hypothermia.
Neuralgia can occur when infectious diseases (brucellosis, herpes zoster, tuberculosis, and so on), some infectious and allergic diseases (such as multiple sclerosis), autoimmune processes (allergy to the body's own tissues), heavy metal poisoning, bacterial toxins, certain medications . The causes of neuralgia are poisons produced by the patient's own body in certain diseases of the kidneys, liver, malignant tumors.
Some importance in the origin of neuralgia have alcoholism, diabetes
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, The metabolism of B vitamins (most often occurs with ulcers and inflammation of the intestine), atherosclerosis, anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Common features
The leading symptom is the appearance of neuralgia pain shooting, stabbing, burning character arising paroxysmal and disappears completely after the attack. In some types of neuralgia pain may be ongoing with periodic exacerbations. Location of pain corresponds to a particular nerve innervation area.
The attack pain may occur after physical or emotional stress, exposure to cold. Sometimes these attacks occur at night (niktalgiya) or during sleep
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(hypnalgia). Neuralgia attacks may be accompanied by local disturbances in the form of redness and swelling of the skin, sweating disorder, severe pain - fainting.
Vertebrogenic neuralgia
Vertebrogenic neuralgia occurs in lesions of spinal nerves extending from the spine (myelitis). Manifestations of it depends on the level of the lesion of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar). The disease appears suddenly emerging (often after physical exertion or hypothermia) pain along the spinal cord, muscle tension, forced position of the trunk and extremities.
And intercostal neuralgia costoclavicular
As a result of the injury neurovascular formations in costoclavicular gap appears symptom Falconer - Weddell, which occurs in the elderly or obese young people is manifested by numbness of the skin, the appearance of tingling in the affected area, pain along the nerve, the decline in muscles of the hand and forearm, and venous congestion (edema) in your hand.
Intercostal neuralgia may be associated with different processes in the spine (such as disc herniation, or severe scoliosis), extension (aneurysm) aortic various diseases of the chest cavity. At the same time, pain along the intercostal nerves of a permanent nature, aggravated by movement and coughing. Appear on the skin in terms of increased sensitivity and pain points in place of an exit to the surface of the intercostal nerves.
Neuralgia of the cranial nerves
Cranial nerve tissue connecting the head and neck to the brain. When trigeminal neuralgia
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pain and jerking occur in masticatory and facial muscles.
For neuralgia glossopharyngeal nerve characterized by paroxysmal pain and muscle spasms in the throat, tonsils, base of the tongue, the ear with the changes of taste. When trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves are so-called trigger points - small (5 mm in diameter) skin on the face, neck, oral mucosa, on the tongue, light touch which provokes pain attack. With strong pressure on these areas of possible termination of an attack. Immediately after the attack trigger points disappear.
Treatment of neuralgia
Given that the neuralgia often occur in elderly patients, in need of treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases that can provoke the appearance of pain. To improve the supply of affected nerves and surrounding tissues prescribe vitamins B1, B12, E, and physiotherapy.
In the acute phase of the disease to relieve pain are appointed by means of blocking skin receptors (then pain signals simply do not reach the skin and the pain does not occur), distracting drugs - products containing bee and snake venom, procaine blockade, thermal procedures, anesthetics, blockade Kurkova areas with physiotherapy treatments (diadynamic currents). When trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves are also prescribed anticonvulsants. If conservative treatment is ineffective, it is carried out directly analgesia (alcoholism) or transection of the nerve trunks of sensitive nerve fibers.
Beyond acute treatment recommended sulfide, radon baths, mud
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and physiotherapy.