Insomnia - constant companion stress
March 26, 2007
- Insomnia - constant companion stress
- Advice
- Treatment
Insomnia is a disorder that is characterized by difficulty in falling asleep at night, recurrent awakenings during the night, and inability to sleep after that, or both, and others. Insomniacs usually feels refreshed and rested after sleep, and he has to exert considerable effort to work normally during the day. Insomnia can affect not only on the energy level and mood, but also on his health, productivity, and quality of life.
Insomnia usually causes the following symptoms:
- Inability to sleep at night;
- Frequent awakening during the night;
- Too early awakening;
- Lack of feeling good rest after a night's sleep;
- Fatigue or sleepiness during the day;
- Irritability, depression and anxiety;
- Difficulty concentrating;
- Increasing the number of errors in operation;
- Headache;
- The problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- Constant anxiety associated with sleep.
A person suffering from insomnia, it may take thirty minutes or more to fall asleep. As a result, he can sleep less than six hours per night for several nights a week, which had a negative impact on the most people.
The most common causes of insomnia are:
- Stress. Concerns about work, school, health, family or other problems can cause the brain to work at night, causing difficulty in falling asleep. Severe events, such as death or illness of a loved one, divorce or job loss can also lead to insomnia.
- Anxiety is about daily activities, as well as more serious anxiety disorders may disrupt normal sleep.
- Depression. This disorder can cause both excessive sleep and insomnia. This is probably due to a chemical imbalance in the brain, which is accompanied by depression. Insomnia is often a symptom of other disorders associated with mental health.
- Medications. Many prescription drugs can disrupt sleep; These include some antidepressants, medicines used to treat hypertension and heart disease, Allergy medications, corticosteroids. Many OTC drugs, including some pain relievers, decongestants and drugs for weight loss, caffeine and other stimulants that can cause insomnia. Antihistamines can cause frequent urination, including at night, which also contributes to the development of insomnia.
- Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. Coffee, tea, cola and other drinks containing caffeine are known stimulants. Drinking coffee in the afternoon and later can not give you sleep at night. Nicotine - is also one of the stimulant that can cause insomnia. Alcohol, though a sedative that can help you sleep, but it prevents the onset of deep sleep phase, and after drinking person often wakes up at night.
- Disease. Chronic pain, respiratory disorders, and / or frequent urination may contribute to insomnia. Among the disorders that can cause insomnia - Arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
Cancer, heart failure, lung disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), overactive thyroid, stroke, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Proper treatment of major diseases will help to cope with insomnia.
- Change the time zone and / or work schedule. Frequent travel to other time zones and work in different shifts can disrupt the circadian rhythm and, as a consequence, cause insomnia. Circadian rhythm - a kind of inner clock that control sleep cycles
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and wakefulness, metabolism and body temperature.
- Poor sleep hygiene. Habits, promotes good sleep is called sleep hygiene. The concept of bad sleep hygiene includes lack of habit to go to bed and get up at a certain time, stimulating activity before going to bed, use of bed for anything other than sleep and sex, uncomfortable conditions for sleep.
- "Assimilation" insomnia. This insomnia occurs when a person worries too much about good sleep and is trying very hard to sleep. Typically, these people are the best sleep for a book, watching television, even at work - in general, when they are not trying to fall asleep.
- Overeating late. A small snack before bed will not hurt, but overeating can cause severe discomfort as soon as you take a horizontal position, which is why it will be very difficult to sleep.
Risk factors:
- Paul. Women are more likely to suffer from insomnia than men. Very often this is due to hormonal fluctuations during menopause.
- Age. Most often complain of insomnia people over sixty years.
- Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety
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, Bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress
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and others, can cause insomnia.
- High stress, regardless of what caused it may lead to chronic insomnia.
Stroke - rehabilitation: how to regain health
January 27, 2011
- Stroke - rehabilitation: how to regain health
- The consequences and the measures taken
Stroke due to damage to certain areas of the brain can cause a number of serious consequences - from the lack of coordination and the ability to move up to the speech disorders. According to statistics, about sixty percent of the stroke - acute circulatory disorders in the brain - is needed rehabilitation.
What is needed rehabilitation
The main goal of stroke rehabilitation - not only to prevent repeated violation of cerebral circulation, but also the recovery of those abilities that have been violated as a result of a stroke. The victim of a stroke a person may need to relearn how to perform simple tasks, taking into account the time of immobility of one side of the body (paralysis of one side of the body - one of the most common effects of a stroke) - for example, to wash, to dress with one hand. Rehabilitation required in those cases when a stroke has led to damage to the speech centers of the brain and, therefore, disturbance of speech - aphasia. Whatever the consequences of stroke, rehabilitation always involves not only professionals but also patient - only on his patience, concentration, will depend on the degree of success of recovery after a stroke.
How to start rehabilitation after stroke
Rehabilitation therapy often starts immediately after the stabilization of stroke patients - often twenty-four - forty-eight hours after a stroke. The first stage of rehabilitation - restoration of motor abilities (stroke often causes paralysis of one side of the body or a substantial weakening of the body). At this stage of rehabilitation involves the simplest tasks - changing posture when in the horizontal position, trying to get up, walk a short distance with the help of a therapist or on your own. In the future, the problem is complicated, depending on the condition of the person who has had a stroke, and the consequences caused by cerebral ischemia.
Recovery of motor function
Paresis or paralysis of one side of the body - a common enough and one of the most severe effects of stroke
Stroke - consequences: recovery and treatment
. Violation of motor function as a result of a stroke caused by a significant weakening or paralysis of the muscles require long rehabilitation, the success of which depends on the patient's condition after stroke and intensity of rehabilitation therapy. Basic methods of rehabilitation after a stroke in such cases - strengthening exercise
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, Massage, physiotherapy. Restore muscle tone and strengthen the muscles to achieve and thus restore motor functions help program of therapeutic exercises, chosen individually in each case. No less useful and massage restoring muscle tone. Typically, during the entire period of rehabilitation after stroke strengthening exercises performed under the supervision of a therapist. At this stage it is very important part of the patient psychological: numerous medical studies have proven that the more people use the injured limb, the faster and more efficiently recover motor skills after a stroke.
Restoration of speech functions
If a stroke has caused damage to the speech centers and, consequently, violations of speech of any kind, for the rehabilitation needed help of a professional speech therapist. The first stage of rehabilitation in these cases - determine the type of aphasia
Aphasia: types and treatment of the disease
(speech disorder) caused by stroke. Poor circulation in the brain can cause both loss of the ability to speak, to build meaningful sentences that are understandable to others, and loss of the ability to perceive another's speech. After determining the type of aphasia develop an individual method of recovery of speech functions - exercises to restore speech begins with a simple repetition of short phrases of a speech therapist
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and gradually become more difficult. Rehabilitation aims to restore the ability to express thoughts properly structured sentences, to perceive, absorb information from others, finally, the right to name the objects of the environment.