Intracranial pressure - symptoms, when to sound the alarm

February 17, 2012

 intracranial pressure symptoms
 Constant headache coupled with nausea and some neurological disorders (such as swelling of the optic disc, Papilloedema) - the main symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. The intensity of the symptoms is not related to the degree of intracranial hypertension Hypertension - Control your blood pressure  Hypertension - Control your blood pressure
   and only helps diagnose increased intracranial pressure in the early stages.

  • One of the first symptoms of increased intracranial pressure - constant headache, worse in the evening or night time and starts after you wake up. Headache caused by increased intracranial pressure may be aggravated by coughing or any movements of the head.
  • Along with a constant headache, aggravated by activity, another characteristic sign of increased intracranial pressure is considered to be nausea (without vomiting), compounded by a further increase in pressure.
  • The characteristic symptom of increased intracranial pressure Increased intracranial pressure is dangerous for the brain  Increased intracranial pressure is dangerous for the brain
   - Changes in mental, mental state: intracranial hypertension can cause increased irritability, lethargy, slow decision-making, behavioral disorders. In rare cases, in the absence of proper treatment, these mental disorders may lead to pathological consternation and coma.
  • Distinct symptoms of increased intracranial pressure - pupillyarnye (relating to the pupil) changes - for example, the expansion of the pupil, decreased pupil reaction to light. At fundoscopy (Fundus examination) revealed swelling of the optic nerve, retinal vessels absence of pulsations, hyperemia, hemorrhage into a flame. In the later stages of increased intracranial pressure may be associated with bleeding in the retina. In addition to intracranial hypertension characterized by symptoms such as unilateral ptosis (drooping of the century), partial paralysis of the nerves, ophthalmoplegia (paralysis of the muscles of the eyes), loss of vestibookulyarnogo reflex.
  • With a significant increase in intracranial pressure can occur hemiparesis (paresis of the muscles of one side of the body), increased blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 Slow, irregular pulse.

In young children among the main symptoms of increased intracranial pressure may experience lethargy, frequent vomiting, lack of a normal reaction to light, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   and bulging fontanelle.

 Intracranial pressure - symptoms, when to sound the alarm

Medical intervention

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure in emergency situations that require immediate medical attention:

  • Injuries of the skull and stunning: internal bleeding could lead to a rapid increase in size of hematoma, which, in turn, provokes a rise in intracranial pressure.
  • Fainting, headache and meningismus (psevdomeningit): sudden appearance of a headache along with these symptoms indicates a rupture brain aneurysm or vascular damage, provoking increased intracranial pressure.
  • The activity and a sharp deterioration: after head trauma can be observed increased activity, and then a sharp deterioration and, in some cases, even coma during the first two days after injury. Such a condition often causes intracranial hematoma, provoking a sharp rise in intracranial pressure.

Article Tags:
  • intracranial pressure

Betaserk - a drug that helps restore the balance

September 27, 2013

 Betaserk - a drug that acts like histamine receptors in the cells sensitive to the drug - N1- and H3 receptors of the inner ear and the vestibular nuclei in the brain. It improves the microcirculation of the inner ear and blood flow in the arteries that supply blood to the head, lymph normalizes blood pressure in the inner ear, which contributes to a significant improvement in the condition of patients suffering from various disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

 Betaserk - a drug that helps restore the balance

How does the inner ear

The human ear is divided into outer, middle and inner. It is a very finely arranged device whose function can be disrupted due to infections, constant exposure to noise and ingress of foreign bodies.

The inner ear - the function of not only hearing but also balance. Its structure is very complex, it is represented by bone channels lying in the pyramid of the temporal bone, called labyrinths. There are bony and membranous labyrinth. Bone and membrane together form a labyrinth of the inner ear. Bony labyrinth consists of three divisions: the vestibule, the cochlea and the semicircular canals.

The membranous labyrinth is inside the bone, and repeats its shape. Its walls are formed by a thin connective tissue membrane. Inside the membranous labyrinth is a clear fluid - endolymph. Membranous labyrinth little less bone, and the space between its walls and the walls of the bony labyrinth is filled with fluid - perilymph.

Inside the inner channels are scallops and spots, which are areas perceive the vestibular apparatus. Here ends the peripheral processes of the vestibular ganglion cells located in the inner ear labyrinth consists of the vestibular system, the cochlea and semicircular canals, which help to maintain the balance of the body. The vestibular system in our ear - it's part of maintaining the balance of the body. Sensory cells provide information about the position and movement of our head.

Snail - is the organ of hearing associated with the auditory nerve. The name of the cochlea is defined by its spirally twisted shape. This bony canal, forming a two and a half spiral coil and filled with fluid. Structure and function of the cochlea complex and still not fully studied.

In the future, the information obtained on the vestibulocochlear nerve enters the hearing and balance centers located in the brain.

 Betaserk - a drug that helps restore the balance

How does betaserk

Betaserk (betahistine) - a synthetic analogue of histamine. It acts primarily on the histamine H1-receptors, increasing their susceptibility to histamine. At the same time it acts on H3-receptors of histamine by blocking its action. This leads to the normalization of the transmission of nerve impulses in the central department of the vestibular analyzer. Impact on H1-betaserk petseptory causes local expansion of small blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation, normalizes blood pressure, and the endolymph in the labyrinth of the cochlea, increases blood flow in the large arteries that carry blood to the brain.

H3 receptors are found in the central and peripheral nervous system and regulate the release of histamine and other neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which reduces the activity of the vestibular nuclei.

Therapeutic effects of all properties betaserk is rapid (hours to days) relief of acute attacks of vertigo, decrease the frequency and intensity of dizziness, noise reduction, and ringing in the ears, hearing improvement in case of downgrade. In chronic diseases of the vestibular apparatus, which is often accompanied by prolonged dizziness, stable results can be achieved with long-term (for a month or more) application betaserk.

Betaserk has a beneficial effect, as in disequilibrium, and in hearing impairment.

 Betaserk - a drug that helps restore the balance

To appoint betaserk and to whom it is contraindicated

Betaserk used for relief of dizzy spells Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 , Reduce the frequency and intensity of vertigo, tinnitus reduction, improvement of hearing in the case of lowering it. All these symptoms can develop on the background of cardiovascular disorders, atherosclerosis, neuritis Neuritis - nerve damage  Neuritis - nerve damage
   Go auditory vestibular nerve, labyrinthitis, after trauma, neurosurgical operations, disease and Meniere's syndrome.

Contraindications betaserk reception in case of hypersensitivity to it of the patient, pheochromocytoma (adrenal gland tumor), gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage, bronchial asthma Bronchial asthma - the body's response inadequate  Bronchial asthma - the body's response inadequate
   in the acute stage, pregnant and nursing Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast, as well as children and adolescents under 18 years of age. The caution is recommended betaserk gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer and bronchial asthma in remission.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • betaserk
