- Treatment of migraine - eliminate stress
- Medicines
Treatment of migraine
If the attack has already begun, the patient first of all, must know that it will pass by itself, even without treatment. This will give the person a positive attitude, which has a treatment - agree, knowing that soon all over, it gives strength to deal with an attack.
Treatment attack should start as early as possible: the classic migraine - with the appearance of the aura, with other types - from the beginning of the headache. Drug treatment of migraine attack is represented by three lines of drugs.
Medications first and second line
For first-line drugs are common pain relievers such as pentalgin or pentalgin-H. If one drug does not work, then prescribe a combination of painkillers, such as pentalgin combined with analgesic having a different mechanism of action (Nise and others) - this is the second line of treatment. These drugs help only at the onset of the attack, and if it is not too heavy.
Medications third line
Treatment with drugs, the third line can be carried out only on prescription, since the patient can make a mistake and take for a migraine headache different origin and then the preparations of the third line is not only not reduce the headache, but can harm the patient (for example, if he did not vasodilatation brain as migraine
I have a migraine. What to do?
And their spasm). Third-line drugs cause spasm of cerebral vessels.
For third-line drugs include ergotamine, dihydroergotamine. To remove the attack doctor must choose the correct dose. If the initial dosage is not effective, then the subsequent use of these drugs does not lead to positive results.
For drugs the third line also includes sumatriptan, which appeared recently. This drug when administered subcutaneously is able to pull off an attack of ten minutes, the effect of its introduction, will continue for two hours. These drugs need to be administered under medical supervision. But there are other forms of sumatriptan - tablets and nasal spereya, they can be used on their own after a doctor's prescription.
Treatment of migraine status
Treatment of migraine status is carried out only in the hospital. Treatment usually involves intravenous drip various combinations of drugs that relieve headaches
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, Vomiting, dehydration and prevent the emergence of a variety of neurological symptoms (disturbance of sensitivity, movement, etc.).
How to prevent a migraine attack
First of all, identify triggers an factors that can be eliminated: smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress
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, Fatigue, eating certain foods, especially chocolate, cheeses and sausages containing tyramine, which can cause a migraine attack. Sometimes the attack is provoked by vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin.
At constant suspense attack, depressed mood being treated at the psychotherapist and prescribers, improves mood and relieves anxiety
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Sometimes migraine provoking factor in women may be the pill - the trial is conducted their cancellation. But sometimes they are on the contrary, contribute to the improvement.
Drug prophylaxis of migraine
The aim of drug prevention is to reduce migraine frequency and intensity of migraine attacks, increased susceptibility to drugs, interrupted the attack and to improve the quality of life of the patient.
Drug prophylaxis of migraine may last up to six months and include a number of medications, physician selected individually for the patient. These are not drugs that relieve migraine.
The indication for such preventive treatments are two or more migraine attacks per month and the total ineffectiveness of conventional painkillers. In addition, preventive treatment is rarely required severe migraine attacks that are accompanied by neurological disorders.
If the removal of an attack apply the maximum possible dose drugs, for the prolonged prophylactic treatment is used the most effective drug for the patient in minimal doses.
Remember! For mild migraine attacks can help you correct way of life, but if migraine attacks recur regularly or are severe, in order to prevent them, should see a doctor.
Galina Romanenko