Neuromedin a medicament reducing the activity of the peripheral nervous system and the brain after various diseases and injuries. He also has side effects, it does not show all the patients. To understand whether we can take this to the patient neuromidin, the doctor can only.
Neuromedin and its action
Neyromindin refers to a group of drugs - inhibitors (substances that slow action) cholinesterase. Cholinesterase - an enzyme that destroys acetylcholine - a substance which is transmitted via nerve impulses. Violation of nerve impulses occur in different diseases and injuries of the peripheral and central nervous system, senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease.
There have neuromidin and side effects, and hence contraindications.
What side effects may occur when using neuromidin
First of all, the side effects associated with stimulation of lots of acetylcholine receptors of nerve endings located in the heart, smooth muscle and glands (m nicotinic acetylcholine receptor). This increased salivation and sweating, increased formation of mucus in the bronchi, tachycardia
Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
or bradycardia (rare or frequent palpitations), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice staining of the skin and sclera, stomach pain, convulsive readiness. To reduce these unpleasant phenomena can take medication, which includes means for blocking the M-cholinergic receptors, for example, atropine.
If neuromidin administered in large doses, it may cause side effects such as headache, dizziness, vomiting, lethargy, and weakness. There is a growing tendency to the appearance of a variety of allergic reactions. Reducing the dose leads to the disappearance of these side effects.
One of the dangerous side effects for pregnant women is to increase the contractility of the muscles of the uterus. This can lead to premature abortion - spontaneous abortion
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Neiromidin can not be used in epilepsy and seizure, develops on the background neyroinfektsy
Neuroinfection - a heavy defeat of the nervous system
, Injuries and tumors, as the improvement in the conduction of nerve impulses can provoke an attack of cramps. Nor can it be used in the neuromidin ataxia - this can strengthen all vestibular disorders. Effort from neuromidin giperkinezy - violent movement.
Do not appoint neuromidin with such diseases and conditions of the cardiovascular system such as coronary heart disease, manifested by angina, palpitations very rare (bradycardia).
On the part of the respiratory tract is contraindicated for use neuromidin is asthma.
Neiromidin increases motor activity of the digestive system, so it is contraindicated in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage, mechanical intestinal obstruction. It is impossible to appoint him as a mechanical obstruction of the urinary tract (such as blockage of the stone).
When pregnancy neuromidin contraindicated, since it increases the tone of the uterus. This may lead to abortion or fetal circulatory problems (uterine muscle spasms disrupt placental circulation). During feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding, if the appointment is vital neuromidin recommended during treatment to interrupt breastfeeding.
Not recommended neuromidin for the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as the data of patients in clinical trials is not a reason. Neuromidin also contraindicated if you are hypersensitive patients components.
Precautions neuromidin prescribed for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in remission, hyperthyroidism (intoxication due to increased thyroid function), diseases of the circulatory system, acute and chronic obstructive (in violation of the road) bronchitis. Tablets neuromidin as adjuvants contain simple carbohydrate lactose, so they are contraindicated in short supply in the body of the enzyme lactase (lactase deficiency) lactose intolerance and lactose malabsorption syndrome (malabsorption her in the small intestine).
It is impossible to combine the application neuromidin with alcohol - it enhances all the side effects neuromidin.
Neiromidin has a significant effect on the central nervous system, so in its application can not drive vehicles and do other activities that require coordination of movements and concentration.
Neiromidin has a lot of contraindications and side effects, so it may appoint a doctor.
Galina Romanenko