Neuroprotective drugs are now widely used in the treatment of a variety of brain lesions, and reduced intelligence. These preparations generally protect the brain from various injuries and reduced higher functions. It is to such drugs is noopept.
Operating principle
Noopept main action lies in the fact that by acting on metabolism
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in the brain, it improves its energy metabolism. Brain cells that have received an additional amount of energy for biochemical processes, less need for oxygen and are also active in terms of its shortcomings. This is a very important property, since in most cases, reduced brain function on a background of lack of oxygen. This happens with atherosclerosis (cholesterol plaques partially blocks a blood vessel) in ischemic stroke (the same of plaque or a blood clot completely blocked vessel lumen) after traumatic brain injury (adhesions compress blood vessels and part of their search through the lumen). As a result of all these processes is formed by a non-inflammatory damage brain cells of various origins, which is called encephalopathy.
Under the influence of noopept brain cells begin to gradually recover, improve their communication with other cells as adjacent, and in the other hemisphere, as well as communication between the cells of the cerebral cortex (commander in chief) and subcortical regions that perform command cortex. Such communication plays a major role in the reconstruction of the higher functions of the brain.
Noopept also has a neuroprotective effect, i.e. it protects the brain cells from any damage. So, on the basis of studies it has been found that if an ischemic stroke (it occurs when a blood vessel blockage) occur in patients receiving noopept, the affected area of nerve cells was significantly less than in ischemic stroke, which occurred without the use of nootropics. The recovery period after a stroke, traumatic brain injury, toxic and inflammatory brain lesions during therapy Noopept also proceeded faster than without it.
Noopept actively influences the free radicals formed as a result of redox reactions. It is known that free radicals cause aging brain damage. Noopept prevents their effect on the brain - an antioxidant effect.
Finally, it was found that noopept exerts antithrombotic effect. This is due to improved blood rheology, ie its flow through the blood vessels. Furthermore, noopept prevents agglutination (aggregation) of blood platelets. It is glued platelets are the nucleus from which clots are formed, so antiagregatine action in conjunction with the improvement of the rheological properties of blood eliminates the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels of the brain.
Areas of use
As a result of all these processes under the influence of noopept patient is gradually beginning to recover brain function. A few days after starting the drug are fears, anxiety, irritability
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and gradually recovering night's sleep
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. After a long course of treatment (about three weeks), and improving higher functions of the brain - intellect, memory, the ability to perceive something new, the ability for a long time to focus on specific subjects and tasks. Certainly, the restoration of the higher functions of the brain is slow, it will take no course of the drug, but positive changes are becoming more distinct.
Noopept widely used in the reduction of stroke patients, after head injuries, after inflammatory diseases of the brain (encephalitis and meningoencephalitis), after various toxic effects on the brain (eg, alcohol, drugs, certain psychotropic drugs). In the treatment and prevention of dementia noopept it has a leading role - he is able to slow down the aging process of the brain and a violation of his higher functions.
Noopept contraindicated in hypersensitive to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation and in children. These restrictions are due to the fact that not conducted clinical trials of the drug in these groups of patients. In laboratory conditions, the negative effects on the fetus during pregnancy has not been revealed.
Before the drug slight side effects such as high blood pressure. In addition, of course, possible allergic reactions.
Noopept - domestic nootrop, which has a positive effect on the brain in all its defeats.
Galina Romanenko