Chronic fatigue syndrome - a complex disorder characterized by extreme fatigue, which can not be explained by any disease. Fatigue may be exacerbated as a result of physical or mental activity, but it does not go after the rest.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a classic example of disease with unexplained physical symptoms.
The diagnosis is usually established according to the principle exclude other diseases. Patients complain of debilitating fatigue, and often do not find the strength to get out of bed for a few days, this disease can not be reduced to a constant feeling of fatigue. Patients are observed and high physical symptoms such as joint pain
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Headaches, loss of visual acuity, allergy or sensitization.
The worst thing is that patients often face a lack of understanding of relatives who do not believe in the existence of the disease.
In chronic fatigue syndrome has eight major symptoms, plus a central symptom that gave it a violation of the name:
- Fatigue;
- Impairment of memory and / or concentration;
- A sore throat;
- Swollen lymph nodes in the neck and / or in the armpits;
- Muscle pain without apparent reason;
- The pain moves from one joint to another and does not cause inflammation or redness of the skin over the joint;
- Headache, previously characteristic of the patient;
- Lack of feeling of rest after sleep;
- The feeling of extreme fatigue that persists for more than 24 hours after physical or mental stress.
Fatigue can be a symptom of many diseases, such as infections or psychological disorders. Contact your doctor if you have symptoms such as extreme and / or constant fatigue.
Scientists have not yet been able to explain why developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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. Probably, there are several factors involved that affect people who have an innate predisposition to the disease. Some of these factors are:
Viral infections. Since chronic fatigue syndrome often develops after a viral infection, the researchers suggest that some viruses can trigger this disorder. Probably such viruses include Epstein-Barr virus, human herpesvirus 6 and murine leukemia viruses. However, while there is no conclusive evidence of a link between the virus and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Abnormalities in the immune system. The immune system of people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, broken, but it is unclear whether there is enough of such a violation, to cause the disorder.
Hormonal imbalance. People with chronic fatigue syndrome is sometimes observed abnormal levels of hormones produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands. The relationship between these disorders, however, is not installed.
Risk factors
Factors that may increase the risk of chronic fatigue syndrome:
- Age. Chronic fatigue syndrome is most susceptible people aged 40 to 50 years.
- Paul. Women diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome more often than men. Perhaps the reason for this is that women with the abuse often go to the doctor.
- Lifestyle. Overweight and sedentary lifestyle contribute to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Possible complications of chronic fatigue syndrome:
- Depression;
- Social isolation;
- Various restrictions related to lifestyle.
There is no specific diagnostic method that allowed you to establish that the patient has chronic fatigue syndrome. To diagnose this disorder, the physician should rule out a variety of other conditions, such as:
- Sleep disorders. Chronic fatigue can be caused by sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and others.
- Various diseases, such as anemia, diabetes, and decreased activity of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can cause symptoms similar to the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Mental disorders. Fatigue can be a symptom of a number of mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety
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, Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Diagnostic criteria
To diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome may be, if the patient for 6 months or more there is severe fatigue, the reasons which could not be established, as well as at least four of the above symptoms of the disorder.
Expert opinion
Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome show signs of immunological, neurological and endocrinological disorders.
In addition to the strong moral and physical exhaustion, symptoms include sleep disturbances
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, Cognitive problems, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and headache. Every eighth person there is chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
According to the American College of Rheumatology, fibromyalgia suffers 3-6 mln. US, 80-90% of whom are women. This condition is most often diagnosed in middle age, but at least one of the symptoms at an earlier age.
Recent studies indicate that fibromyalgia is the result of an internal biochemical imbalance, which causes physical symptoms such as pain, weakness, and impaired mental function. As this syndrome - that is, a set of signs and symptoms - not the disease, fibromyalgia can not be diagnosed based on a certain number of specific symptoms or reproducible test results.
Some hypotheses suggest that chronic fatigue syndrome is not caused by a virus, but is caused by disorders of homeostasis of endogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and failure of the ATP cycle.
Studies have shown that low, nontoxic doses of exogenous H2S is a temporary state of hibernation in mice. This reduces the basal body temperature, shortness of breath, decreased heart rate and respiratory rate, and strong metabolic slowdown. These characteristics do not differ much from the symptoms experienced by patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Furthermore, H2S effect on biological systems, which causes a failure, chronic fatigue syndrome, including neurological, endocrine and immune systems. Thus, the likely etiology of CFS may be associated with increased activity of endogenous H2S, which inhibits the use of oxygen by mitochondria.
Known treatments
- Physical exercise and behavioral therapy
- Black chocolate
- Probiotics