Tinnitus: Treatment depends on the causes of its occurrence

June 9, 2012

 tinnitus treatment
 This seemingly innocuous phenomenon of tinnitus, can cause substantial damage to the quality of life and, even more dangerous to be a symptom of serious illness, ultimately disturbing rumor. It is therefore the treatment of tinnitus depends primarily on whether the reason it is called. Since the causes that can trigger tinnitus, a lot - it's a variety of diseases and side effects of certain drugs (even familiar to all aspirin in rare cases can cause ringing in the ears), and age-related changes - as many and therapies noise ears.

 Tinnitus: Treatment depends on the causes of its occurrence

Objective and subjective tinnitus

Methods of treating tinnitus primarily depend on the nature of the noise. Accepted provide two types of tinnitus - objective and subjective. Objective tinnitus can be diagnosed with the help of some medical devices, subjective noise heard only by the patient, but the real source of the sound is missing. Obviously, subjective tinnitus can be treated worse, because in such cases often reveal the cause of the noise is very difficult.

Do not think that the noise in the ears - this phenomenon is incurable, which you just need to accept. In many cases, tinnitus is a consequence of a disease (most often - hearing), which for early diagnosis respond well to treatment. In such situations, the only way to get rid of tinnitus - cure the disease, it provoked. The number of diseases that can cause tinnitus is enormous: diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Thyroid disease Thyroid disease - women at risk  Thyroid disease - women at risk
 , Diseases of the outer, middle and inner ear, neuropsychiatric diseases. Finally, an unpleasant symptom may be caused by a trivial reason as cerumen impaction in the ear, the removal of which immediately stops the tinnitus.

 Tinnitus: Treatment depends on the causes of its occurrence


If the cause of tinnitus has any disease, have the following treatments:

  • When inflammation of the outer ear (otitis media) - antibiotics, in some cases - laser therapy or ozone therapy
  • When inflammation of the middle ear - in conjunction with antibiotics analgesics (painkillers if otitis media Otitis media - children's problem  Otitis media - children's problem
   accompanied by pain)
  • When tumors of the auditory nerve - standard methods of cancer treatment: radiation therapy, surgical removal of the tumor
  • If Meniere's disease (a specific disease of the inner ear) - the control of symptoms and the development of the disease with diuretics, diet therapy, antihistamines or sedatives, rarely - surgery.

 Tinnitus: Treatment depends on the causes of its occurrence

How to deal with tinnitus alone

The most important thing - it's not panic and do not try to treat yourself: tinnitus rarely becomes a symptom of serious illness. If tinnitus bothers you constantly and is not episodic nature (such as tinnitus, observed after a long flight in an airplane), we must first consult an audiologist who will help identify the cause of the tinnitus. As soon as possible to seek medical help is needed in cases when tinnitus appeared after a head injury or is accompanied by other symptoms - for example, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of coordination.

Be sure to tell your doctor about all medicines you have taken recently. It is likely that the noise in the ears - it's just a side effect of medications you are taking, and in this case, the treatment of tinnitus is limited to discontinuation of medication. Try to find out whether aggravate tinnitus employed you food and drinks (even an ordinary coffee can cause tinnitus, since increases blood pressure). If the whole thing in the wrong diet, give up anything that might aggravate tinnitus.

Perhaps one of the most effective methods to combat tinnitus at home - "masking" tinnitus extraneous sounds. It can be quiet music, ticking clock, working air conditioner - any sounds that help to ignore the unpleasant tinnitus. Especially useful for such measures before bedtime, since tinnitus usually compounded becomes more noticeable in silence. Be sure to learn to relax, and in any case, do not be nervous because of the constant noise in the ears - Stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   and anxiety can only exacerbate the sound.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • noise in ears

Encephalitis meningitis - severe infection

November 1, 2013

 meningitis, encephalitis
 Meningitis, encephalitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
   (right - meningoencephalitis) - a serious disease that can be caused by various infectious agents. Furthermore, meningoencephalitis can be a complication of virtually all infectious diseases and local inflammation.


Meningoencephalitis - Causes of disease

Meningoencephalitis - a disease that is characterized by the simultaneous defeat of the membranes and brain tissue. Meningoencephalitis can be primary, that is developing in the right area of ​​the brain as a result of the implementation of various types of infectious agents (eg, acute meningoencephalitis seasonal two-wave) and secondary (for example, mumps or herpes infection).

Meningoencephalitis may complicate the course of many bacterial, viral or fungal infections as well as infections caused by protozoa, particularly if the patient is lowered immunity. Often meningoencephalitis is a complication of chronic purulent diseases of upper respiratory tract (eg, suppurative otitis media or sinusitis) or periodontal tissues (purulent inflammation, such as dental caries).

There are also rheumatic and meningoencephalitis after vaccination with an infectious-allergic, allergic and autoimmune (allergic to the body's own tissues) in nature.


The symptoms of meningoencephalitis

Symptoms meningitis encephalitis may vary - they depend on the cause of the disease, the nature and extent of the inflammatory process. When the primary infection or infectious and allergic processes usually has a prodromal period - the period of the precursors of the disease. During this period the fore signs of general intoxication - headaches, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, muscle aches and joint pain, sensory disturbances, and so on. Prodromal period usually lasts from a few hours to one to two weeks, and proceeds in an acute stage.

In the acute stage, symptoms are distinguished general and neurological symptoms. Symptoms include general sharp rise in temperature, chills, malaise, sometimes catarrhal phenomena (runny nose, cough, sore throat).

In the acute stage of the disease neurological symptoms include cerebral, meningeal and focal symptoms of varying severity in different combinations. Neurological symptoms may develop slowly, gradually, and can very quickly and it speaks of the rapid defeat of the brain.

For cerebral symptoms include varying degrees of impaired consciousness from a stupor to coma. Sometimes developed acute psychosis with psychomotor agitation, delirium Brad - not only crazy  Brad - not only crazy
   and hallucinations. Characterized by sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   (drowsiness or insomnia).

Meningeal syndrome develops during stimulation membranes of the brain and manifests severe headache, vomiting, general sensitization (skin to light and sound stimuli), the appearance of the patient specific meningeal posture (head thrown back, his knees are given to the stomach), neck stiffness ( due numb neck patient can not lower his head and chin to get the chest), and others.

Against the background of general cerebral and meningeal symptoms in the acute phase of focal neurological symptoms appear, the nature of which in various forms of meningoencephalitis different. These may be symptoms stem from the dysfunction of the third cranial nerve, the development of ptosis (drooping of the century), diplopia (double vision), strabismus Strabismus - how to find the cause?  Strabismus - how to find the cause?
 , Pupillary disorders. A frequent symptom of meningoencephalitis are vestibular disorders in the form of dizziness, and impaired coordination of movements.

For some types of meningoencephalitis characterized by sluggish paralysis of muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, paralysis and paresis of the upper and lower extremities. In severe bulbar disorders also occur - changes characteristic lesions of the nuclei of some cranial nerves and vital centers in the medulla oblongata. Bulbar disorders manifest themselves in violations of swallowing, speech, activity of respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Recent violations can result in death of the patient.

The acute course of the disease can result in as complete recovery of the patient, and recovery with certain residual lesions of the central nervous system.


Diagnosis and treatment of meningoencephalitis

The basis of diagnosis and treatment of this disease is a lumbar puncture. During this manipulation shell pierced the spinal cord and spinal fluid taken part. During the puncture, the doctor draws attention to the pressure at which the liquid flows. For meningoencephalitis is characterized by high intracranial pressure. During the study, the cerebrospinal fluid reveals the presence of infectious and inflammatory and infectious agent.

A lumbar puncture is also a means of emergency - the removal of a certain volume of cerebrospinal fluid helps reduce intracranial pressure and improve the condition of the patient.

Furthermore, prescribed drugs suppressing life activity of infectious agents (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals), as well as symptomatic treatment for the removal of the main symptoms.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of meningitis
