Neiromidin used in various diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system, accompanied by violation of the conduction of nerve impulses along the nerve and neuromuscular fibers. Such diseases can be caused neuroinfections, intoxications, tumors, trauma, and so forth.
Application neuromidin diseases of the central nervous system
Neiromidin used in the bulbar (located in the medulla oblongata), paralysis and paresis. And as in the medulla oblongata are the nucleus of cranial nerves (FSK), developed a clinical picture of defeat IX (glossopharyngeal), X (vagus) and XII (hypoglossal) pairs of cranial nerves and atrophic paralysis of muscles of the tongue, lips, soft palate, pharynx, vocal cords and epiglottis.
We are such a patient becomes slurred, with a nasal tone, disturbed pronunciation of sounds, swallowing (especially liquid food - it gets into the nose), the tongue deviates toward the defeat or motionless and twitches.
Bulbar paralysis and paresis may result neuroinfections
Neuroinfection - a heavy defeat of the nervous system
, Multiple sclerosis, cerebral hemorrhage, ischemic stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
Tumors of the medulla oblongata, a neck injury. In all these cases the conduction in nerve fibers, and to restore it appointed neuromidin.
In addition, neuromidin appoint the recovery period in the organic (in violation of the structure of brain tissue) diseases of the central nervous system, such as the consequences of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, traumatic brain injury, and so on.
Assign neuromidin over the whole or part of the tablet two or three times a day long courses (from two to six months). If the need arises, treatment can be repeated.
Under the influence of neuromidin in the body increases the amount of a neurotransmitter (a substance through which nerve impulses are transmitted) due to the suppression of acetylcholine activity of the enzyme, decomposing it.
Furthermore, neuromidin improves impulse conduction in the nervous system and neuromuscular transmission. Prolonged use neuromidin as part of a treatment can significantly improve the condition of patients with bulbar paralysis and paresis. Gradually, they have restored speech, swallowing, movements of the tongue, and other disabilities.
Application neuromidin in dementia and Alzheimer's disease
The positive impact has neuromidin in progressive dementia and Alzheimer's disease - the restoration of the conductivity of nerve impulses in the brain tissue slows the progression of these diseases. In patients partially recovered memory, improve intelligence.
In these diseases neuromidin appointed individually adjusted doses. The duration of treatment is chosen individually and also depends on the patient's condition.
Application neuromidin diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Such diseases of the peripheral nervous system such as polyneuropathy and poliradikulopatiya characterized by conduction disturbance of nervous excitement of the nerve fibers in the area of spinal nerves. These diseases may be accompanied by movement disorders, or sensitivity, and sometimes of both. They can be due to injuries, tumors, intoxications (eg, alcohol polyneuropathy), metabolic and vascular disorders (polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus).
Genetically caused severe disease myasthenia gravis, characterized by impaired transmission of nerve impulses from nerve cells in the muscle due to a lack of acetylcholine or excess enzyme destroys it - cholinesterase. The disease is manifested increasing muscle fatigue. Severe myasthenia accompanied myasthenic crisis, with the disruption of the muscles of the larynx, pharynx, chest, which can lead to the death of patients.
In diseases of the peripheral nervous system, and myasthenia
Myasthenia gravis - not to be confused with chronic fatigue
neuromidin administered at half or one whole tablet three times a day for four to eight weeks. Or short courses of one or two tablets four to five times a day. When myasthenic crises begin treatment with intramuscular administration.
Application neuromidin to treat intestinal atony
Atony bowel (violation of its motor activity) is characterized by chronic constipation
Constipation - Watch out for food
. Since the stool is not removed in time, there is a repeated absorption of toxic products in the blood, which leads to chronic intoxication.
For the treatment and prevention of intestinal atony prescribed neuromidin which enhance the motility of smooth muscles of intestine. It is administered one tablet (20 mg), two or three times a day by short courses for one or two weeks.
Neiromidin - a drug that is used only on prescription.
Galina Romanenko