Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?
August 20, 2009
- Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?
- The disease
Carcinoma - a malignant tumor that begins to develop in epithelial tissues. Epithelial tissue covers the outer surface of the body, inside the cavity and form the shell of glandular tissue.

Some types of carcinoma:
- Carcinoma of the adrenal cortex - in accordance with its name, develops in the cortex, or outer layer of the adrenal gland. Adrenal cortex cells produce a variety of hormones, such as steroids and hormones necessary for puberty
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. When the cells of the adrenal cortex become cancerous, they can begin to produce one or more hormones too much, which can cause complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes and weakened bones. If struck by cells that produce female or male sex hormones, may occur changes such as hair growth on the face, increasing the genitals or breasts and so on.
- Carcinoma of the thyroid gland begins to develop in the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
Which produces many important hormones that control body temperature, energy expenditure, as well as the calcium level in the blood.
- Nasopharyngeal cancer.
- Malignant melanoma, or skin cancer.
Furthermore, carcinoma include lung cancer, vaginal cancer, ovarian cancer
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, Lip cancer and some other types of cancer.
Carcinoma - the most common type of cancer in adults, in children is extremely rare.
Of all cases of carcinoma of about 30% 5 - is a cancer of the thyroid gland
Thyroid cancer: it is curable
And 30, 9% - melanoma. Adrenocortical carcinoma is 1 to 3% of all cases of cancer of the nasopharynx - 4 5%.

Risk factors
The most significant risk factor for the development of carcinoma is ionizing radiation as from a variety of sources in the environment or used for therapeutic purposes. Other factors that may contribute to the development of carcinoma: chemical carcinogens, viruses (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus and human papilloma virus), genetic factors (e.g., known that Barrett's esophagus can trigger the development of carcinoma), and hormonal factors.

The prognosis depends on the type of carcinoma, but as a rule, it is very favorable. However, in cases where the tumor can not be removed completely, and when the disease returned after the operation, the prognosis can be significantly worse.
Among patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, previous chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it survives as a rule, 70-75%.

Method of treatment of carcinoma also depends on its type.
In carcinoma of the adrenal cortex are most commonly used surgical methods. If the tumor can not be removed, or it has spread to surrounding tissue, chemotherapy is recommended. However, as adrenocortical carcinoma is not very sensitive to chemotherapy, the prognosis for advanced stages of the disease is unfavorable.
When nasopharyngeal carcinoma surgery is due to the location of the tumor, as well as due to the fact that it is often penetrates into the surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. For the treatment appointed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Thyroid cancer can usually be cured only by surgery - except in cases where the tumor has had time to spread to other tissues.
In some cases, used for the treatment of such new techniques like neutron therapy and gene therapy (newest method of treating cancer, which is to regulate the process of cell division).
Atheroma - it is better to remove
October 29, 2009
- Atheroma - it is better to remove
- Treatment
Atheroma - a disorder characterized by the appearance of small tumorous formations under the skin, necks, trunk and sometimes the genitals. They are produced in the sebaceous glands, or hair follicles tend to grow slowly and do not cause pain, and rarely require treatment.
Atheroma size typically ranges from several millimeters to five centimeters. In most cases, the atheroma is benign, but there is a small chance that it will develop into a malignant tumor
Malignant tumor: cells are mad
. Color atheroma may not differ from the normal color, but sometimes they are reddish, whitish or yellowish. Prolonged use of cosmetics based on oil could lead to an increase in the atheroma.
If the atheroma begins to increase rapidly, torn, it becomes painful, or is in a place where you it is constantly abusive, consult a doctor immediately.

The causes of atheroma may be:
- Damage to the hair bulb. This may cause blockage of the hair bulb and the accumulation of sebum in it.
- Rupture of the sebaceous gland. The sebaceous glands are easily damaged as a result of various skin inflammatory diseases, because of which they can form an atheroma.
- Defects in the development. Atheroma may occur in the developing fetus, when the cells, because of which was to form the skin, hair or nails, for some reason, begin to form other tissues.
- Heredity. Atheroma can develop in people of Gardner's syndrome - a rare genetic disorder that can cause some more serious disease.

Risk factors
- Paul. Men atheroma formed significantly more often than women.
- Acne history. Atheroma is especially common in people who have ever had acne.
- Prolonged exposure to sunlight contributes to the formation of atheroma, especially on the face.
- Various skin injuries, including minor, increase the likelihood of atheroma.

Possible complications of atheroma:
- Inflammation. Atheroma can become inflamed, even without infection. Inflammation atheroma difficult to remove, so its treatment is initiated only after possible to remove inflammation.
- Atheroma rupture may lead to formation of abscess
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- The infection can penetrate into the atheroma spontaneously or after the break.
- Discomfort in the genital area. Atheroma on the genitals can cause significant discomfort during sexual intercourse and / or urination.
If atheroma causes no discomfort and does not affect the appearance of the patient, the treatment may not be necessary. In most cases, atheroma removed for cosmetic reasons. For this purpose drainage, surgical removal of the atheroma or treatments using laser.
Atheroma Treatment at home is strongly discouraged, as it is associated with an increased risk of scarring and of infection.