- 8 ways to lower the risk of cancer
- Survey Methods
We are all familiar with slogans like: "Diet, prevents the development of cancer," "Reduce by half the risk of cancer just a few minutes a day! "Is it true that it is fashionable to reduce the risk of cancer with the help of simple steps that we are taking every day? There is nothing magical in the prevention of cancer, anything that immediately make us healthy. In matters of cancer genetics plays a big role, so even if you try to live a healthy lifestyle, it is possible that you may develop cancer. But experts argue that at least one-third of cases of cancer in adults is associated with a way of life that we can control.
Every time we make healthy choices, and when to give up a bad habit, we reduce the risk of cancer. Here are the eight most useful habits that is purchased to help prevent cancer (plus nine that experts still ponder).

1. Do not smoke
Lung cancer kills more men and women than any other type of cancer. The reason for the overwhelming majority of these cases - smoking.
And it's only lung cancer. Smoking is also associated with more than a dozen other cancers. It is the cause of 30% of all deaths due to cancer. That's why many doctors will tell you that the biggest step in cancer prevention, which you can do - is to quit smoking or never start. But even if you find it hard to give up smoking completely, you can reduce your risk of cancer, reducing the number of cigarettes smoked.
One study found that smokers who reduced the number of cigarettes smoked to 20 pieces a day to less than 10 pieces a day reduced the risk of developing lung cancer by 27%. This is - a good first step, but do not stop there, for the sake of his health Give up smoking completely.
Even if you do not smoke, do not assume that smoking has no effect on your life. About 3,000 cases of lung cancer occur each year as a result of passive smoking, and there are strong arguments in favor of the other types of cancer may also be associated with passive smoking.
If you are in a closed bar or nightclub, and a hundred people there smoke, we can assume that you also smoke. If, when you came out of the club, your clothes smell of tobacco, you inhale a lot of cigarette smoke.
So think carefully before you regularly spend evenings in clubs filled with smokers, or let your child spends time with someone who smokes.

2. Do not gain weight
Many people probably know that to be overweight is bad for your health. But did you know that it is also a major factor in the development of cancer? Obesity - the cause of 14% of cancer deaths, and more than 3% of new cancers each year.
Recommendation number one expert in order to reduce the risk of cancer - have as a lower percentage of body fat within a healthy weight.
In 2007, we published the results of studies showing how food, nutrition and physical activity affect cancer and prevention of cancer. Overweight is associated with various types of cancer, including cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, gall bladder, breast, endometrial, and renal cancer.

3. Move
All kinds of physical activity can help prevent many types of cancer. Of course, you do not pump up "cubes" on his stomach, doing moderate exercise
Myths about exercise: do not believe
30 minutes a day, but a number of studies finds evidence that even a physical activity can reduce the risk of many common cancers by 30-50%.
Not so important, how it views the exercise you are doing or where you do it. Just do it. Relate this to smoking. If you can reduce weight to normal, increase physical activity and eat more fruits and vegetables. This will be equivalent to the fact that you quit, if you were a smoker. People do not understand how important these factors and because they affect life expectancy.

4. Eat vegetarian food
There are a number of different products, which can prevent the development of certain cancers. For example, tomatoes, watermelon, and other foods that contain lycopene, have shown their ability to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
But if your goal - to reduce the risk of many cancers, eat vegetarian food, namely, non-starchy vegetables and fruits. Experts recommend eating mainly vegetarian food, not less than 400 grams per day. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables prevent cancer.
Doctors suggest a simple way to calculate the amount of food for proper nutrition
Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains have to fill your plate by two-thirds. The remaining third should consist of lean meat, fish and low-fat dairy products.

5. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum
When it comes to health, alcohol is a double-edged sword. There is a lot of evidence that the use of light alcoholic drinks, especially red wine can be good for heart health.
On the other hand, the use of any alcohol may increase the risk of cancer.
With regard to cancer, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. The more you drink, the greater the risk, especially certain types of cancer, such as cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus. And if you smoke, exposure to tobacco and alcohol further increases the risk of developing these cancers.
What to do? Experts recommend that women limit alcohol intake to one serving per day, and men - to two or less.

6. relieves stress
People always want to know if the stress increase risk of cancer. There is no convincing evidence that stress itself is an independent risk factor for cancer. But it can lead people to an unhealthy way to relieve stress. If you overeat or smoke to cope with stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
This behavior increases the risk of cancer.
Instead, doctors recommend to find healthy ways to deal with stress, such as exercise (to help lower the risk of cancer), meditation
Meditation - treats the body and the spirit
and keeping a diary.