Myopia - when visual acuity falls

July 5, 2009

  • Myopia - when visual acuity falls
  • Causes and symptoms

 Myopia - is a condition in which the light entering the eye is focused properly, because of which distant objects appear hazier. Nearsightedness occurs when the physical length of the eye is less than the optical length. Because of this, light can not always be focused directly on the retina because their apparent that certain objects appear blurred.

Myopia is equally common in men and in women. People with a family history of nearsightedness are most prone to this violation. In most cases, the short-sighted people generally healthy eyes, but in some cases, severe myopia can lead to degenerative disorders of the retina.

 Myopia - when visual acuity falls


The main symptom of myopia is a clear vision of near objects, blurred and those who are far away. Sometimes a person can see distant objects better if squinted.

Often myopia diagnosed in children and adolescents. This may be due to the constant eye strain during the study, but this is rarely the sole cause of myopia.

Typically, myopia amplified in growth period. When a person stops growing, and usually stops the progression of myopia.

Other symptoms of myopia can be part of a strong feeling of eyestrain and headaches.

If you have symptoms of myopia, consult a doctor. However, people with a slight deterioration of vision often do without the help of a doctor. Message to a specialist does not help slow the progression of myopia, but only give you the opportunity in some way to correct vision.

 Myopia - when visual acuity falls


Today, for the diagnosis of myopia often use special devices that accurately determine the degree of visual impairment. Also, tables are used to check for vision and other diagnostic methods. In some cases, the doctor measures the intraocular pressure and conducts the test for distinguishing patients colors.

In most cases, short-sighted patients are recommended to wear glasses or contact lenses. For the treatment of myopia Treatment of myopia: conservative or surgical?  Treatment of myopia: conservative or surgical?
   also used a variety of refractive surgery, first of all - laser vision correction Laser vision correction - what is the most effective way?  Laser vision correction - what is the most effective way?

Wearing contact lenses Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?  Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?
   It may cause some complications such as infections and ulcers on the cornea. Surgery procedure rarely cause complications, but they could be significant - up to degradation and loss of vision. However, modern technology is a reliable protection against such consequences.

In rare cases, severe myopia leads to retinal detachment Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight  Retinal detachment - when the leaves sight
   and other serious violations.

Vitamins for the eyes - effective improvement of

January 24, 2010

 Vitamins eyes
 Many of us have problems with vision, which can easily be avoided if every day to protect the eyes, providing the body with essential vitamins. For the normal life of all the organs of our body needs vitamins, some of which directly affect the quality of vision. So that vitamin A deficiency can cause blurred vision, but also the excess is unfavorable because it can cause negative consequences. For a good view, we also need the B vitamins, vitamin C and potassium.

Most of all, our eyes need antioxidants - vitamins, neutralizing the harmful effects of free radicals. The lens and retina of the eyes are sensitive to dust and other contaminants, the effects of free radicals and cellular processes. Antioxidant vitamins play an important role in the fight against free radicals. By the antioxidants include vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. These vitamins not only help protect the eyes from the effects of free radicals, but also help maintain healthy cells and tissues of the eye.

 Vitamins for the eyes - effective improvement of

What you need eyes

Recent studies show that in addition to vitamins A, C and E to maintain healthy eyes are essential two other vitamins: lutein and zeaksanatin. They refer to carotenoids, which are found in the retina and the lens of the eye. The unique properties of lutein are resistant to light and the ability to accumulate in the tissues of the eye. The accumulated in the retina lutein forms a filter that protects the underlying pigment epithelium from the damaging effects of light rays, especially violet and blue part of the light spectrum.

Also, lutein is an effective inhibitor of free radicals in the pigment layer of the retina. In the human lens lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids and in epithelial-cortical portion of the lens contains two to three times greater than its core. The daily requirement is five milligrams of lutein, and zeaxanthin - one milligram, but our diet contains less than 20% of normal.

Natural source of vitamins for the eyes - green leafy vegetables: cabbage and sea kale, spinach, kiwi, zucchini and pumpkin. However, not only spinach comprises lutein in large quantities; it is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and E and other nutrients that are important for eye health. If the diet can not supply the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, nutritional supplements should be missing vitamins and minerals to preserve vision.

For eye health are also important trace elements - zinc, selenium, manganese and copper. Zinc - vital trace element, which is concentrated mainly in the retina and is part of the retinal binding protein responsible for the transport of vitamin A. Zinc is needed for the formation of neurons, communication between nerve cells, in order to maintain the integrity of cell membranes. Zinc deficiency impairs the adaptation to darkness. Photoreceptor cells require a high oxygen content, which increases the likelihood of peroxidation of lipids contained in the retina. Zinc is a part of the major antioxidative enzymes - superoxide dismutase and catalase, which play an important role in the binding of free radicals that appear when exposed to light on the photoreceptors.
  The average daily requirement for zinc in adults is fifteen to twenty-five milligrams.

Selenium - an essential trace element needed by the body, which is rare in nature. Selenium is needed for protein production, normal liver, the thyroid and the pancreas. In combination with vitamins A, C and E, it prevents the development of cancer, destroys harmful substances and enhances immunity. Selenium deficiency has a negative impact on the state of the eye, in particular, that a selenium deficiency is associated with a cataract in the elderly.

Copper - a trace element that is part of the enzyme antioxidant defense system of the body. Copper helps the absorption of iron, necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, is involved in the healing process and speeds up the oxidation of vitamin C

To support the body are particularly suitable specialized dietary supplements, which along with vitamin and mineral complexes contain herbs that are useful for the eyes. Whatever it was, it should respect the principle of duration of admission - the enrichment of the diet with vitamins and minerals should be done almost continuously, with a possible break in the summer months when you can get the nutrients naturally from foods.

 Vitamins for the eyes - effective improvement of

Why tired eyes

The load on the eyes of modern man is constantly increasing, as is increasing the flow of information and changes the shape of its filing. All this creates a very high load on the body of work and makes eyes at an accelerated rate, with high energy costs. For an additional amount of energy is required to break down a large amount of carbohydrates. As is known, all biochemical reactions in the body with the enzymes tested, which multiplies the speed of these reactions. The structure of enzymes include vitamins (some enzymes containing vitamin called co-enzymes), without them it is impossible to obtain additional energy.

 Vitamins for the eyes - effective improvement of

What vitamins are most needed to improve vision

Our eyes are most needed soluble (A, E, D) and soluble (C and B) vitamins. Here's how to "work" these vitamins:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) - is part of the visual pigment that turns the light that hits the retina into nerve impulses; lack of vitamin A causes a decrease in visual acuity in the dark (night blindness), and decreased immunity (appear conjunctivitis and styes);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - is especially necessary with myopia, as greatly reduces the risk of retinal detachment;
  • Vitamin D (calciferol) - is also needed with myopia, as it promotes the transfer and absorption of calcium, which is needed for proper muscle contraction;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - strengthens the walls of blood vessels eye, improves blood flow to the eye (cataract prevention), reduces tension of the eye muscles (eyes less tired);
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - participates in the transmission of nerve impulses optic nerve in the formation of the enzyme cholinesterase (it reduces intraocular pressure); lack of it causes a decrease in visual acuity, and the risk of increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma);
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - it is part of the visual pigment that protects the retina from harmful UV rays; With its lack deteriorating eyesight;
  • OT vitamin (vitamin PP, nicotinic acid Nicotinic acid: what is its benefit to man?  Nicotinic acid: what is its benefit to man?
 Niacin) - regulates the higher nervous activity, improves blood flow to the eye by reducing the content of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood, has a positive effect in glaucoma;
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - soothes, relieves tension from the eye; when deficiency occur nervous system disorders, including inflammation of the optic nerve;
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - improves the condition of the optic nerve in glaucoma, especially in the initial stages;

 Vitamins for the eyes - effective improvement of

Natural source of vitamins - food

Nutrition should be rational only if a person can get all the necessary vitamins:

  • from animal foods (liver, egg yolk, dairy products, fish oil) - ready to vitamin A; - Liver, kidney, egg yolk, meat, fish, dairy products - vitamins B12 and B6; meat, liver and kidneys - vitamins B1, B2 and B3;
  • from plant foods (of orange vegetables and fruits - oranges, carrots, tomatoes, apricots, mountain ash), blueberries Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest  Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
 , Sunflower seeds - a precursor of vitamin A (provitamin A or carotene); from vegetable oils, nuts, seeds - vitamin E; Mushroom - Vitamin D; Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries (cabbage, potatoes, bell peppers, carrots, oranges, apples, black currant, wild rose, mountain ash) - Vitamin C; nuts, wholemeal bread, honey, vegetables - vitamin B1, greens, vegetables, apple - vitamin B2; cabbage, corn, buckwheat, barley and barley cereals, bananas Bananas: the benefits and harms health  Bananas: the benefits and harms health
   - Vitamin B6.

 Vitamins for the eyes - effective improvement of

Vitamins eye in the form of tablets and eye drops

Vitamins for the eyes in the first place you need to take those included in the risk-free:

  • for various breaches of (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, glaucoma, cataract, etc.);
  • at high visual load in adulthood;
  • varicose veins (stagnation of blood in the veins of the fundus of the eye is very dangerous to the eye);
  • diabetes mellitus (affects the arteries and veins of the fundus).

Pharmacies have a large selection of vitamins specifically for strengthening of domestic and foreign production. Many of them are composed of natural vegetable preparations (e.g., blueberries, carrots, etc.).

If at a constant voltage of eye fatigue and decreased vision, suitable preparations containing vitamins A and B2 (revit, komplivit computer-Aes). At night blindness (when a person loses vigilance in darker lighting) suitable drugs with vitamin A (retinol, beta-carotene). When myopia and hyperopia suitable vitamin complexes containing blueberries (diffrarel, vizioned, Biofit blueberries). In diseases of the optic nerve can take the drug Biofit parsley Parsley Health and Beauty  Parsley Health and Beauty
 . Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels of the eyes (Okovit).

Use vitamins and minerals better than twice a year, in spring (after winter vitamin famine) and fall (before winter).

Eye drops are used without a prescription should not be - the eye is too sensitive and vulnerable organ, tissue it should not be unnecessarily irritating. Vitamin drops are usually prescribed courses. At higher loads, visual, eye irritation, wearing contact lenses, it is recommended to use the drops with vitamin A (such as optoklin), fortified drops vitaglikan.

Vitamins for the eyes - it's a great prevention of visual impairment.

Galina Romanenko
