Stages of glaucoma - the types of disease

October 10, 2013

  • Stages of glaucoma - the types of disease
  • Acute glaucoma and pigmentary

 stage glaucoma
 Because most people in early stages of glaucoma does not cause any symptoms or pain associated with elevated intraocular pressure is very important to be screened regularly by an ophthalmologist. You need to know about the stages of glaucoma, to timely detect the disease and begin treatment before it has time to cause severe vision loss.

 Stages of glaucoma - the types of disease

The first, or initial stage of glaucoma

Typically, glaucoma diagnose the presence of visible damage to the optic nerve.

However, the initial stage glaucoma usually asymptomatic, with no visual problems, despite the existing damage.

Since at this stage the intraocular pressure has increased, the doctor prescribes eye drops to reduce it. As a rule, they have to be used throughout life as glaucoma can not be cured - it can only slow down its development.

 Stages of glaucoma - the types of disease

The second and third stages of glaucoma

These steps are also called, respectively, moderate and far advanced. On these stages, patients have observed changes in vision. In the second stage of glaucoma is disrupted peripheral vision - it usually happens so slowly that people can for quite a long time not to notice that the vision that something is wrong.

In the third stage glaucoma, peripheral vision can be almost completely disappear. Dose, patients who take, may be increased, and in some cases may be assigned to treatment with surgical methods. After this stage may come fourth or terminal stage of glaucoma, which will be discussed separately.

 Stages of glaucoma - the types of disease

Terminal glaucoma

Terminal glaucoma - it is the fourth, the last stage of glaucoma, which can lead to the onset of blindness. For the treatment of glaucoma, a surgical intervention is required, although this wary of both patients and doctors. Patients scares common myth that some people with end-stage glaucoma, sudden onset blindness. In fact, there is a small probability of a temporary deterioration of vision (until its total loss), while in the absence of treatment blindness occurs far more likely. AT

Racei often stops that many patients have unrealistic expectations about the outcome of the operation. On the one hand, they may be afraid that the operation would lead to blindness, but on the other - are hoping that it is almost completely restore vision.

In fact, if there is serious damage to the optic nerve can only be a partial recovery of vision.

Temporary blurred vision, which is sometimes seen in patients undergoing surgery usually resolves spontaneously, and for this to take any action is needed. In any case, terminal delay treatment of glaucoma should not, as it may cause irreparable damage to the optic nerve.

 Stages of glaucoma - the types of disease

Glaucoma and cataracts

Usually in patients with glaucoma are not at increased risk of developing cataracts. Exceptions are patients with secondary glaucoma Secondary glaucoma - against the backdrop of another disease  Secondary glaucoma - against the backdrop of another disease
 Caused by inflammation or trauma to the eye, as well as steroids. Some diseases, such as congenital rubella, can cause glaucoma, cataracts, and often both diseases at once. Both of these disorders are more common in older people.

Blurred vision caused by cataract (as opposed to visual impairment associated with glaucoma) is reversible. Vision can be significantly improved by using a relatively simple operation. Moreover, such an operation can change the intraocular pressure, but it is impossible to say in advance, it will fall or rise. Some patients after surgery for cataract, a sharp increase in IOP. Sometimes it is possible to normalize the pressure with medication, but in some cases required another surgery - even for treatment of an acute attack of glaucoma.

Some drugs for the treatment of glaucoma can worsen the symptoms of cataracts Symptoms of cataracts - listen to your body  Symptoms of cataracts - listen to your body
   - Most often they cause a significant decrease in visual acuity.

 Stages of glaucoma - the types of disease

Computer and glaucoma

According to a recent study, people who spend much time at the computer, increased the likelihood of developing glaucoma. The risk is especially great in short-sighted people.

The study involved 10,000 office workers of four major Japanese companies. The average age of study participants - 43 years. They were asked about how much time they spend on the computer each day, and how long, on average, they were working at a computer in the last years.

More than 500 people from the study were found to have problems with peripheral vision, 165 of them have been identified glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
 . However, the actual number of patients with glaucoma may be larger, since some subjects with visual impairment have not passed all the diagnostic procedures necessary to detect glaucoma. The researchers also point out in 136 of the 165 people with glaucoma have myopia Myopia - when visual acuity falls  Myopia - when visual acuity falls
 . They suggested that the optic nerve in short-sighted people may have structural features that increase the likelihood of damage due to stress associated with prolonged work at the computer. To reduce the risk of developing glaucoma, experts recommend:

  • Pauses. Every hour on the computer identifies five minutes trying to look to the side - window on the opposite wall, or somewhere else. Especially useful to look at the objects that are on you at different distances;
  • Sit so that your eyes are not less than 60 cm from the screen;
  • Position the computer screen slightly below eye level;
  • Sit up straight.

What if the burst vessels in the eyes - Possible solutions

September 19, 2014

 what to do if the burst vessel in the eye
 What if the burst vessel in the eye, and how to quickly remove the redness? If this is rare, it does not need to do anything - the redness will be held independently and expedite the process impossible. But if a vessel in the eye bursts frequently, consult an eye specialist - perhaps he will change vessels in the fundus - a sign of a general disease.


Why burst blood vessels in the eye

The reasons can be several. The eye is a lot of small, invisible to the eye blood vessels. When severe physical or mental stress, dryness, irritation of the eyes, a small injury (for example, if a hand to rub the eye) vessel can be injured and the blood of it gets into the surrounding tissue, turning them red. This is the same as that of a bruise (hematoma) in the skin. If the vessel in the eye bursts by chance, it is not dangerous phenomenon, it held its own.

Another thing, if the cause of the bursting of the vessel is any disease. As a rule, hypertension (persistent high blood pressure) or diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 . And in fact, in both cases the vessels in the eye are often burst.

This should be a signal for accessing the doctor, since hemorrhage can be not only in the outer part of the eye, but also on its inner shells, as well as in brain tissue.

When hypertension vessels in the eyes may burst due to the overflow of blood, which leads to increased pressure on the vessel wall and tearing. Similarly, the vessel may burst in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) or in the internal membranes of the eye (complete or partial loss of vision). In diabetes the blood vessel walls become fragile and rupture can occur regardless of the pressure inside the vessel.


How to find out what the bursting of vessels in the eye

The bursting of the vessels in the eye can cause a foreign body sensation, and if a person starts to rub the eyes, bleeding from a ruptured vessel will increase. Sometimes the bursting of a small vessel manifests itself burning and itching.

But most of the bursting of the vessel is found when you look at yourself in the mirror: the affected eye is red, but no pain or any other discomfort a person does not feel.


What measures should be taken

If the vessel is in the eye burst accident, you should consider that the cause of this phenomenon, and eliminate the cause. For example, to reduce the physical and neuro-psychological stress. Often burst blood vessels in the eyes of the athletes involved in heavy lifting - this is due to improper breathing, accompanied by facial tension and goes after school with an experienced trainer. In all these cases, nothing to do with the eye is not necessary - the redness will take place on their own, but you can drip vasoconstrictive drops, such as Visine. In no case should not rub the eye or rinse it with water - flushing will only intensify.

What if the burst vessel in the eye because of the dryness of the conjunctiva? Dryness of mucous membrane results in long eye eye strain when reading, working on the computer, performing fine work that requires eye strain. Dry eye can occur when working in the room, where ever smoke or outdoors in strong winds and dust.

If dry eyes are constantly worried, you can use the drops, which are called artificial tears, such drops are oksial, sisteyn Sisteyn - moisturizes where needed  Sisteyn - moisturizes where needed
 , Oftagel. If the cause of destroying the integrity of the vessel was a constant irritation of the eyes, caused by excessive voltage, it will help to remove these drops, like Visine and taufon. But for a long time without consulting a doctor is not recommended to use drops, dry eye syndrome Dry eye syndrome - how to improve quality of life  Dry eye syndrome - how to improve quality of life
   and long-term irritation of the eyes must be treated by an ophthalmologist appointment.

If eye fatigue to do short breaks in the work, relaxing with eyes closed for 5 minutes every hour. It has meaning and night sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   - Eye hard work requires a full night's rest.

 What if the burst vessels in the eyes - Possible solutions

What if a vessel in the eye bursts often

If the vessels in the eye burst frequently, you should consult an eye specialist. The bursting of the vessel in the eye is often found after a bout of headache - this indicates that the most likely cause was high blood pressure. Optometrist in this case will examine the fundus and identify vascular changes. In the initial stages of the disease changes in the fundus can not be, however, an eye doctor can recommend medical consultation. Help in this case, only drugs that lower blood pressure.

Hemorrhage in the eye, and changes in the fundus may be a sign of diabetes - a disease treated by an endocrinologist, and normalization of blood sugar without vascular disease will progress.

Galina Romanenko
