Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely? - How to get rid
April 22, 2014
- Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
- How to get rid
- Complications

How to get rid of cataracts
Often, the initial stage of cataract does not cause a sharp deterioration in vision, and doctors prefer to observe these patients, without resorting to surgery. To many people, it is enough to wear contact lenses or glasses with cataract, to maintain an acceptable quality of life - it allows them to continue without interference to drive, read, work on the computer, and so on.
The development of cataracts will continue, but it will not necessarily lead to a significant loss of vision. Generally, cataract does not cause serious damage to the eyes - even though a significant number of people in the world because of this disease lose their eyesight, their share of the total number of patients with cataracts is low.

Stage of cataract
There are the following stages of developing cataracts:
- Starting cataracts. In tissues outside the optical zone lens, intraocular fluid begins to accumulate, which could result in haze which is no effect on visual acuity.
- Immature cataracts. Turbidity appear in the optical zone of the eye's lens, causing the patient's vision is starting to deteriorate.
- A mature cataract. At this stage, almost all areas of cataract lens become cloudy, and vision is greatly reduced.
- Overripe cataract. If the cataract is not treated, sooner or later it may develop to this stage, when there is tissue damage lens. At this stage, the lens becomes very light, almost white, and the vision may disappear entirely.

Currently, the only way to get rid of cataracts is surgery. Operation is appointed, if rapidly progressive cataract is likely to cause a sharp deterioration in vision, which will reduce the quality of life of the patient, and if it is difficult to diagnosis or treatment of other diseases such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration.
If both eyes are affected cataracts tend to operate on one eye first, and at least a week - another. During this period between the operations of vision usually does not worsen. Before the surgery, the ophthalmologist conducts a detailed examination, in which it determines what type of treatment the patient is best suited, which intraocular lenses will suit him, and so on.
Cataract surgery is performed on an outpatient basis - that is, the patient does not need to stay in hospital overnight.
Adult patients usually sufficient local anesthesia and the removal of cataracts in young children, in most cases performed under general anesthesia.
Immediately prior to the operation entered a local anesthetic or analgesic used eye drops. To remove the lens, use one of the following methods:
- Phacoemulsification cataract - a doctor with a special tool divides the lens into small pieces, which are then removed through a small incision;
- Extracapsular extraction - the lens is removed all at once, or large fragments, one by one, through a cut length of 1.2 mm;
- Intracapsular extraction was - eye lens is removed together with the capsule;
- Laser cataract - during this procedure, an incision by the laser beam, and also share the cataract into small pieces. This is followed by aspiration
Aspiration: the main thing - do not get confused
fragments of the lens. Using a laser instead of a scalpel allows faster recovery and carry out the operation more accurately.
After removing the lens in its place put Made of transparent plastic artificial lens.
Some time after the procedure, the patient must wear a bandage, protecting the operated eye. It is also necessary to use special drop preventing inflammation and infection after surgery. In a couple of weeks, it is recommended to wear sunglasses whenever you go outside during the day (even on cloudy days). Wash your hands before and after you use the eye drops, or just touching your eyes. In the first few days after cataract avoid getting soap and water in the eyes when you bathe. Complete recovery took, on average, about two weeks. Thereafter, patients are usually prescribed new glasses or contact lenses
Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?
And they can return to normal life.

Gymnastics for the eyes with cataract
The effectiveness of Gymnastics for the eyes
Gymnastics for the eyes: improves vision
Cataract is not proven, but we know that it helps to better cope with the load on the eye, and may prevent or slow the development of disorders that lead to vision loss. Try to do the following exercises for eyes with cataract:
- Within 20-30 seconds, often, often blink - it moisturizes the surface of the eye. Another option - zazhmurte and sit for 20-30 seconds so.
- When you sit at a table, put your elbows on the table and leaned forward. Close your eyes with his hands, so that you have before your eyes was complete darkness. Breathe deeply through your nose, and sit with your eyes closed tight 15-30 seconds.
- Close your eyes. Three times in a row, do the eye movements up and down, then another three times - right and left. Repeat this exercise with your eyes open.
- Keep your finger a few inches from your eyes, and focus on it. Take your finger to the side and focus on the subject at a few meters away from you, or just look at the clouds on the horizon, or the trees outside the window. Again, lift your finger to eye level, and focus on it. Repeat three times in a row.

Power cataract
Studies have shown that the antioxidant properties of vitamins C and E can prevent cataracts or slow its progression. It has similar properties carotenoid lutein. During prolonged observations it was established that the consumption of large amounts of vitamin C reduces the risk of all types of cataracts. Patients who for ten years or more to take vitamin C and E, nuclear cataracts developed much more slowly than it does normally. Supplementation with these vitamins also reduces the likelihood that a patient one need surgery to remove the lens and reduce the risk of serious complications of cataract such as significant deterioration and loss of vision.
Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses? - Indications
December 25, 2008
- Contact lenses - whether they can completely replace the glasses?
- Indications
Replacement Points
Contact lenses - a lens worn directly on the cornea or sclera of the eye. They are used for vision correction, the treatment of a number of eye diseases, as well as cosmetic purposes.
Contact lenses attach themselves to the surface of the eyeball due to capillary tension forces and held for centuries. The spherical front surface and a nearly identical with the cornea and refractive index of the tear fluid contribute to correcting errors of refraction (refraction of light) of the eye. Due to the thin tearful layer is formed between the lens and the cornea create a single optical system, resulting in a decrease or eliminate the different sizes of images on the retina of both eyes due to the difference in refraction of the right and left eye. Contact lenses also contribute to the restoration of binocular vision (which allows you to see the world in relief) and astigmatism (refraction disorders in which the rays emerging from one point, after refraction are not going to focus in one).

Types of contact lenses
There are three main types of contact lenses: rigid, semi-rigid and soft. Each of these types can also be corneal and scleral.
The most widely used and poluzhestvkie soft contact lenses. Soft contact lenses are elastic, unlike hard not require long habituation and better tolerated as smaller inhibit metabolic processes in the cornea. Semi-rigid contact lenses have a significantly higher compared with soft lenses oxygen permeability.

Indications for use of contact lenses are:
- myopia;
- sightedness;
- pronounced astigmatism
Astigmatism - lenses, glasses or surgery?
(violation of refraction at which the rays emerging from one point, after refraction are not going to focus in one);
- keratoconus (eye condition in which the normal spherical shape of the cornea or broken as a result of degeneration and thinning of the corneal tissue and the cornea takes a conical shape);
- aphakia (absence of the lens in the eye);
- anisometropia (unequal power of vision in both eyes).
In addition, there are professional indications for contact lenses to individuals who can not wear regular glasses (such as actors, athletes).
Soft lenses are widely used in the treatment of various eye disorders (ulcer, corneal dryness, burns and so on). Such lenses are also used for prolonged (long-acting) the introduction of some drugs after microsurgical operations.
With the aim of cosmetic contact lenses are used to mask the defects of the eyes (cataract, cataract
Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
and so on).
Special types of contact lenses used in conducting various diagnostic studies (such as X-rays of the cornea).

Contraindications to establish contact lenses
Contraindications to the use of contact lenses are inflammatory and allergic diseases of the eyelids and lacrimal tract konyuntkivity, glaucoma
Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
(a disease in which increased intraocular pressure).

How long can serve as contact lenses
Conventional or traditional contact lenses have a lifespan of six months, a year or more. But with the development of new technologies have appeared cheap contact lenses with short life: day, week, two weeks (one-off), as well as a month, two months, three months (scheduled or exchangeable lenses of scheduled replacement). Such lenses become lately more and more popular.

How to store
Contact lenses stored in special plastic containers are disinfected by boiling or by treatment with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. During the day, contact lenses are usually based on individual tolerance for 4-16 hours. But there is a very special soft lenses that can be worn longer, for several weeks or even months.

What could be in long-term contact lens wear
Long-term contact lens wear can lead to malnutrition and trauma of the cornea, and further - to the whole corneal edema. This may cause erosions (superficial disorders) and even purulent corneal ulcers. Such phenomena are more likely to occur when using contact lenses for therapeutic purposes.
Contact lenses allow people to change their lives: those who lead an active lifestyle (eg, playing sports, traveling), non-points - an additional freedom of movement for those who want the time change, - contact lenses enable to lose points and very change appearance, especially if you use the colored lenses
Colored lenses: how to learn to "make eyes"
to change eye color. But never forget that the use of contact lenses has its indications and contraindications.
Galina Romanenko