- Barley - a clear sign of impaired immunity
- Signs of barley
Signs of barley
At the beginning of the disease on the edge of the century appears a painful point. Then, around the detected swelling, redness of the skin and mucous membrane (conjunctiva). After a few days in the area of swelling formed yellow "head", after the opening of which pus and pieces of necrotic (dead) tissue. After that, the patient's condition begins to improve.
Barley is accompanied by a swelling of the eyelids, the most pronounced when the location of the inflammatory process in the outer spikes
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century. Sometimes there is swelling of the conjunctiva. Swelling is concentrated around the cilia. Eyelid swells, eye gap narrows. In some cases, the eye can not even opened.
By eye discomfort often joins headache may twitch an eyelid. Barley can be located at one or both eyes, there may be several simultaneous barleys which sometimes coalesce into one. In such cases, a deterioration in the general condition of the patient, marked headache, increased body temperature, increased submandibular and parotid lymph nodes. Barley is often relapsing (recurring) character.
Acute purulent inflammation of the meibomian gland (internal barley) is different location on the edge of the barley does not age, and by the conjunctiva.
Sometimes barley may be complicated by cellulitis (ulcer, not delimited capsule from surrounding tissues) orbit, meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
(inflammation of the meninges), blockage (thrombosis) of the blood vessels of the brain, blood poisoning (sepsis).

Diagnosis in recurrent barley
Patients with barley, especially recurrent, should be carefully examined in order to identify foci of chronic infection and reduce immunity. Such patients must be conducted immunogram (a blood test that detects broken links of immunity) with subsequent consultation immunologist.

Treatment of barley
Treatment in early disease is painful region wetting point on the eyelid 70% alcohol 3-5 times a day, which often allows to suspend further development of barley.
For treatment of established barley used antibacterials (antibiotics and sulfonamides) in the form of drops and ointments. In addition, using dry heat, physical therapy (eg, UHF-therapy). It is not necessary to apply moist compresses and lotions, as they contribute to the local spread of infectious agents.
If the disease is accompanied by fever and general malaise, appointed general treatment (antibiotics and sulfonamides orally or by injection).
When recurrent barley shows vitamin and other fortifying agents, and treatment of disorders of immunity in immunologist.
Prevention of complications of barley is barley timely and active treatment of opportunistic diseases. Remember: barley in any case can not be squeezed, it can lead to serious complications: infection by the numerous blood vessels to spread to other organs and tissues.

Prevention of barley
Prevention of barley is in compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes with dirty hands, use only their own personal cosmetics, towels and other personal items. Of great importance is the strengthening of immunity
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
, This requires a varied and balanced diet, regular intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, hardening, active motor mode and enough sleep
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