- If your eyes are watering - the emergence of the problem and its solution
- Treatment
Watery eyes - a very common phenomenon that once in my life faced, probably everyone. What if the eyes water?
Generally, the tears are produced continuously in humans - this is normal and necessary for eye health. They secrete lacrimal gland, and when a person blinks, the tears are distributed on the cornea. Then the tears are derived from the surface of the eye through a thin tear ducts, enter into a special tank, and from there follow on the tear ducts, which run along the nose. His eyes begin to tear, if the tears did not appear fast enough, or if they are produced in very large quantities.
Most often watery eyes of a child under a year, and people older than 60 years; However, this problem may also occur in adolescents and young adults.

Why watery eyes
- Obstruction of tear ducts
Normally, the tear ducts remove excess tears, so your eyes stay well hydrated, but tears do not interfere with normal to see. If the channels do not perform their function, the patient may deteriorate vision (visible objects seem a bit hazy, blurry), tears can flow down her cheeks for no apparent reason, and so on. In adults, the tear ducts obstruction is usually caused by age-related changes, certain inflammatory diseases and injuries. If tears are a long time in special cavities, from which they are displayed on the tear duct may form a viscous mucus that accumulates in the corners of the eyes and eyelashes. Sometimes this violation on one side of the nose blistering, which in some cases becomes inflamed and painful abscess
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. For the treatment of the abscess may require antibiotics
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or even surgery.
Quite rarely observed obstruction of tear ducts, which are higher - in relation to the eyes - the tear ducts. This may be the inflammation or scar tissue formation as a result of viral infection or injury.
Children are sometimes born with underdeveloped tear ducts. They may be partially or fully closed, and the child because of this constant watery eyes. In most cases, this disturbance passes to the time the child turns one year.
Cornea - is thin, transparent tissue covering the iris and pupil outside. Light enters the eye and allows us to see, first of all passes through the cornea. Can damage the cornea, for example, the sand gets into your eyes, some of the chemicals contact lenses
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. You can also damage it when trёte eyes or doing sports traumatic. If the damaged area will get the bacteria can form a corneal ulcer - a consequence of this, in some cases become serious vision problems. In most cases, damage to the cornea small and heal quickly. Within a few minutes a person can tear your eyes, often whites of the eyes turn red, there is a burning sensation and mild pain, but then the symptoms disappear. If tearing does not stop for ten minutes or more, you feel severe pain in the eyes and involuntarily, fast blinking, seek medical attention.
Conjunctivitis, or inflammation of the conjunctiva - a common and usually benign disease of the eye. Its causes can be viral, bacterial infections, allergies and exposure to irritants. The main symptoms of conjunctivitis - reddened whites of the eyes and watery eyes; can be observed and such symptoms as itching and / or pain in the eyes, fever, green or yellowish discharge from the eyes.
- For many people watery eyes when colds and flu
This may be due to the severe headaches, and the fact that the disease causes inflammation of the tear ducts. This is the answer to a common question - why watery eyes with a cold. As we have said, tear ducts are located very close to the nose, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that sometimes they are subject to an infection of the respiratory tract and the eyes begin to tear. When a patient starts to recover, this symptom disappears one of the first.
Blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids, which is characterized by symptoms such as burning and itching in the eyes; reaction to this can be increased secretion of tears. Usually the cause of blepharitis
Blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelid margins
getting staph infection, but sometimes it is a complication of diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis or rosacea.
One of the rarest reasons for which a person can start to tear his eyes. These headaches occur from time to time; some patients - every few years, others - only once in a lifetime. These pains are so strong that a person may try to commit suicide, just to stop them. Of course, watery eyes - one of the most innocuous symptoms of cluster headaches, which patients almost do not pay attention; Other symptoms may be narrowing of the pupil, redness of the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, stuffy or runny nose, nausea. As a rule, his eyes watering stop shortly after the pain go away. By the way, almost any severe headache, including those started by trauma, can cause increased lacrimation.

Not all people who have watery eyes, seek medical attention. In many cases, it does not cause serious concern, and quickly tear secretion returns to normal. However, in some cases, it is necessary to be examined, for example, if the tear-filled eyes in infants (any health problems in infants should not be left unattended) if tearing passes for one or two days and / or if it causes discomfort and interferes work, and if it is accompanied by severe pain or a burning sensation in the eyes. Of course, you need to seek medical help, and in the event of extremely severe headaches.
If your doctor suggests that the symptom is caused by a communicable disease, he may assign you a number of laboratory tests. If you suspect an obstruction of the tear ducts is carried out special diagnostic procedures. To reduce discomfort, the patient is instilled in the eye drops containing painkillers, and then into the holes located in the corners of the eyes, introduced a very thin, flexible tool with which checks whether the blocked tear ducts and ducts. In some cases, the diagnosis can be used and some methods of medical imaging, such as X-ray using contrast agents.