Viral conjunctivitis is today one of the most frequent diseases. It may cause a variety of viruses, up to the influenza virus. But most of the viral conjunctivitis caused by adenoviruses, enteroviruses and herpes simplex viruses
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. Another feature of viral conjunctivitis is its frequent development due to lower immunity.
What causes and how is transmitted viral conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis can be caused by any virus that can cause acute respiratory viral infections - SARS. But more often the cause of viral conjunctivitis is adenoviruses and enteroviruses.
In this part of adenoviruses (types 3, 7a, and several others) causes conventional adenovirus conjunctivitis
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That occurs on a background of adenoviral infections and often ends without complications. Another part of adenoviruses (type 8) is adenoviral epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, called the hospital, as developed in hospitals, it runs hard, is highly contagious and often gives complications.
From enterovirus conjunctivitis often cause enterovirus 70 of the picornavirus family. These pathogens cause epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
All of these viruses can be transmitted by airborne droplets, contact and alimentary (food and water) by.
Often the cause of viral conjunctivitis is herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 - HSV-1 and HSV-2. Infection with HSV-1 most commonly occurs in early childhood respiratory droplets or by contact, and all the recurrences of herpes infection associated with reduced immunity. Herpetic conjunctivitis prone to prolonged recurrent course.
Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis
Symptoms of the disease are directly related to infectious agents. Nevertheless, all viral conjunctivitis have common features.
The incubation period viral conjunctivitis caused by adenovirus, is 4-8 days, whereas at an epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis caused by enterovirus 70, he often does not exceed days.
Acute viral conjunctivitis usually begins suddenly, everything changes initially develop in one eye, and after 1-3 days in the second. There are photophobia, lacrimation, Feeling mote in the eye. It appears moderate swelling of the eyelids, redness and swelling of the conjunctiva. Discharge is usually scarce, has seromucous character.
Viral conjunctivitis in adults against the backdrop of adenoviral infection occurs usually easier than adenoviral epidemic keratoconjunctivitis and almost never gives complications. Viral conjunctivitis in children with adenoviral infections often form a film and gives complications such as scarring of the conjunctiva. The films have a grayish color, cover the entire front surface of the eyeball, and are easily removed with a cotton swab
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(and then some time later reappear).
Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is acute with severe edema of the eyelids and conjunctiva, conjunctival redness, appearance of her bleeding (hemorrhage) from point to extensive, around the eyeball.
Herpetic conjunctivitis manifests as blisters (follicle) in the conjunctiva. Follicles burst forming surface erosion, which in turn heal without scarring. When lowered immunity herpetic conjunctivitis recurs frequently.
Complications of viral conjunctivitis
Adenoviral conjunctivitis in adults virtually no complications. But often it joins a bacterial infection, and it may cause including keratitis (corneal inflammation), which, nevertheless, with proper treatment, not leave effects.
Adenoviral epidemic keratoconjunctivitis often results in corneal lesions, and after recovery of the cornea for a long time are plots turbidity.
Than to treat viral conjunctivitis
The treatment of viral conjunctivitis should be entrusted to the doctor. Usually prescribed topical treatment of antiviral, immune stimulating, antihistamine drugs. Simultaneously, for the prevention of bacterial infections administered antibacterial agents.
The treatment of viral conjunctivitis in adults necessarily implies topical administration of interferon preparations and deoxyribonuclease drops. For ever and lay the antiviral ointment (eg bonaftonovuyu or florenalovuyu). When herpes conjunctivitis used drugs based on aciclovir
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The treatment of viral conjunctivitis in children interferon preparations of local action is not carried out. As a general antiviral and immunostimulatory agent used rectal suppositories viferon, which includes interferon. Topically applied solution Poludan.
Galina Romanenko