Astigmatism - lenses, glasses or surgery? - Surgery

October 22 2013

  • Astigmatism - lenses, glasses or surgery?
  • Vision correction
  • Surgery
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 astigmatism surgery

Astigmatism: surgery

There are several types of surgical treatment of astigmatism Treatment of astigmatism - conservative or surgical?  Treatment of astigmatism - conservative or surgical?

  • keratotomy - drawing surface incisions in the cornea to weaken the refractive index; It is used for short-sighted and mixed astigmatism Mixed astigmatism - a violation of  Mixed astigmatism - a violation of
  • termokeratokoagulyatsiya - surface burning of the cornea heated metal needle, thereby increasing the curvature of the cornea and its refractive power; It is used for hyperopia astigmatism;
  • Laser photocoagulation - differs from previous methods in that the metal tip is used instead of the laser beam;
  • excimer laser surgery - using the excimer laser corneal surface
  • evaporated layer of a given thickness.

Despite the fact that laser vision correction Laser vision correction - what is the most effective way?  Laser vision correction - what is the most effective way?
   recently found wide application, and almost no complications, for it has a number of limitations. It is impossible to carry out such correction if:

  • myopia greater than 15 diopters 0;
  • hyperopia greater than 4 diopters 0;
  • astigmatism exceeds ± 3, 0 diopters;
  • the patient's age is under 18 and has exceeded 45 years;
  • pregnancy.


Mode for the eyes

Since people with astigmatism very quickly tired eyes, they can not stretch their long: a long time to read, watch TV, work on the computer. This is not to try to overcome itself, since it can lead to vision loss and the appearance of headaches. Read slowly and need good light, not read lying in the truck for a long time watching television, and so on.

But these people do not have limitations in physical activities that exist, for example, in severe myopia Myopia - when visual acuity falls  Myopia - when visual acuity falls

Astigmatism can not be saved from, but you can do everything that vision does not deteriorate.

  Galina Romanenko

Astigmatism - lenses, glasses or surgery? - Vision correction

October 22 2013

  • Astigmatism - lenses, glasses or surgery?
  • Vision correction
  • Surgery
  • Forum

 Astigmatism Vision Correction

Astigmatism: Vision Correction

If a family has astigmatism patients, a child is required to show an optometrist because he will not feel any discomfort. But the sooner identify the violation of, the easier it will be to restore it. Conversely, if not promptly treated to hold, then it may lead to complete or intolerances glasses lenses as well as eyesight. Astigmatism - is the lack of refractive power of the eye, which consists in the fact that the rays emerging from one point because of the unequal refraction of not going back to one focus (some parts of the image can be focused on the retina, the other - for or in front of it), iz which is why the image is blurry.

Despite the fact that the picture itself with astigmatism may be blurred and indistinct, the person usually is not aware of this distortion as brain "corrects" his perception.

There are corneal and lenticular astigmatism, but the influence of the cornea on the eye refraction effect is stronger, because it has a higher refractive power. Astigmatism is inherited, or occur because of scarring on the cornea after injury or surgery.


Symptoms of astigmatism

At a low degree of astigmatism, it can proceed unnoticed by the person or take the form of a few blurred vision. Suffering from astigmatism equally bad seeing both near and distant objects. Sometimes uncorrected astigmatism can cause frequent headaches and eye fatigue when visual load.

Astigmatism is usually accompanied by short-sighted (myopic astigmatism) and farsightedness (hyperopic astigmatism). When astigmatism in one eye can also be combined effects of myopia, hyperopia and normal vision.

If astigmatism is not treated, it can lead to a squint and a sharp drop in sight.

The diagnosis is established astigmatism eye doctor after examining the patient, check with the special tables of visual acuity and identify the nature of astigmatism. The difference in the curvature of the cornea astigmatism detected using special cylindrical lenses.

Astigmatism is an eye - symptoms of this disease is sometimes not immediately identified. The presence of astigmatism can be suspected if a person has blurred vision. A person with astigmatism may misread similar words, confuse similar letters, he sees all things in a distorted way, the visual acuity is also reduced, and the person begins to see how far worse things, and are close to, their contours are blurred, distorted objects.

Most astigmatism can be suspected in the process of testing visual acuity at special tables: the patient astigmatism may not be called large letters and signs, and clearly - small, which is not peculiar to any short-sighted or far-sightedness eye. Characterized as eye fatigue at work, when fatigue may appear diplopia. After the visual stress headache.

Almost always astigmatism combined with myopia or farsightedness, and sometimes with that, and with others. For the first time the correct congenital astigmatism generally detected at school age, but often in adults.

Astigmatism - Symptoms of its presence may indicate some other eye disease. Thus, the detection of the first signs of astigmatism in an adult who suffered injuries, diseases of the eye or eye surgery, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination to rule out such a serious disease, such as keratoconus. Keratoconus - an exchange-dystrophic diseases of the cornea, as a result of which it becomes thinner and acquires a conical shape.

How dangerous is astigmatism? If left untreated, it can lead to a squint and a sharp drop in sight.


Myopic astigmatism

Myopic astigmatism (myopic astigmatism) is characterized by the fact that the patient has a decreased vision both near and afar, while myopia is more than 7.0 D. myopic means that increasingly dominated by short-sightedness. Astigmatism, there may be congenital or acquired as a result of trauma, surgery or corneal infection. Complex myopic astigmatism - this is when the two main meridians have a different degree of myopia.

Myopic astigmatism can be corneal or lens. The degree of astigmatism is set based on the difference of refraction between the two main meridians. A total of two - weak degree expressed to 3.0 D, expressed a high 3.0 D. manifested myopic astigmatism blurred vision, fatigue, irritability, weakness, frequent bouts of headaches.


Hyperopia astigmatism

Farsightedness and astigmatism - more frequent combination. Simple hyperopic astigmatism (often called hypertrophic astigmatism, but it is wrong), is characterized by normal refraction in the same meridian and farsighted in the other. Difficult hyperopic astigmatism (often called hypertrophic difficult astigmatism, which is also wrong) - is when both meridians there signs of farsightedness. Hyperopic astigmatism in both eyes is often a hereditary disease.

Signs farsighted astigmatism are blurred vision, tension and pain in the eyes, and headaches. But all of these symptoms occur with a high degree of astigmatism farsighted. With a low degree of visual impairment such violations are minor and often offset voltage of the ciliary muscle.

In most cases the patient is unaware of the presence of his long-sighted astigmatism of weak, but constant tension of ciliary muscles can cause headaches, about which the patient is most often refers to a doctor. All this may lead to development of neurosis patient characteristics Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock  Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
   with irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
   and so on.


Astigmatism and strabismus

Astigmatism is often associated with strabismus. Strabismus very rarely is an independent violation. Most often, strabismus is a phenomenon accompanying diseases such as astigmatism, farsightedness or nearsightedness. It is important to promptly detect strabismus, the cause of it by calling (astigmatism) and carry out the appropriate correction.

Strabismus may also complicate the astigmatism, if not carried out timely correction of the disease.


Astigmatism and Sports

Can I play sports with astigmatism? It depends on the type of astigmatism. If it is combined with farsightedness (hyperopia), the exercise is not contraindicated. If astigmatism combined with myopia (simple or compound myopic astigmatism), the issue of sports have to be agreed with the doctor. The fact that in myopia, especially high load high physical contraindicated because of the risk of retinal detachment.

Therefore, myopic astigmatism low degree can practice light sports (eg table tennis) or physiotherapy. Physical activity is certainly a positive impact on the state of view. This should be done for patients with systemic medical supervision. When progressive high myopia contraindicated sports associated with high physical activity, such as wrestling, lifting weights, jumping, running and so on.

For sports activities are not allowed people with myopia over 3.0 D. If sports myopia begins to progress, it is recommended to stop or significantly reduce the load to suspend classes.


Astigmatism and the army

Category date determined in accordance with the schedule of diseases, which is a supplement to the Regulations on military-medical examination. From the category of approved life to the service it depends on whether the recruit will serve in the army, or be relieved of military duty:

  • A category of life - do not fit: the astigmatism of any kind on any difference to the eye refraction in the two principal meridians more than 6 0 D;
  • In the category of life - partially fit: astigmatism of any kind on any difference to the eye refraction in the two principal meridians more than 4, 0 D to 6 0 D; exemption from conscription: draftee enlisted in the Armed Forces and the stock it issued military ID;
  • Category B - fit for military service with minor restrictions - subject to appeal: astigmatism of any kind on any difference to the eye refraction in the two principal meridians 2 0 D to 4, 0 D.


Vision correction with glasses

Vision correction at astigmatism is achieved using special cylindrical lenses that allow you to change the refraction of only one meridian, correcting deficiencies of the optical system of the eye.

Such correction may be accompanied by a number of features. For example, some adults could hardly tolerate cylindrical glasses due to appear at their carrying dizziness, cramps in the eyes or eye discomfort. Circular windows made of pre-orders, it takes time, requires special equipment and therefore is not cheap, with patients often have to change my glasses several times before the glass will be finally selected.


Vision correction using lenses

Correction of astigmatism also possible using the contact lenses. Previously used only hard contact lenses that have negative effects on the cornea. But at present there soft contact lenses are called toric, they do not adversely affect the cornea.


Surgical correction of vision

When poor tolerability glasses or contact lens correction surgical treatment of astigmatism Treatment of astigmatism - conservative or surgical?  Treatment of astigmatism - conservative or surgical?
 . Surgical treatment can be carried out in childhood, as an innate astigmatism is not progressing.
