Otitis - than could face an ear infection - Types

June 28, 2009

  • Otitis - than could face an ear infection
  • Acute and chronic
  • Kinds
  • Treatment

 types of otitis

Types of otitis

Acute otitis media - ear infection, the most common among children. Its agents can be viruses, bacteria, and, in rare cases, fungal microorganisms. Typical symptoms of this type of otitis media - ear pain, redness of the eardrum, fever. If the patient develops ruptured otitis media, purulent discharges occur, and as a result that the pressure at the eardrum decreases, ear pain becomes weaker.

  • Secretory otitis media (other names - otitis media with effusion, otitis media with effusion Glue ear: accompanied inconspicuous symptoms  Glue ear: accompanied inconspicuous symptoms
 , Serous otitis media) is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear, and the symptoms of acute infections are usually absent. Usually, the only symptom is hearing loss. Serous otitis media may develop as a result of viral upper respiratory tract infections, allergic reactions or effects of irritants such as tobacco smoke. In many cases, the disease runs itself. Drug treatment may be required only in those cases when the disease causes severe ear pain, fever, weakness, and so on.
  • External otitis, or swimmer's ear - a disease that affects the outer ear canal. This abuse patients may complain of itching in the ears, redness and swelling of the ears. Touching the ears can be very painful. Sometimes there are discharge from the ears.
  • Barotravmatichesky otitis. So called otitis develops due to pressure changes in the environment. Most often it becomes a violation of the immersion, it is much less developed with the rise to great heights, for example, during air travel.
  • To avoid this, you must make blowing ears. The most common way blowing - hold your nose and simultaneously exhale through the nose. It can cause high blood pressure, so this technique is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. There are other methods to avoid barotravmaticheskogo otitis. People who have no experience in diving, the first dive should be done with an instructor - he, among other things, explain and show you what to do to prevent barotrauma.
  • The adhesive often is a complication of otitis conventional otitis media Otitis media - children's problem  Otitis media - children's problem
 . At the same violation in the middle ear cavity tumors appear in the scar tissue, causing the patient's deteriorating hearing. Tinnitus is also a common symptom of adhesive otitis media. For the treatment of this disease may need laser treatment or surgery.
  • Allergic otitis media - a rare kind of otitis media in which there is swelling of the ear canal and the middle ear cavity. Sometimes also appear discharge from the ears. Because of swelling and narrowing of the auditory meatus may worsen hearing, but it is not for all patients. In most cases, the temperature at this type of otitis is absent, and if it rises, then only slightly. Taking antibiotics, OTC analgesics and most folk remedies for allergic otitis does not give any results. Antihistamines provide temporary relief of symptoms. To achieve stable relief, it is necessary to identify the allergen that caused it is a violation, and, if possible, to eliminate its impact on the patient.
  • Bullous otitis media is also called viral otitis because it often develops in patients who are ill with the flu or viral respiratory infections. In this disease on the eardrum may appear reddish blisters (their name - the Bull - and gave the name of the disease). Usually viral otitis media is mild or moderate ear pain, hearing loss a minor or absent. In rare cases, the disease affects the vestibular system, and causes symptoms such as dizziness, imbalance when walking, nausea.
  • Diffuse otitis. So-called external otitis, affects not only the auditory canal, and the eardrum, and sometimes other structures. This kind of otitis is particularly common in people who spend a lot of time in the water or live in regions with a very humid climate. Damage to the external ear canal can also cause the development of diffuse otitis.
  • Internal otitis media - an infection of the inner ear, also called the labyrinth. The most characteristic symptom is vertigo - it is due to the fact that the infection affects the vestibular system, and its operation is temporarily disrupted. Some people suffer internal otitis on their feet, yet experts strongly recommend to patients, if possible, to stay home until the symptoms disappear. Houses should also move with extreme caution, and with vertigo immediately sit or lie down, to avoid injuries, which can be obtained in the fall.
  • Fungal otitis media, or otomycosis. Approximately every eighth case of otitis externa Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease  Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease
   caused by fungal organisms .  Fungal otitis media is most common in tropical countries and among people who engage in water sports .  In 90% of his agents are fungi of the genus Aspergillus, in other cases - of the genus Candida .  Development of the disease is facilitated by such factors as insufficient amount of wax, high humidity and temperatures, and damage to the inside of the ears, for example, from the use of a hearing aid or cotton swabs .  The pH of earwax is 4-5 units, whereby it inhibits the proliferation of micro-organisms like fungi and bacteria .  If a person spends much time in the pool and / or the ears should be cleaned more often, sulfur becomes less, and the likelihood of developing ear infections increases .  The first signs of this type of otitis media - itching in the ears, ear stuffiness, discomfort .  After a couple of days the skin of the outer ear canal begins to peel off .  In some cases, symptoms such as pain in the ears and transparent selection Transparent allocation when they are normal?  Transparent allocation when they are normal?
   from the ears.
