Bilateral sinusitis - which affects the incidence

March 26, 2013

  • Bilateral sinusitis - which affects the incidence
  • Catarrhal
  • Treatment

 bilateral sinusitis
 The inflammation that develops in the maxillary sinuses or may become prevalent with the defeat of both sinuses. Bilateral sinusitis is characterized by more severe or complicated course of the disease. Most at risk of inflammation in people during the cold season, which marks the highest number of cases of colds.

 Bilateral sinusitis - which affects the incidence

The main causal factors of inflammation

The emergence of bilateral sinusitis by a variety of infectious diseases in the oral cavity and nasopharynx. Pathogens penetrate into the sinuses through the nasal cavity or through the bloodstream, causing inflammation. It contributes to this state of immunity when a weakened body can not withstand the effects of microorganisms.

Predisposes to the development of bilateral sinusitis number of factors:

  • a viral infection or other common cold, which was not timely cured or treatment was not adequately
  • the presence of long-term chronic disease occurring on the part of upper respiratory tract, and other body systems
  • allergic predisposition. This group of predisposing factors should also include a variety of parasitic diseases that adversely affect the condition of the body's immune defense
  • state asymptomatic bacterial carriage. Most of the population is a carrier of the bacterial flora (usually species of staph infection) that has no clinical manifestations and is found only on the basis of microbiological studies. When you create certain conditions the flora becomes pathogenic properties, causing the development of inflammation in both sinuses

Bilateral inflammation can develop at any age. Notes the existence of a specific, depending on the time of year, since the supercooling in the autumn-winter period the risk of sinusitis increases many times.

For childhood characterized by the development of bilateral maxillary sinusitis due to Chlamydia, Mycoplasma infection. Assume the existence of these kinds of pathogens can be the ineffectiveness of treatment with antibacterial drugs a wide range of effects. If the background of the therapy during the first day is not observed positive dynamics, the symptoms progress, it is recommended to conduct a survey to identify infectious agents.

 Bilateral sinusitis - which affects the incidence

The most frequent complaints

For bilateral sinusitis characteristic that the disease is severe with severe clinical symptoms. In acute inflammation there is a violation of general well-being, there is malaise, weakness. Can disrupt sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Anorectic until failure of food. The inflammatory process caused by bacterial flora accompanied by a significant rise in temperature, in some cases, the temperature is raised to 39 * higher.

Due to accumulation of pus in the cavity of sinus complaint is headache which is oppressive or bursting with character. Patients describe the pain is localized in the eye sockets, in the forehead and enhanced if the pressure on the infraorbital area. Relief status occurs when the sinuses occurs emptying of pus, that is in the supine position. In acute inflammation in severe edema observed the appearance of neurological symptoms associated with damage to the branches of the trigeminal nerve The trigeminal nerve and its defeat: what happens in the body?  The trigeminal nerve and its defeat: what happens in the body?
   edematous tissue. Pain in this is quite intense, headache may be the type of migraine. One of the first symptoms is nasal that violates breathing through the nose. When inflammation in the nasal cavity is the development of mucosal edema, so it complicates the normal ventilation in the sinuses. Separated, which accumulates in the cavity is not evacuated from the cavity, as this prevents mucosal edema. Prolonged abnormal secretion in the cavity is accompanied by the addition of a secondary infection and pus formation, resulting in weighting of the general condition.

If you do not carry out the necessary remedial measures in a timely manner, it could lead to the development of chronic sinusitis bilateral. At this stage of the disease symptoms will be different erased clinical picture. Pain syndrome is not clearly defined, and the location of the pain is difficult to make clear, as patients complain of pain without clear localization. A characteristic feature of the appearance can be considered in the morning unexpressed swelling of the eyelids, and the emergence of symptoms of conjunctivitis. The inflammation extends into the eye sockets, so is the hallmark symptom of conjunctivitis in the diagnosis of complications of sinusitis Sinusitis - complications of inflammation in the head  Sinusitis - complications of inflammation in the head
 . Often, when a bilateral chronic inflammation develops a cough that can not be eliminated by any antitussive drugs. The appearance of cough due to the fact that the pus from the cavity and sinuses drains irritates the mucous membrane of the throat. Coughing is dry, expectorants in this situation do not have a therapeutic effect. Development of inflammation in the maxillary sinus is accompanied by a significant reduction of smell, some patients may be no sense of smell. This contributes not only nasal mucosa due to edema, as well as the development of polyps in the nasal cavity, if the inflammation is prolonged. Polyps can be seen in an objective examination and during rhinoscopy, a special survey, which includes a range of diagnostic measures in the bilateral maxillary sinusitis Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
 . Polyps in the nasal cavity complicate the process of cleansing the sinuses, which largely supports the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses.

Cerumen in the ear as a defense mechanism of the body

July 21, 2011

 cerumen impaction in the ear
 Cerumen - one of the most frequent causes of treatment of patients a doctor-otolaryngologist. It occurs equally often in men and women, children and adults, bringing the discomfort until the pain and sudden hearing loss. But cerumen impaction, in essence, is not a disease. This is one of the defense mechanisms of the human body.

 Cerumen in the ear as a defense mechanism of the body

Etiology and pathogenesis

The ear canal is about two thousand glands that produce earwax having a complex composition comprising even immunoglobulins, which moisturizes the skin of the ear, while protecting against injury and bacteria. The composition also comprises sulfur dead skin cells, dust, and other microparticles, resulting in its color - yellow to dark brown. Normally, the sulfur is constantly moving in the direction from the eardrum to the ear, cleansing and moisturizing of the outer ear canal.

Many people noted gland hypersecretion sulfur, which in combination with the narrowness of genetically caused auditory meatus contributes to the formation of cerumen. A significant factor is provoking irritation of the walls of the auditory canal different hearing aids, earphones, or cotton buds. Increases the risk of cerumen workers dusty specialties, for example, flour millers.

 Cerumen in the ear as a defense mechanism of the body

Clinical presentation and diagnosis

Cerumen in the adult years can be formed without causing any sensation and discovered only during a routine inspection of a specialist. However, when its size becomes large, or when water gets in the ear, for example during bathing, sulfuric tube swells, closing the lumen of the external auditory meatus, presses on the sensitive surface and the tympanic membrane, causing discomfort, pain and rapid hearing loss, including deafness . In this case, the patient quickly seeks medical help.

Young children can not explain what is happening to them. To discomfort in your ears, they quickly adapted to the age characteristics of the power and do not complain. Observation mother noticed that the child pulls the ear, does not respond to speech addressed to him, or to hear better sound, turns to him somehow one ear. All this - the reason for the appeal to the child's audiologist. At otoscopy reveals a characteristic yellow-brown, non-reflective surface.

 Cerumen in the ear as a defense mechanism of the body

Prevention and Treatment

In order to prevent occurrence of cerumen need to minimize irritation of the outer ear canal. In no case can not clean the ears with cotton sticks, as this process, along with stimulation of the walls of the external auditory canal, helps seal sulfur, which prevents its free transit outside. The sulfur must be removed only when it appears in the ear, and as little as possible.

If you find cerumen in the ear is strictly forbidden to remove it without inspection ENT. The external auditory meatus is hourglass-shaped, with physiological constriction in the middle. Trying to pull the plug on their own lead to push the plug of the narrow section and make it difficult to extract the doctor.

It is impossible without a doctor drip into the ear of a variety of fluids, as in violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane, as the patient may not be aware, it will lead to the ingress of fluid in the middle ear, which is fraught with occurrence of otitis media.

After otoscopy audiologist usually removes sulfuric cork tweezers or by washing with warm water. If the removal is problematic once assigned instillation three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, followed by washing with tap water after some time.

After removal of cerumen does not require compliance with the special regime and purpose of therapeutic measures.

Svetlana Shimkovich

Article Tags:
  • ear disease
