Bilateral sinusitis - which affects the incidence - Catarrhal

March 26, 2013

  • Bilateral sinusitis - which affects the incidence
  • Catarrhal
  • Treatment

 bilateral catarrhal sinusitis

Bilateral catarrhal sinusitis - the nature of exudative changes

According to the current classification identified two forms of sinusitis. Catarrhal and purulent sinusitis Purulent sinusitis - how to prevent the disease  Purulent sinusitis - how to prevent the disease
   They differ in the nature of isolated microflora of oral maxillary sinuses. Bilateral catarrhal sinusitis occurs with signs of serous inflammation, while the inflammatory process affects both sinuses. The spread of inflammation leads to complications, which may prevent timely at the beginning of therapy.

 Catarrhal | Bilateral sinusitis - which affects the incidence

The mechanism of development of bilateral inflammation

Under normal circumstances, maxillary or maxillary sinuses are directly involved in the process of air exchange with other paranasal sinuses. Contribute to this particular anatomical structure of the sinuses, which communicate with the nasal cavity with the help of the hole. This is a natural fistula can be closed with the development of inflammatory changes that will hinder normal air and hinder self-cleaning of the sinuses. Such violations contribute to the accumulation of inflammatory secretion in the cavity. At a time when there was no attachment of pathogenic organisms, inflammation is considered to be aseptic or catarrhal. If the contents of the sinus joined bacterial flora, it will lead to the development of purulent sinusitis form.

There are those factors which under appropriate conditions will facilitate the penetration of infection, disruption of air and bilateral inflammation. These include:

  • foci of chronic infection, especially from the mouth, nose and throat (adenoids, chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
   or throat)
  • various immune disorders that lead to the weakening of the body's defenses

Against the backdrop of a weakened immune system cause of bilateral inflammation can be saprophyte or conditionally pathogenic microflora, as well as fungi and viruses.

 Catarrhal | Bilateral sinusitis - which affects the incidence

Features of clinical picture

Bilateral inflammatory process tends to be more severe and complicated variants of the disease. Acute inflammation is characterized by the development of symptoms of intoxication. Patients been a sharp increase in temperature with chills, in some cases, the temperature may reach 39 * or higher. Intoxication syndrome accompanied by malaise, general weakness, lack of appetite, sleep disorders Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

Among the local symptoms is a major pain. At first, the pain is localized only in the sinuses (this forehead, bridge of the nose or cheekbone), and later takes a common pain, or diffuse nature, which will further affect the general condition of the patient. During the physical examination with pressure on the region both sinuses pain increases. Common inflammatory process resulting in difficulty of normal breathing, nasal appears abnormal contents. For catarrhal sinusitis Catarrhal sinusitis - the need for prompt diagnosis  Catarrhal sinusitis - the need for prompt diagnosis
   characterized by the appearance of abundant mucous discharge from the nose. Initially, they will be liquid, and later become thick, viscous. When you attach the bacteria changed the nature of discharge, they become mucopurulent or purulent, depending on the severity of the disease. You may see a specific smell discharge, so this symptom should be noted. Since inflammation affects both the paranasal sinuses, the nasal breathing becomes practically impossible, so patients begin breathing through the mouth. A natural voice will change, it becomes nasal due to the lack of normal nasal breathing.

Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease - Treatment

May 30, 2014

  • Otitis externa - all the dangers of the disease
  • Treatment
  • Complications
  • Cancerous

 the treatment of otitis externa

Treatment of otitis externa

Typically, otitis externa can be cured at home or by using ear drops prescribed by your doctor. In most cases, the symptoms of otitis externa are much less pronounced after a few days after the start of treatment. Untreated otitis externa usually extends itself for a few weeks.

How to treat otitis externa at home. First of all, we should note that is valid only home treatment of otitis externa in adults. Sick child otitis must-see a doctor, and home treatment methods can be used in addition to the appointment of the drug.

The following guidelines will help both to alleviate the symptoms of otitis media Symptoms of otitis media - easy to identify  Symptoms of otitis media - easy to identify
 And prevent its complications:

  • Regularly and carefully remove the selection appearing on the outer part of the ear. Do not insert a cotton swab into the ear canal, and only clean the skin around its outer holes;
  • While the symptoms become less severe, do not use objects that can cause irritation, such as hearing aids, earplugs, headphones, and so on;
  • Take nonprescription pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve the pain in the ears. Before taking this medication be sure to read the information on contraindications and drug interactions;
  • If the ear canal formed a boil, regularly apply to it tampon How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   gauze or a soft, clean cloth dampened with warm water - it will speed up recovery.

As already mentioned, otitis externa in a child must be treated by the doctor. You should also seek medical advice to patients who have not observed the relief of symptoms within a few days after the start of home treatment, those with symptoms were originally expressed very strongly, as well as people who have symptoms of otitis media persist for several weeks.

Acute otitis externa is usually performed using various ear drops, are used several times a day for about one week. In chronic otitis Chronic otitis media - how to recognize complications in a timely manner  Chronic otitis media - how to recognize complications in a timely manner
   They may also be administered drops, but they usually need to be taken for a longer time.

Your doctor may prescribe drops of the following types:

  • Ear drops with antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections;
  • Corticosteroid drops for external otitis rapidly reduce inflammation;
  • Antifungal ear drops prescribed for fungal otitis;
  • Ear drops with boric acid is quite effective in killing the bacteria causing otitis media.

Sometimes a patient may be discharged and two drops (rarely) the three types, e.g., antibiotic and corticosteroid ear drops.

After treatment patients are usually advised to undergo another examination to be sure that the disease does not cause complications and, in some cases, to identify abnormalities that might contribute to the development of otitis media, for example, certain anomalies in the structure of the eardrum.

Use ear drops. Eardrops may operate inefficiently, if they are used incorrectly. When using ear drops need to perform the following recommendations:

  • First, a piece of cotton gently remove isolation from the outside of the ear canal;
  • A few minutes hold a bottle of ear drops in the hand to warm them up a little bit. Instill drops of cold can cause mild dizziness;
  • Bury medicine lying on the side of the patient's ear up to the drops hit it directly into the ear canal;
  • Within 30 seconds, gently pull the ear slightly behind earlobe in different directions to drops penetrated deeply enough. Then just lie down three to five minutes.

If necessary, the physician may prescribe other means for treatment of otitis externa, for example:

  • Potent prescription pain relievers, such as codeine;
  • Antibiotics in tablets or capsules for oral administration - they can be used for the treatment of severe ear infections. Most often prescribe antibiotics flucloxacillin;
  • Drugs for treatment of skin diseases, which can exacerbate the symptoms of otitis externa. Among these diseases - eczema, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • If your ear boil Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
 , Your doctor may puncture it with a sterile needle and remove the pus. This procedure is in any case not be performed independently.

In addition, in some cases, your doctor may carry out a special procedure for the removal of ear wax - this allows you to increase the effectiveness of ear drops.
