Nazoneks - a medicament for topical treatment of allergic and inflammatory conditions of the nose. The product effectively removes allergic and inflammatory processes, but has a number of side effects, which do not allow to use it on their own without a doctor's prescription.
Structure and mechanism of action of Nasonex
Nasonex is composed of glucocorticoid hormone mometasone, and all means of glucocorticoid (GCS) quickly and effectively reduce the inflammatory and allergic processes. It is produced in the form of a nasal spray, and is only used locally in the form of injection into the nose. In this case, blood is drawn so slight amount of formulation that it can not even be determined by conventional laboratory methods.
Action Nasonex is it through a series of successive biochemical processes inhibits prostaglandin release process - substances that cause and maintain an inflammatory and allergic reactions. The effect of its use comes immediately: swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases and returns to the previously disturbed nasal breathing. It would seem that what could be better?
But deceit any SCS is that they have a number of side effects which may significantly occur even when applied topically.
Side effects of Nasonex
The first side-effect is the ability of the SCS disrupt blood clotting, which can lead to nosebleeds. And as the nasal mucosa when chronic diseases and so irritated the bleeding may become habitual.
Another equally unpleasant complication of long Nasonex is the reduction of local immunity. This allows you to activate pathogenic microflora, always dwelling on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. As a result, allergic processes associated infection, which greatly burdens the process itself and its treatment. And if Nasonex used to treat infectious and inflammatory process, with a decrease in immunity is necessary to ensure that the patient receive adequate doses of antibiotics, or an inflammatory process spread to the surrounding tissue or bloodstream can get to distant organs and tissues of the patient.
How to avoid unpleasant effects when taking Nasonex
But with the right use of the drug under medical supervision side effects are avoided. To do this, allergic rhinitis
Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
patient periodically inspects ENT doctor and, if necessary, appoint the bacteriological tests of mucus from the nose. When the infection the patient is prescribed antibacterials. Nazoneks used to treat exacerbations of seasonal allergic rhinitis, as well as for prevention of exacerbations. In order to prevent aggravation of the common cold, Nasonex appointed no earlier than four and no later than two weeks before the pollen season appearance, on which the patient is allergic. Such treatment and prevention prescribed for adults and children since two years.
In chronic infectious-inflammatory processes, such as chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis - the effect on health
, Sinusitis patients sometimes completely unable to breathe through the nose, in some cases, swelling and inflammation are so great that violate and breathing through the mouth. In order to reduce this swelling, administered Nasonex and simultaneously with it - antibacterial drugs that would suppress reproduction of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora and spread of infection. Typically, with the right combination of antibacterial drugs Nasonex and comes faster remission than with some antibiotics
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
Since children under 12 years of immunity, usually imperfect, Nasonex used in infectious and inflammatory diseases, it is not recommended. Do not use it, and under severe infectious processes such as tuberculosis - it is very dangerous. Do not use Nasonex if untreated infections of any origin (bacterial, fungal, viral, protozoal) - this can cause the rapid spread of infection in apparently favorable course of the disease.
Contraindications for Nasonex during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
No breasts, however, given that clinical trials with this group of patients was conducted before his appointment is recommended to carefully weigh all the "pros" and "cons". To do this, of course, be a doctor.
Nasonex Treatment should be under medical supervision, while the patients are always warned that they will decrease the immune system and they should beware of contact with infectious patients, as the great opportunity to catch.
Nasonex - it is an effective anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic drug that is used only on prescription.
Galina Romanenko