Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician - Treatment with Laser

March 20, 2013

  • Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician
  • In adults,
  • Effective measures
  • Without a puncture
  • Treatment with laser
  • Domestic procedures

 laser treatment of sinusitis

Laser treatment of sinusitis

One of the achievements of modern medicine can be called the effective application of laser technologies for therapeutic purposes. Laser treatment of sinusitis can successfully cope with the symptoms of the disease and to achieve rapid recovery. The technology has the absolute advantage in comparison with many therapeutic techniques that allows us to recommend this method of treatment as the most effective.

 Treatment with laser | Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician

What advantages does method

If we make a comparative description of the methods used treatment of sinusitis, it is possible to distinguish the following advantages of the laser in the treatment of:

  • technique is not traumatic and bloodless
  • conducting the procedure does not lead to a pronounced soreness or discomfort
  • During the procedure, local destruction of pathogens that cause the disease process in the sinuses.

 Treatment with laser | Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician


  • recovery process proceeds much faster and without complications
  • reducing the frequency of relapses in the long term when the treatment is completed, which significantly increases the efficiency of the method
  • complete safety laser therapy

Currently, the use of laser for the treatment of ENT diseases related to innovative technologies with which there is an influence of different wavelengths of light directly at the place of the pathological focus. The laser is able to penetrate into the tissue to a greater depth, thus there is a mild effect. Achieved clinical effect is persistent, recovery occurs quickly enough. After passing several sessions the patient noted a significant improvement in overall well-being and relief of symptoms.

 Treatment with laser | Sinusitis - the treatment may only be carried out under the supervision of a physician

The validity of the use of laser

The laser light causes the restoration of the structure of tissues, normalization of microcirculation processes at the cellular level. There is a beneficial effect on the processes of tissue, oxygen metabolism, blood circulation, which helps to activate the process of regeneration. Due to the complex impact of the body's immune mechanisms and self-control are reduced, ensuring a rapid and sustained recovery of the patient.

Laser radiation for therapeutic purposes in the sinus Sinusitis - when a puncture is required  Sinusitis - when a puncture is required
   It should be in place projection sinuses .  For this purpose, the light emitter must be installed at the focus of inflammation and certain points which are provided medical procedure .  If you work directly on the acupressure points, it is possible to successfully replace the method of laser therapy acupuncture .  When sinusitis should go from 8 to 12 sessions, the number of which is determined by the manner in which the illness .  If the disease is chronic, then a few months later it is recommended to be sure to repeat the course of laser therapy .  Against the background of the use of the laser is possible to prevent a timely development of chronic sinusitis, and the treatment time greatly reduced .  At present, modern medical technology can provide an individual approach during treatment .  Thanks to scientific research was established unit for laser therapy, which can adapt to the patient .  Laser radiation, its parameters are changed depending on whether a person breathing rate and heart rate, so the therapeutic effect is sustained .  It provides a mode of "bio", which is equipped with instruments for laser therapy .

Vasomotor rhinitis - when the nose permanently laid - Causes

May 28, 2009

  • Vasomotor rhinitis - when the nose is constantly incorporated
  • Causes

As shown

When vasomotor rhinitis Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious  Rhinitis: a runny nose - is quite serious
   the slightest irritation of the nerve endings of the nasal mucosa or remote areas related to the nose reflex (through the nervous system) leads to a violent reaction in the form of sudden attacks of nasal congestion, profuse watery-mucous secretions Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman  Mucus - what is the norm for a healthy woman
 , Sneezing and watery eyes. Starting torque may serve as hypothermia, a sharp smell, and so on. Characteristic signs of vasomotor rhinitis is also an Alternate nasal one half of the nose or nasal appearance with a change in body position.

 Causes | Vasomotor rhinitis - when the nose is constantly incorporated

Vasomotor rhinitis in the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictive drops

Long-term (over 4-5 days) application of vasoconstrictor drops (eg naftizina Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose  Naphthyzinum - carefully overdose
 , Sanorin and so on) is addictive and persistent dilation of blood vessels of the nose, rush of more blood, soft tissue swelling of the nose. In this state, the nasal mucosa becomes easily penetrable for the disease-causing bacteria and viruses associated infection and the process often becomes chronic.

 Causes | Vasomotor rhinitis - when the nose is constantly incorporated


Vasomotor rhinitis can be complicated by the addition of an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Due to the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity ventilation of the paranasal sinuses (such as the maxillary sinus) is violated, it is actively produced and accumulated mucus, which creates a perfect breeding ground for pathogens that are introduced into the inflamed mucosa, causing suppurative complications.

As a result of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity may appear growths of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (polyps) - they are subject to mandatory removal, as yourself can not pass.

The proximity of the middle ear contributes to chronic otitis media, which are in turn compounded by hearing loss.

 Causes | Vasomotor rhinitis - when the nose is constantly incorporated

Conservative treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis depends on the reason he was called. When vegetative-vascular dystonia is the treatment of the underlying disease - prescribed drugs that reduce nervous excitability (bromine, valerian, tranquilizers). Appointed as physiotherapy, tempering. Suitable treatment aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood flow in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Locally held lubricating mucosal various drugs, relieves swelling, vacuum wash nasal drug solution. Used injection of drugs directly into the inferior turbinates (eg, injection of novocaine Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?  Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?
 , Drugs that cause hardening - that is, growth of connective tissue - the mucous membrane of the nasal turbinates).

 Causes | Vasomotor rhinitis - when the nose is constantly incorporated

Surgical treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

If conservative treatment methods are not sufficiently effective, the surgical treatment.

To surgical treatments include: intersection of the small blood vessels in the inferior turbinates (submucosa vasotomy), removal or destruction of submucosal vessels of the lower nasal turbinate using cautery galvanic current (galvanokaustika - now almost never used), the destruction of elektroplazmennym coagulator, ultrasonic ( ultrasonic disintegration), radio waves using an electric Surgitron, laser (laser destruction). After these operations, the mucous membrane to swell and cease to grow in volume.

Article Tags:
  • rhinitis
