Headache: causes and complications - Why it appears

March 31, 2011

  • Headache: Causes and Complications
  • Why it appears

 Why can begin persistent headaches

Why can begin persistent headaches

Headache is almost all people. But some patients, she constantly worried. This headache requires further investigation to determine the causes of its occurrence. Sometimes the cause of a headache is a nerve strain and the person needs to just relax, in other cases, the cause can be much more serious, such as a brain tumor Brain tumor - surgery inevitable  Brain tumor - surgery inevitable

Feeling a headache due to the irritation of sensitive nerve endings. Sensitivity to pain possess all the tissues of the skull, but especially the arteries, located outside of the brain, the aponeurosis (tendon covering the skull as a helmet), temporal and occipital muscles. Because intracranial structures sensitive to pain possess the veins and arteries of the brain, part of the dura mater to the base of the brain that are sensitive cranial nerves and upper cervical spinal nerves.

Pain in the frontal, temporal and parietal region are conducted through the trigeminal nerve The trigeminal nerve and its defeat: what happens in the body?  The trigeminal nerve and its defeat: what happens in the body?
 And occipital - through some other cranial and spinal nerves. Brain tissue, most of the dura mater and the rest of the brain do not have sensitivity to pain.

The headache may be associated with intracranial and extracranial processes. Headache due to intracranial stimulation of various origins of pain receptors located inside the skull. Extracranial source of headaches can be the defeat of the muscles and blood vessels that lie on the surface of the skull, irritation of cranial and spinal nerves, the disease that can cause headache reflected various intoxication, intracranial acting on pain receptors.

By the nature of processes that cause headaches, can be roughly divided into three main types of it:

  • headache associated with damage to sensory receptors and nerves;
  • vascular headache that occurs when upset tone of cerebral vessels;
  • muscle headaches caused by inflammatory or hypoxic (the shortage of supply muscles with oxygen) damage to the muscles of the skull (eg, headache, occurring during prolonged muscle tension head and neck).

In some diseases, the headache may be due to multiple causes.


Headache in various diseases

Headache for different diseases can be similar, but at the same time, it has distinctive features.

When high blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   headache early in the disease can be localized in the neck, temples, forehead, eye sockets. The pain is usually throbbing, strengthened against the background of stress and physical exertion. At later stages of hypertensive disease formed headache often occurs in the early morning hours, there may hurt the whole head, only half of the head or neck. Most often the pain is throbbing in nature. These pains can be reduced when standing up and run throughout the day. In PNDS crises headache is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

When cerebral arteriosclerosis (this is lowering the tone of the arteries), headache, diffuse, dull and is not too intense. Such headaches person usually feels in the morning, it is usually combined with weakness, fatigue, tendency to fainting and palpitations.

In case of violation of cerebral circulation ischemic (due to spasm or thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   cerebral arteries) headache occurs on the affected side of the vessel, or may be spilled all over my head (due to the fact that stretched overstrained and other arteries that bypass the affected). Headache is constantly observed in hemorrhagic stroke (rupture of blood vessels and gets blood into brain tissue), such pain is usually acute diffuse character, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and seizures.

With infections of the brain (meningitis, arachnoiditis) headache is caused by direct stimulation of the brain membranes inflammation, lesions of the brain blood vessels and increased intracranial pressure. Especially intense headache characteristic of purulent meningitis, she was constantly spilled, combined with a high fever and vomiting.

When bulk processes in the brain (tumors, abscesses, hematomas after injuries) headache lasts permanently. Often, it is the first and only sign of the disease, allowing time to identify and treat the disease.

Headache, muscle tension associated with the head can occur when increased physical or mental stress, the neuroses (diseases arising because of the stress), osteochondrosis, eyestrain, crush the head (for example, close the cap). Muscular headache is characterized by patients as a feeling of squeezing the helmet on his head.

There are other types of headaches that require inspection and timely treatment. Without the establishment of the causes of chronic headache it can not be cured.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • headache

Chest pain: look for the cause - Causes

November 14, 2010

  • Chest pain: look for the cause
  • Causes

 chest pain causes

Why can occur chest pain

Chest pain can occur in various diseases of the heart, inflammation of the lungs and pleura, lung cancer, inflammation of the wall of the stomach (gastritis) and stomach ulcer, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, mastitis and breast cancer, and even with an increase in thyroid function The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones

All of these diseases can cause chest pain, the nature of which is often very similar to each other. Very often, the pain of gastric ulcer or gastritis mistaken for heart pain and unsuccessfully trying to remove them with the help of the heart means. Pain in osteochondrosis easily confused with the heart and stomach.

Why such different diseases can manifest the same pain? The fact that depart from the spinal cord nerve roots, nerve trunks in passing that carry sensory, motor and autonomic fibers. Autonomic fibers innervate the internal organs, while the total nerve trunk branches depart autonomic nerves to the various organs and if there is pain in one body, it is through the common trunk of the autonomic nerves can be transferred to another body, and sometimes not one. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to determine what was the cause of the disease pain.

The first thing to do with pain in the chest - is to consult a doctor. Sometimes it is only after a detailed interview and examination of the patient will be able to make a correct diagnosis. But the experienced physician knows how easy it is to make a mistake in this case, therefore, more likely to refer the patient for examination. It was only after the survey and clarify the diagnosis will be assigned to the correct adequate treatment.


The cause of chest pain - heart disease

The most common cause of chest pain becomes ischemic heart disease (IHD). The disease is characterized by attacks of coronary spasm (which feed the heart muscle - the myocardium) arteries. When a coronary artery is compressed, the myocardium receives less oxygen and nutrients, as well as this muscle works continuously without stopping, its cells immediately begin to react to the pain spasm of the arteries, angina attacks Angina - oxygen deficiency  Angina - oxygen deficiency

The pain in coronary artery disease appears suddenly, lasts only a few seconds and often has a piercing character. Pain can give in the left shoulder, left shoulder and left arm. At first, angina may occur against a background of physical or mental stress, and then alone.

The pain of angina can not endure - it is harmful, because it can lead to myocardial necrosis area, which is powered by artery spasm, ie myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction pain take a very strong permanent and often felt behind the breastbone.

Therefore, patients suffering from coronary heart disease, must have a drug that quickly relieves spasm of the coronary arteries. That drug is nitroglycerin. And remember that it is by no means impossible to replace validol, which has a calming effect.


Chest pain in diseases of the stomach

Stomach pain often also the result of spasm - this time contracts smooth musculature of the stomach. Such pains are longer and have characteristic features.

Thus, the pain of stomach ulcers has been linked with an eating: can occur early (after half an hour), late (after 1-2 hours), "hungry" (fasting) and nighttime pain. In addition, there are other signs of the disease of the stomach: heartburn, nausea, vomiting and so on.

Paroxysmal pain in the stomach can be removed using antispasmodics - drugs, relieves spasms of smooth muscle (eg, no-spa). But that does not negate the need in such a case a full examination.


Chest pain in breast osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis - a dystrophic (exchange) changes in the spine. As a result, malnutrition cloth spine violated its dampening properties. This is because it destroys a special elastic gasket Feminine pads - talk about wings  Feminine pads - talk about wings
   between individual vertebrae (intervertebral discs), cartilage and bone. This leads to the fact that coming out of the spinal cord and nerve rootlets are compressed causing pain.

The pain may be in the back or chest, sometimes they felt sick as a pain in the heart Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
   or in the stomach. The pain may be continuous or episodic, but in any case it is enhanced for any careless movement or rotation of the torso.

Pain in osteochondrosis can be reduced only when taking painkillers or heat.

Remember: to the patient is difficult to understand the nature of the pain arising in the chest, without consulting a doctor he can not do.

Article Tags:
  • heart pain
