Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms - Standing
June 8, 2013
- Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
- Permanent
- Right
- On the left
- Newborns
- Harsh
- Acute
- Causes

Constant abdominal pain
If occasional twinges still possible to ignore - to endure, take a pill and forget for a few months (although it is better to leave it out), the constant pain in the abdomen likely indicate any malfunction of the body and do not pay attention to them is difficult, and often dangerous.
If the pain in the abdomen receives permanent, worried for a long period of time, it must be a cause for seeking medical attention. Do not take yourself different painkillers as persistent abdominal pain may be a manifestation of serious disease. To confirm or deny the presence of the disease is possible only after a full examination of the patient.

The manifestation of the pathology of the digestive tract
When the patient's complaints of pain in the abdomen of a permanent nature should be excluded from the pathology of the digestive system. If the intensity of the pain is not severe, you should carefully ask about physiological functions, how often bowel movements. For constipation
Constipation - Watch out for food
often there are pains. Do not take laxatives alone, as causes of constipation may be different, so the medications to be ineffective.
If a normal, healthy diet does not come normalization of stool, you should consult your GP.
Parasitism in the intestines of worms as the cause of chronic pain in the abdomen. Any worm infestation is parasitism, change the normal intestinal microflora. Pain syndrome refers to one of the permanent features of infectious disease. In this regard, it should be noted the need of compulsory treatment in the identification of any kind of worms, as it adversely affects the health. Infectious nature of the disease may also be accompanied by complaints of flatulence (or flatulence), upset his chair, poor appetite. If the patient is drawn to the above complaints, then be sure to exclude the presence of helminthic infestation, especially in children or living in areas endemic for a certain type of parasite.

The most common causes of abdominal pain
- Constipation. Symptoms: persistent abdominal pain for at least several days, defecation once every few days. To cope with constipation not necessary laxative abuse - they may cause dependence, resulting in some patients can not empty stomach without medication. It is much more efficient to change your diet: eat more fruits, vegetables and dairy products. If within a few days after the change of diet constipation persists, consult a doctor.
- Lactose intolerance and allergy to milk protein. These are two different disorders. The first - is the body's inability to digest glucose
Glucose: The energy source
Contained in milk - lactose; the second - an allergic reaction
Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
on a part of the milk proteins. Both conditions cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. To get rid of these symptoms, it is necessary to abandon the use of dairy products or substitutes.
- Gastritis and gastric ulcer. Gastritis - an inflammation, which begins as a result of excessive production of gastric juice. Ulcers occur when too much stomach acid damage the stomach wall. Frequently these causes are stress disorders, infections (particularly the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori stimulate excessive production of gastric juice) and taking certain medications (e.g., ibuprofen and aspirin).
- Intestinal infections. There are many parasites and bacteria that can infect the intestines. In the presence of infection indicate a constant abdominal pain and diarrhea. When these symptoms should see a doctor. Generally, for the diagnosis of the analysis of stool samples.
- Psychological causes
. Constant abdominal pain often occurs in children when the family comes second child
. Parents are focusing on the newborn and older child seems to have forgotten about him that
. He feels abandoned, and the pain is a reaction to the stress caused by these emotions
. It is interesting that in adults can appear abdominal pain after breaking up with a partner, divorce, layoffs - that is, too, in situations where a person feels rejected and unnecessary
. The large error in such cases is the use of medications for pain relief
. The very pain goes away, but the type of response to the complex situation does not change, and the next time similar experiences, probably again will cause constant pain in the abdomen, which will be for a few days or weeks to distract people from the real issues
. Therefore, if abdominal pain appeared at you during a stressful situation, it is advisable to talk not only with your doctor, but also a psychologist

The role of psychogenic factors
It is proved that a big role in causing constant pain given to psychogenic factors. Most often, after undergoing psychological trauma, stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
a person develops pain. The most common cause of stress include:
- separation or divorce with someone you love
- dismissal
- for the child of such a situation could be the birth of a second child in the family
In terms of the psychological moment of the appearance of the person it is important to feelings of loneliness, uselessness. Against this background, taking any pain medication will not bring relief. Only after eliminating the negative impact of severe psychological situation comes recovery.
In this situation, the patient should be counseled not only therapists and a psychologist.
Complaints of persistent pain in the abdomen often placing children and young people, if they have a complex relationship develops in the school community. The pain can be regarded as a defensive reaction, not as an opportunity to go to school and do not face problems. It is important that the child's stomach really hurts, it is not an excuse. Children often experience pain in the abdomen, where the family appears younger child, as parents' attention naturally switches and the child feels abandoned, lack of attention that was previously devoted to him alone. Work Psychologist has provided substantial assistance, helps avoid family conflicts. Parents should be careful and listen to the complaints of the child, especially if these complaints are ongoing.
Abdominal pain: the types and symptoms - right
June 8, 2013
- Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
- Permanent
- Right
- On the left
- Newborns
- Harsh
- Acute
- Causes

Abdominal Pain Right
Do you have pains on the right side of the abdomen? They began a long time, or just a few days ago? Are they strong? The pain is accompanied by any other symptoms?
The most common causes of pain in the abdomen on the right:
- Biliary colic or gallstones
- Cholecystitis, or inflammation of the gallbladder
- Duodenal ulcer
- Stones in the kidneys
- Appendicitis
- Ovarian cyst
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Constipation
- Crick
Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, pneumonia, strangulated hernia, and polycystic ovaries
Polycystic ovaries - watch their menstruation
too often the cause of pain on the right side of the abdomen. To understand yourself, what caused the pain, it is necessary to understand the possible reasons - that is, diseases that may have such symptoms.

- You are between the ages of 9 to 40 years?
- Do you have pain in the right lower abdomen just below the navel?
- They started in the past few days?
- The pain is present all the time?
- Do you have a fever?
If you answered yes to the second and last question, as well as at least one of the other issues, it is likely that you have acute appendicitis.
This disease sometimes affects people under the age of 9 and over 40 years, but this is quite rare. Pain is a symptom of appendicitis usually increases with movement. If this symptom is accompanied by nausea and weakness, you should immediately consult your doctor. If appendicitis is not treated in time, it can cause serious complications and even endanger the patient's life.

Gallbladder disease
- You have pain on the right side of the abdomen just below the rib cage?
- It is a dull ache, sometimes like a strong tingling?
- It also applies to the back?
- The pain is severe?
- Pain has a wave-like nature?
- Have you noticed that the pain starts after a meal?
- You sick?
- You have a fever?
- Whites of the eyes acquired a yellowish tint?
If you answered positively at least half of these questions, you probably have gallstones or inflammation of the gallbladder.
Gall bladder: structure and function
. The first symptom of the disease - pain on the right side of the abdomen, sometimes spasmodic; sometimes the pain is particularly strong, then weakened. After a while, the pain spreads to the back and arms; it is amplified, and sometimes becomes unbearable. At this stage, the pain may be associated with vomiting, which is not terminated within a few hours. When such symptoms should immediately consult your doctor.
Cholecystitis, or inflammation of the gallbladder
. It is also the first sign of pain in the upper right abdomen, gradually increasing. Most often this disease occurs in women aged 40-50 years.

Kidney stones
- You experience bouts of severe pain on the right side of the abdomen?
- The pain began in the upper abdomen and spreads and lower, until the genitals?
- During bouts of pain you are constantly trying to find a position in which will be able to feel more or less comfortable?
- Did you have retching or vomiting?
- Do you sweating?
- Pain has a wave-like nature?
If at least half of the answer is yes, you probably have kidney stones
Kidney stones: identify and treat
. However, this disease may indicate a single symptom - a very severe pain in the abdomen
Severe abdominal pain: possible causes
(many patients who have had kidney stones, describing the symptoms of the disease as the most severe pain, which they have ever experienced). For suspected kidney stones seek medical help without delay.