Dicynonum - a drug that strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevent exudation through their blood, stops bleeding and activates the blood flow in the right direction. Apply Dicynonum bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis, lesions of the blood vessels in diabetes and many other diseases.
How does Dicynonum
Dicynonum (active substance - etamzilat) refers to a group of medicines - angioprotectors that improve the condition of blood vessels.
Dicynonum main action is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Under its influence the walls of arteries, veins and capillaries are strengthened large molecules of mucopolysaccharides. This reduces the permeability of blood vessels, which is especially important for certain blood diseases, such as hemorrhagic diathesis (they are characterized by bleeding disorders).
If the damage of blood vessel walls Dicynonum stimulates clotting factor III (thromboplastin), which in turn activates the physiological mechanisms of blood clotting. Furthermore, Dicynonum promotes enhanced synthesis and platelet adhesion (sticking) at the violation of the integrity of the vascular wall.
It is assumed that Dicynonum causes increased thrombus formation. However, manufacturers still recommend not to assign Dicynonum thrombosis and thromboembolism.
Dicynonum available in tablets of 250 mg in 2 ml ampoules (one ampoule contains 250 mg etamzilata). Dicynonum acts quickly and effectively, so it is used to stop bleeding. Withdrawal of the drug largely intact through the kidneys.
In what diseases and conditions prescribed Dicynonum
Dicynonum administered at a reduced clotting disorders permeability of blood vessels and bleeding of various origin. For Dicynonum often prescribed as part of a treatment for hemorrhagic diathesis - diseases that are accompanied by increased bleeding (for example, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemorrhagic vasculitis
Hemorrhagic vasculitis - a rare disease
and so on).
Dicynonum often given immediately before and after various surgical interventions. Especially effective Dicynonum during operations on the organs and tissues that are rich in blood vessels, such as the tonsils, retina, genito-urinary organs, and so on. Dicynonum widely used in plastic surgery to reduce the rate of complications and accelerate recovery period.
In gynecological practice is used in Dicynonum prolonged and heavy menstruation intermenstrual bleeding, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Such bleeding is often the result of hormonal disorders
Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
, The use of intrauterine contraception and uterine fibroids.
In some diseases of the kidneys (eg, in glomerulonephritis) in the urine can be isolated blood. Dicynonum introduced in the complex treatment will help reduce such bleeding. Apply it and nosebleeds, developed on the background of high blood pressure.
When hemorrhagic stroke in adults and intracranial hemorrhages in neonates birth injury
Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
Dicynonum help stop internal bleeding and prevent the development of severe lesions of the brain.
Diabetes is often caused by lesions of the small blood vessels. Especially dangerous is the loss of blood vessels in the eye with a hemorrhage in the retina - this can lead to total blindness. To prevent this complication in patients with diabetes are used Dicynonum.
Apply Dicynonum in emergencies to reduce bleeding, occurred against a background of trauma, as well as bleeding from internal organs (eg, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer).
This can not be used Dicynonum and its side effects
Dicynonum can not be used when you are hypersensitive during lactation (Dicynonum application requires temporary interruption of breastfeeding, as it stands with the women's milk), thrombophlebitis, and thromboembolism, certain kinds of cancer in children, acute porphyria (congenital metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
Which is accompanied by neuro-psychiatric seizures).
Side effects Dicynonum can note the appearance of headaches, dizziness, flares, disturbances of sensation in the lower extremities, nausea, heartburn, discomfort in the stomach, reducing the systolic (upper) blood pressure, allergic reactions.
Dicynonum well tolerated and rarely has side effects - a nontoxic drug.
Galina Romanenko