Aescusan is composed of horse chestnut seed extract, containing escin - biologically active substances that have a tonic effect on the walls of the veins, improve blood circulation in the capillaries and protects them from various damaging influences.
How it works
Aescusan is a drug for the symptomatic treatment, which means that it avoids or reduces the symptoms of venous insufficiency, but does not eliminate the disease itself. Therefore Aescusan better to take on prescription in the complex treatment after a preliminary examination.
Horse chestnut seeds are used in folk medicine for several centuries. From them prepare decoctions and infusions to stop bleeding, especially during childbirth, removing edema with injuries and so on. A study of the plant was started in the 19th century, when it was revealed the main active ingredient of horse chestnut - escin.
Escin - triterpene glycosides, the active substance that can influence the condition of the walls of veins through the stimulation of the secretion of adrenal hormones. Under the action of escin chronically dilated venous insufficiency veins constrict, their walls become more elastic, which helps to improve venous circulation and the removal of venous blood collection.
Escin also has a direct and beneficial impact on the smallest blood vessels - capillaries, improving blood circulation in them and protecting the wall from any harmful effects and preventing the formation of blood clots in the capillaries.
Through this multilateral influence on the venous system, Aescusan widely used in the treatment of the various manifestations of venous insufficiency - from heavy legs with varicose veins
Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
to the pain and itching of hemorrhoids. But if venous insufficiency has been formed, it can only Aescusan little to relieve her symptoms, eliminate the drug problem can not. That is why at the first signs of venous insufficiency is recommended to consult a doctor for examination and treatment of complex purpose. In some cases, conservative treatment fails and then is assigned to the operation - partially removes the modified vein walls, which prevents the normal circulation.
Available Aescusan as alcoholic oral solution (drops), and as a film-coated tablets.
This can be taken
Aescusan take venous insufficiency
Venous insufficiency - rapidly Youthful disease
prescribed by a doctor, not because the drug has many side effects and contraindications, but because the vast majority of eksuzana for treatment is not enough.
Aescusan reduce these unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins, as the heaviness and fatigue in the legs, swelling, jerking the calf muscles, pain in the legs
Pain in the legs - from which they arise?
a more or less long walks.
When he removes hemorrhoids tissue swelling, accompanied by pain and itching, and improves blood circulation in the capillary network around the hemorrhoids, leading to alleviate the suffering of the patient.
After suffering a thrombosis in many patients is an increased tendency to thrombosis. Aescusan improves blood circulation in the capillaries, reducing the risk of aggregation (adhesion) of platelets and formation of blood clots.
Used Aescusan also after injuries and operations - it is well relieves congestion in the area of injury, soft tissue swelling and promotes rapid healing of wounds or resorption of hemorrhages.
Toxic whether the drug - Aescusan?
Aescusan - it is absolutely non-toxic drug. He rarely has side effects, mostly in the form of allergic reactions - the appearance of the skin itchy rash (including urticaria), angioedema, and so on.
Occasionally Aescusan irritant effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen (in the stomach), nausea and vomiting. In this case, it is recommended to take the drug during meals.
Contraindications Aescusan also very small. It should not be taken if the patient hypersensitivity to the drug and in patients with chronic renal failure. Alcohol solutions and tablets Aescusan Aescusan 20 is not recommended during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
Overdose Aescusan to date has not been revealed.
Aescusan - is herbal medicines that can be bought over the counter without a prescription, but that does not mean that it should be used alone: any problems with veins better deal under the supervision of a doctor.
Galina Romanenko