- Venectomy: a radical solution to the problems with varicose veins
- Treatment
What is the treatment of varicose veins
Millions of people suffer from varicose veins
Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
. It is an insidious disease that creeps up on a person quietly flowing, usually the first few years (or even decades) secretly. It often happens that the disease manifests itself in the advanced stage, when help can only surgical treatment.
Varicose veins: causes and symptoms
The man was originally, like all mammals, walked on all fours
. When the load on bones, and blood vessels are uniformly distributed
. Once people began to walk on two feet, the load on the spine, lower limbs and blood vessels of the lower extremities has increased dramatically
. Venous blood from the lower extremities should go up first to the liver and then to the heart
. At a young age this is easy
. But over the years, the veins become increasingly difficult to cope with the load and "not to allow" the venous blood back down
. Weakening operation of valves, which cover regurgitation and vein walls
. Veins dilate, the blood stagnates in them, the liquid part of blood propotevaet through the walls of the veins, forming a swelling
. On the skin of the legs begin to appear first small patches of translucent veins, then they become more and more taking up considerable space
. Stagnation of blood leads to its thickening, it causes a complication - a blockage of veins clots and inflammation of the walls of veins - thrombophlebitis
There are varicose superficial and deep veins. Superficial veins can be seen on the skin, but is most often seen deep pains and cramps in the calf muscles of the leg. But the superficial and deep veins are interconnected posts (anastomoses), so most of varicose veins is mixed. Varicose veins into account all these features.
The initial stages of the disease are treated conservatively. Prescribed drugs, improve the tone of veins, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, wearing elastic stockings and bandages. All these methods provide temporary relief, but in conjunction with a decrease in hard physical activity and sedentary life may be postponed for a long time expressed stage of the disease.
Surgical treatment often is a combination of several surgical techniques, selected individually for the patient. At the same time no one can guarantee that the disease does not resume.
All surgical treatments are divided into sclerotherapy
Sclerotherapy - the fight against varicose veins
(introduction to the changed veins special drugs that cause them zapustevanie) and surgery to remove the dressing and changed veins.
What venectomy
Venectomy - an operation to remove the affected area extended saphenous vein. The operation has the following objectives:
- cessation of dumping of venous blood from the deep veins in the surface;
- removal of all surface varicose veins.
The operation was carried out by different methods. Most often, it is done by the method Troyanova-Trendelenberga (ligation is performed and the intersection of the great saphenous vein at the site of its confluence with the thigh), or the method of attendants (removal of the great saphenous varicose veins with a probe).
Venectomy by Babcock performed under general anesthesia. Under the area of the knee joint is enclosed roller to take a little bit of a limb and bend it at the knee joint. Changed portions of large and small saphenous veins are removed from the individual small incisions. For the surgery to remove the great saphenous vein make three cuts. One of them is made in the groin area at the confluence of the great saphenous vein in the femoral vein. The second cut - in the upper third of the leg at the knee joint. It allows you to tie the major tributaries of the great saphenous vein, one of which collects blood from the front and the other from the back of the leg. The third incision is made on the foot of the projection of the inner peripheral vein in the area below the inner ankle. All incisions are small, and eventually scarring of them are invisible.
First isolated the main trunk veins, then its cross at the top and at the bottom and is introduced into the lumen probe. When the probe will be released at the opposite end of the vein, it fixed a special device - Olivier, who has a cutting edge. Vein was removed by pulling at the opposite end of the probe, resulting olive slices vein and removes it from the subcutaneous tissue. Certain parts of varicose veins are removed from the cuts in different areas of the skin.
After the operation, appointed by tight bandaging of the lower limb elastic bandage. Going after such an operation is possible with the second - the third day, the sutures are removed on the eighth - ninth day.
The operation - a radical way to treat varicose veins.
Galina Romanenko