Tattoo removal: how to restore a solid image?

October 12, 2011

 Tattoo removal
 Tattoos - a tribute to the youth, but adults are usually no longer like it, especially women, so there is a question about their removal. Remove a tattoo is not as easy as do, but today many hospitals offer such services.

 Tattoo removal: how to restore a solid image?

What are some ways to remove tattoos

There are many, but not all equally effective. So, you can put the picture on top of a small paint in the color of the body. But this way, you can hide only a small tattoo, and not completely.

At the doctor's surgery tattoo can be removed with excision of the skin. But first it must be a small tattoo, and secondly instead remain on the skin scars.

The surgeon can remove the tattoo, and not only with a scalpel. Today he has sufficient funds for this purpose. For example, removal by means of liquid nitrogen, which has a very low temperature, using electrocoagulation. But all these methods are imperfect, as the leave behind scars. Today most often tattoo removed mechanically or by using dermabrasion or using different lasers.

Contraindications for tattoo removal is a violation of the integrity of the skin, moles, benign tumors, and any skin disorders Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
   impacts, any acute illness, exacerbation of chronic disease, severe cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors, epilepsy Epilepsy - a sacred disease  Epilepsy - a sacred disease
   and pregnancy.

 Tattoo removal: how to restore a solid image?

The mechanical method of removing tattoos

Mechanical removal of tattoos is performed under local anesthesia and is that the surgeon removes the special cutter surface layer of the skin, under which is the paint. The procedure is performed as follows: the skin surface is treated with antiseptics, and then grind it with special cutters. The epidermis is removed with a small cutter diamond grit until the first drops of blood (this is approximately one millimeter surface of the skin).

However, most unpleasant begins after surgery. For about two weeks, an open wound at first delayed and covered with a crust, the crust then falls away and remains fresh pink scar. At this time, the most important thing - to avoid falling into the wound infection, so there are different antibiotics. Once the crust is no longer need to try as soon as possible mature scar. A fresh scar has a bright pink color, but over time it zapustevayut blood vessels and John pales. After mechanical removal of tattoos scars always remain, but the quality of healing and postoperative care depends on how they are rude. After complete maturation of the scar is possible to carry out various beauty treatments reduce and smooth out.

There is a more gentle method of microdermabrasion. But it takes place in several stages, which is also not very convenient.

 Tattoo removal: how to restore a solid image?

Tattoo removal with a laser

The best way is now considered tattoo removal using laser. It's pretty painful procedure, so it is also performed under local anesthesia.

Today, tattoo removal is used for several types of lasers, the beam of which is directed very precisely, selectively (selectively) by acting on the painted areas of the skin, and without affecting the surrounding tissue. This technique is called selective fotokavitatsii. If the pattern is large, then we have to do a few sessions of laser exposure. Sometimes after such procedures on the skin are formed bubbles that wither forming a crust, and the crust after falling away in some cases remain scars.

Different type of lasers used to remove tattoos different. For example, using a ruby ​​laser tattoo removed surface green, blue and black. Deeper ruby ​​laser tattoo is not removed - power increase exposure can cause burns to the subsequent formation of scars and pigmentation. Also, as a ruby ​​laser, alexandrite laser works, but the same tattoo removed them faster.

The best way to remove tattoos deep suited neodymium laser. It affects both the skin several waves different in length, which allows it to remove any color of tattoo located at any depth, without damaging the skin.

There are also lasers that can vaporize the superficial layers of skin without touching deep. After that it leaves no scars. This technique is called laser vaporization. But they can only remove superficial tattoos, which do not affect the surface of the dermis. These tattoos can be done only by professionals, amateurs as "figures" tend to penetrate deeply.

People around the world today seeking to get rid of the errors of youth - tattoos, which at times really interfere with life.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • tattoo

Ultrasonic liposuction - whether it is safe?

January 15, 2009

 Ultrasonic liposuction
 Although it has long been proven that perhaps the most effective way to fight obesity is a combination of caloric restriction in the diet and physical activity, causes the body to "burn" fat, the other methods of dealing with fatty deposits are still popular. This, however, is not surprising, because losing weight through diet and physical activity requires a person a lot more time and work on each other than, for example, liposuction. That is why replacing the traditional vacuum liposuction ultrasonic liposuction has come - even more perfect and radical method to eliminate fat.

 Ultrasonic liposuction - whether it is safe?

What is ultrasonic liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is an "improved" the procedure of removing fat through liposuction vacuum: this procedure involves exposure to ultrasound subcutaneous fat, resulting in the destruction of fat tissue and facilitates their excretion from the body. Ultrasonic liposuction - a procedure is not new, but its popularity with each passing year it becomes less and less because of the huge number of risks and potential complications that accompany this radical method of getting rid of fat.

The principle of ultrasonic liposuction has remained constant: the procedure still involves the destruction of pre-fat cells and then uninstall it. That's only for the destruction of fatty compounds used are no longer a negative pressure, and ultrasonic energy, will reduce the risk of traumatizing the skin and tissue surrounding the body fat. Applying methods of ultrasonic liposuction may be in any area of ​​the skin - to remove fat from the abdomen and thighs, sides and buttocks, legs and forearms.

 Ultrasonic liposuction - whether it is safe?


There are two basic types of ultrasonic liposuction - liposuction so-called internal and external liposuction. Internal ultrasonic liposuction requires direct and immediate effect of ultrasonic energy to the subcutaneous fat through a metal rod, which is inserted into the tissue through an incision in the skin. External ultrasonic liposuction provides indirect effect of ultrasound on the subcutaneous fat due to the imposition of a special device on the skin.

The first ultrasonic liposuction "met" Europeans: even for a short period of time, this procedure proved to be one of the most popular methods of controlling body fat, very soon the European Estheticians recognized the huge risk that is associated with such a procedure and, for the most part, abandoned the use of ultrasound liposuction. A little later, a similar situation was observed in the United States, where special devices for the "internal" ultrasonic liposuction in general have been banned because of too many potential complications.

 Ultrasonic liposuction - whether it is safe?

The ultrasonic liposuction is dangerous?

No matter how effective and universal method to eliminate fat is not called ultrasonic liposuction, all the disadvantages of this procedure has long been known .  The first thing to remember is that ultrasonic liposuction may be enough to cause serious health consequences, not comparable to the effect of weight loss achieved .  For example, it is proved that ultrasonic liposuction increases the risk of blood clots in blood vessels: The procedure involves heating the fatty tissue, but also fat "overheating" test and the blood vessels in the surrounding tissue, which eventually may lead to formation of blood clots .  In addition, ultrasonic liposuction, suggesting a direct effect of ultrasound on body fat, can cause damage to the peripheral nervous system - in many patients after the procedure there is prolonged numbness of certain parts of the body are connected with damage to peripheral nerves .  Finally, the effects of ultrasound may cause damage not only the desired fatty tissue, but also damage to normal, healthy tissues and viscera .

Article Tags:
  • Liposuction
