Contour Lip: the main thing - a sense of proportion - Preparations

March 20, 2011

  • Contour Lip: the main thing - a sense of proportion
  • Preparations

What contouring the lips and how it is conducted

Contour lip carried by injection of specially designed products based on hyaluronic acid. If silicon that previously was used for this purpose is a foreign substance for human tissue, the hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin leaving it smooth and elastic, restoring the condition of the skin by stimulating the metabolic processes in the skin. For contouring apply special gels containing hyaluronic acid non-animal origin, which usually do not cause allergic reactions and is compatible with the tissue of the face.

The positive fact is that in a few months, the effect of the introduction of hyaluronic acid takes place as opposed to silicone, which left its effect permanently, even if the woman does not like her new lips.

 Drugs | Contour Lip: the main thing - a sense of proportion


There are many preparations of hyaluronic acid for lip contouring. But the most popular are Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm and surzhiderm.

  • Restylane - a special gel with hyaluronic acid, which is injected under the skin of the lips. Hyaluronic acid attracts water, and lips become elastic and fresh. Over time, the gel is absorbed, and her lips take its former appearance. The effect of Restylane lasts less than a year. After that the woman can repeat administration of the drug, in its desire to give lips a different form. If necessary, the gel time can enter any further.
  • Perlane - is also gel with hyaluronic acid, but more dense consistency, so it is absorbed more slowly - the effect of the introduction of Perlane is stored up to two years. This gel is more suitable for contouring the face, but the contour plastic lips with him also do.
  • Yuviderm gel is more viscous and contains more hyaluronic acid than the two previous medication. Therefore, it is used for contouring lip when the lip is necessary to increase in volume. The effect is maintained up to 10 months. Juvederm Ultra - a gel that maintains the effect of up to one year due to the fact that is based on the latest technology intermolecular binding.
  • Surzhiderm - very plastic gel based on hyaluronic acid. It is used to give the lips a natural curvy appearance. The effect of the administration of its stored up to a year.

Choosing gel contouring lips depends on many factors: the state of the red border of the lips, individual tolerance of drugs, especially the skin, lips, and the desired change the duration of the effect. Safety hyaluronic acid gels with time-tested: hyaluronic acid preparations have long been used in cosmetology as a method of treating aging skin and complications after administration (both early and late) is usually not.

 Drugs | Contour Lip: the main thing - a sense of proportion

Indications and contraindications

Indications for contouring the lips are:

  • changes in the contour of the lips;
  • an increase in the volume of the lips - lips are plumper;
  • improve the shape of the lips;
  • restore the correct positioning over the mouth if they fell with age;
  • giving lip symmetry;
  • creating the effect of sensuality and juicy lips.

Contour of the lips is contraindicated in:

  • in any acute diseases;
  • an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • at any diseases or injuries of the lips;
  • in severe diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   with compromised immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
  • in case of hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • If in the place to introduce the gel has been introduced another drug.

How is

The procedure for increasing the lip shape is held under local anesthesia and lasts about half an hour. When a thin needle is introduced into the gel lips. Some time after the injection in the lips held edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 After his disappearance immediately visible effect of the procedure. If the shape of the lips for some reason, did not satisfy a woman may re-introduction (but the same drug) in two weeks for the desired correction.

The effect of the introduction of the gel with hyaluronic acid lasts from six months to a year, depending on which drug is used for plastics. Then, the gel dissolves and can be administered repeatedly.

Lip Contour - a modern, effective and safe way to correct the shape and volume of the lips.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • plastic lip

Breast Correction: everything is natural - not ugly - Plastic Surgery

April 17, 2011

  • Breast Correction: everything is natural - not ugly
  • Plastic surgery

 Correction Breast plastic surgery

Breast Correction - Plastic Surgery

Beautiful breasts - pride of every woman. But, alas, nature does not always gives to the ladies so generously. Sometimes a woman's breasts may have the shapes and dimensions, which otherwise than pathological, and not name. Not only do these forms far from the aesthetic ideals, because they can cause physical discomfort and produce all kinds of secondary phenomena. In such cases, should help the correction of the breast.

Modern plastic surgeons practice are often faced with the fact that to them with requests for correction of breast treated women who, in principle, it did not need. Meanwhile, a certain degree of sagging bust of a mature woman is quite natural. But some ladies so eager to regain the elastic girlish form, that they are willing to lay down on the operating table, without considering the consequences. The so-called plastic, of course, can work wonders, but it can also cause serious health problems. So resort to breast correction with the help of plastic surgery is necessary still only in the case of objective necessity. In other cases, you can visually improve the shape of the bust by means of physical exercises and massage.


What does plastic surgery

The increase, decrease or patch form of breast surgically called mammoplasty. The indications for it are the insufficient development of glandular tissue, and surgery may be performed to restore form and volume of the breasts after breastfeeding period Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
 Achievement breast symmetry which differ in shape or size. Chest adjusted more often with the help of silicone implants.

There are such pathology in breast development, which are caused by genetics. These include hypoplasia Hypoplasia - a congenital malformation of the fetus  Hypoplasia - a congenital malformation of the fetus
   - A delay in the development of hypertrophy one breast ptosis - breast ptosis one relative to another.

When breast correction in the clinic of plastic surgery is always done before and after pictures, so you can evaluate the results of operations.

Contraindications for such operations is considered to be severe internal diseases, infectious diseases, cancer, bleeding disorders, age of eighteen years, uncompleted lactation, which on average lasts about one year after childbirth. Women smokers should refrain from their addiction at least for a week before the operation, then another long and painful joints are healing.


Breast Correction folk remedies

To improve the shape of the breast, making it more elastic, toned and elastic, and can be quite at home. Even the legendary Coco Chanel noticed that even large, sagging breasts but much an old woman. Here, one of the most reliable means of prevention, perhaps, can serve as a push-up bra: it supports the pectoral muscles and prevents them from stretching.

One of the people's will states that a large and firm breasts usually have salads lovers of fresh cabbage. In fact it is just a myth: cabbage, rich in trace elements and vitamins, can promote the rapid growth of breast in girls at puberty Transitional age - the period of emotional turmoil  Transitional age - the period of emotional turmoil
 But later it had no effect on the size and shape of the bust.

But a noticeable effect can give a simple physical exercises Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   subject to regular performance. For example, excellent results provide daily pushups - they give a great chest muscle tone. Suffice it to perform two approaches twenty-thirty push per day. Another useful exercise - the mixing and dilution of the palms in front of him, the arms should be bent at the elbows.

Load more tangible chest muscles as well, and as a more significant effect, given exercises with dumbbells. Lying on his back, slightly bent at the elbows forward to the breast is removed. Breathe slowly diluted hands with dumbbells in hand up until your elbows touch the floor. On the exhale, return again to the starting position. Exercise is repeated ten or twelve times.

Svetlana Usankova

Article Tags:
  • breast surgery
