Transplanting hair on his head - effective, but very expensive - Equipment operation
December 30, 2010
- Transplanting hair on his head - effective, but very expensive
- Equipment Operation
Causes of hair loss
Causes of hair loss
Hair loss - the distress signal
can be different:
- The most common cause - increased secretion of male hormones; Such a process, of course, is more common in men, but it happens and women; while male sex hormones primarily damage the roots (follicles, the follicles) hair, which are located in certain areas of the scalp (in the frontal and parietal regions), also in other parts of the hair falls much later; gradually dissolve the hair roots and the hair at this location is no longer able to grow;
- loss of hair under the influence of negative environmental effects: the constant solar radiation, wind, rain, dust, radiation exposure, and so forth;
- hair loss due to various mental factors such as high traffic load, chronic stress, and so on;
- hair loss due to various diseases, such as chronic diseases of internal organs; Often in this case, the hair falls out places (patchy hair loss);
- hair loss at the site of injury or burns and subsequent scarring of the scalp.

The surgical hair transplantation
When hair transplantation along with portions of the skin (grafts) from occipital and temporal regions of the scalp cut pieces of skin with hair follicles arranged in groups, and transplanted to the balding site
Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem
. Such grafts may vary in size, including very small (mini-grafts), which is located only a few groups of hair follicles. Implantation of the skin along with the bulbs take root in about three months, but then begin to grow hair. Scarring from surgery usually almost invisible.
If you spot transplant individual hair follicles (this method is called seamless) operation is carried out under a microscope. Some hair follicles are extracted from the occipital and temporal regions of the scalp without cutting the skin with special tools. Lessons bulbs immediately transplanted into pre-planned place baldness. After this operation the hair growth of the transplanted hair follicles begin almost immediately (three-month wait is not necessary), and they are no different from the natural hair.

Older methods of surgical treatment of baldness
It was a fairly common method of skin tightening balding head in place: the skin at the site of baldness was removed, and the edges of the wound were pulled together and sewn. Today, such operations are gone, as are left visible scars and do not meet aesthetic requirements.
Transplanted before and artificial hair. But such operations are given even more complications: synthetic hair ill take root in places of implantation occurred ulcers, which in turn led to the loss of hair and the formation of scar in their place. In addition, synthetic hair almost all patients causes constant agonizing itching.

Indications for hair transplant
Hair transplants are carried out in the hormonal type of baldness in men
Baldness in men: how to fix the problem
and women, if the skin of the scalp are scars after injuries and burns, which do not grow hair, as well as the individual characteristics of hair growth that create unsightly appearance, for example, at the high temple of men or the wrong line of hair growth in women .
If you decide on a hair transplant, but now the most important thing - to choose a plastic surgery clinic where the operation will be carried out. Do not forget to check whether this hospital a license for this type of medical activity, and not too lazy to talk to the already treated patients and find out their opinions on the establishment.
Galina Romanenko
Rhytidectomy: wrinkle removal - Types and indications
November 25, 2010
- Rhytidectomy: wrinkle removal
- Types and readings
Types rhytidectomy
With age, the skin becomes less collagen fibers, which give it elasticity. Therefore, the skin becomes less elastic appearing first wrinkles. Wrinkles can contribute to various diseases, hormonal changes, the impact of external factors (weather, production, bad habits). In order to get rid of wrinkles, patients spend a different kind of conservative and surgical treatment.
SMAS lifting - the removal of wrinkles with the help of plastic surgery. Removes excess skin, which form wrinkles. Usually rhytidectomy it is held within a circular facelift and neck. Today - this is the most effective way of rejuvenation, the effect of which is kept up to 5-7 years (depending on the individual).
Rhytidectomy can be superficial, deep and combined. When the superficial or subcutaneous rhytidectomy skin peeled off and pull to remove the excess.
Deep rhytidectomy or SMAS-lifting (SMAS abbreviation translated as superficial musculoaponeurotic system) involves the capture of dense tissue lying under the skin (muscles, tendons, sometimes - up to the periosteum). At the same oval face tightened. The effect of the plastic face with the use of this technology is preserved for a longer time, but increases the risk of complications (more likelihood of injury to nerves and blood vessels) and longer recovery period.
Combined rhytidectomy - a combination of excision of deep tissue (up to the chewing muscle) and excision of superficial tissues to the outer edge of the masseter muscle to the protection of the facial nerve
The facial nerve when a person loses symmetry
. Such a complex excision of tissue and allows separate restore skin and deeply lying tissue, while providing some directions for their relief.
As a result, rhytidectomy can eliminate drooping facial tissues, pronounced nasolabial folds, remove the double chin, to restore the shape of the face and neck.

Indications and contraindications
Carrying rhytidectomy is shown age-related changes in the face and neck. In the age of 40 rhytidectomy is carried out in some parts of the face and neck, and in later years - removed excess skin on the entire face and neck with carrying out SMAS-lifting. Indications for ritidektomiyai are:
- age-related sagging cheeks (violation of the right facial contours);
- dramatic deepening of the nasolabial folds;
- double and triple chin;
- age-related changes in the shape of the neck.
Contraindications for rhytidectomy:
- any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- diseases associated with reduced blood clotting;
- severe diseases of the internal organs in violation of their functions;
- skin diseases at the site of a proposed transaction.
Very rarely during rhytidectomy complications arise in the form of infection, damage to blood vessels and nerves. With all the complications in a good clinic successfully cope.
Properly carried out, and on the testimony of rhytidectomy allow the patient to forget about the problems of aging.
Galina Romanenko