- Correction of male breast when femininity is not the price
- Liposuction

Breast Correction men: liposuction
Plastic surgery to correct the shape and size of the breast resorted not only women. Many modern clinics provide services and correction of male breast. If women for the sake of beauty ready to go for everything, including under the surgeon's knife, men, especially Russia, to such operations are not always resolved, even if there are all necessary for the conduct of their testimony.
Actually, there is only one reason, which is an objective reason for the correction of male breast. This is called gynecomastia - a benign breast augmentation
Breast augmentation plastic surgery breast health perspective
glands hypertrophy of adipose tissue. When gynecomastia male breasts become like a female and can grow up to ten centimeters. The word "gynecomastia" in Greek means "feminine breasts."
This issue is becoming increasingly important for the wealthy residents of large cities. Official health statistics show that in the third millennium gynecomastia suffers from literally every third resident of Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is often the main cause of obesity in combination with malnutrition, which leads to the abnormal increase of the mammary glands. There are also reasons of psychological, pharmacological and pathological origin.

Types of gynecomastia
The first mention of such diseases belong to the XIV century. Gynecomastia may suffer not only mature men, but also teenagers and even babies. There is also such a thing as senile gynecomastia.
Newborn boys seal on his chest then resolve themselves, no further intervention is not required. Just to the baby gets too much of the female hormone estrogen, and this causes an increase in breast cancer. As soon as the baby is out of the womb, the flow of estrogen stops, and everything comes back to normal.
Pubertal gynecomastia develops at puberty
Puberty child - stages of a complex path
almost 70% of boys and is associated with an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen
Estrogen - the key to bone health
in the body.
The disease may be of true and false character. When true gynecomastia increased amount of breast tissue, and when the false increase only the amount of fat tissue.

When enough and liposuction
There are several ways of surgical correction of male breast: mastectomy subcutaneous mastectomy, a mastectomy and endoscopic removal of breast cancer in combination with liposuction. This meant a mastectomy removal of certain breast muscles. Surgery restores normal male breast contour, eliminating them from problems associated with gynecomastia
Gynecomastia - known since ancient times
. In addition to surgery, may be practiced another method reminiscent of liposuction.
Operations on correction of male breast is always preceded by ultrasound. The procedure itself takes place in the hospital: After the surgery, which is done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia limited to, the patient will have to spend there two or three days - it is a necessary rehabilitation period.
The duration of this operation is typically one to two hours. If the patient is found only an overabundance of adipose tissue, it is removed by liposuction: the skin becomes more punctures and through them with the help of special equipment pumped fat. The glandular tissue is removed through a small incision at the edge of the areola.
In the first days after the operation can be reduced feeling in the chest, sometimes even appear bruises and swelling. Among the possible side effects which may be mentioned decrease in the sensitivity of the nipple, breast asymmetry, bleeding, undesirable changes in breast contour. Typically, the result achieved by the operation of the correction of male breast, is fairly stable, but in some cases due to hormonal disruptions in the body requires its re-implementation.
Svetlana Usankova