Reduce the chest is much more complicated than the increase. This is explained by the fact that the injured soft tissue of the breast, as this can cause a variety of complications, the most serious of which is the death of its tissue (necrosis). But sometimes this operation is necessary for women to health.

For what occasion of operation breast reduction
Breast reduction (the reduction mammoplastiku) is performed in women with overly large breasts. Mammary glands can have significant weight and are able to not only break the contours of the figure, but also cause a curvature of the spine, so some women are doing these operations for medical reasons.
The reasons for the formation of excessively large breasts - it's hereditary features of its structure, obesity and some other endocrine diseases, sudden changes in hormonal levels under various physiological conditions (hormonal explosion in adolescence, pregnancy).
Breast reduction surgery involves excision of breast tissue. And since these tissues are usually very gentle and vulnerable, their removal due to the risk of necrosis (dying off) of these tissues, which is a serious complication that threatens the woman's life.

Indications and contraindications
Breast reduction operation is carried out:
- at large and sagging breasts, which is a cosmetic defects;
- with very large breasts, which disrupts the spine, forming a violation of posture; while there are signs of cerebral circulatory disorders: headaches, dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
Sometimes - short fainting;
- with too large breasts, which causes problems with the skin
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(sweating, diaper rash, joining infection).
Plastic surgery for breast reduction surgery is contraindicated:
- if the cause of breast enlargement is some endocrine disease; in this case the patient to be treated by an endocrinologist; if for endocrine disease has stabilized, but the problem remained with large breasts, then the operation is already underway;
- any acute illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases, severe internal diseases and diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
- puberty (usually up to 18 years) - in this period, the breast tissue is still continuing to grow under the influence of excessive secretion of female hormones;
- violation of blood clotting;
- tumors and breast cysts;
- breast (especially nodular form).

Preparing and conducting operations
Any breast surgery requires prior complete examination to exclude contraindications to surgery. A woman is required to consult a therapist and mammolog. Always an ultrasound and X-ray (mammogram) study of breast cancer, blood tests and urine tests, an electrocardiogram.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia (usually endotracheal anesthesia, when inserted into the trachea tube through which oxygen enters the lungs and drugs).
When a woman is standing on her chest special pencil draw the line, which will be carried out cuts (in the supine position to do so would be impossible, because the breast flat on the chest).
Incisions are natural folds in the skin to scars formed later, it was imperceptible. The incision is usually somewhat, since the removal of the excess tissue of the breast lift is required to transfer the nipple (without separating it from the blood vessels and nerves) to another location. After surgery, the wound superimposed cosmetic seams.

After operation
After surgery, there is usually a pronounced swelling of the breast tissue, bruises and soreness. It takes all this gradually and successful outcome operations are not too worried woman. It warned that after the operation is necessary to wear a special supportive breast underwear and avoid physical exertion. Sutures are removed usually within 10 days.
After breast reduction surgery complications can occur:
- bleeding during surgery - is very rare, as the site of the operation of very large blood vessels there;
- festering wounds - it just sounds scary, but usually this complication can easily handle today;
- dying (necrosis) of the breast tissue or nipple - a serious complication that occurs at the intersection of a sufficiently large arteries;
- intersection nerve trunks, which leads to loss of sensitivity of the skin in this area;
- the formation of rough scars, sometimes - keloid (red shiny scar prone to sprawl), which are produced mainly for reasons independent of the surgeon (due to structural features of the tissue of the woman)
- violation of a symmetrical arrangement of the mammary glands and nipples (in this case, you may need a second operation).
Breast reduction is best done for medical reasons - too great a risk of complications during the operation.

How to avoid complications after breast reduction surgery
Breast reduction surgery - a serious decision. Although the majority of transactions pass without side effects and complications are possible. But the risk can be reduced by taking steps to prevent complications.
- Well, plan everything. Before the surgery, think over all that you need before it and after it. Eat well, prepare the house and solve the issue of traffic in and out of the hospital.
- Learn what is normal. Chest pain and fatigue - normal symptoms experienced by all patients after breast reduction surgery. There may be swelling and bleeding. Make sure that you understand the difference between these adverse events and serious complications that require urgent treatment to the doctor.
- Find out what are the serious complications. Although you will feel the pain, it should not be very strong. Make sure whether there are signs of infection - an unpleasant smell, severe swelling, pain or discharge from the wound. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.
- Avoid smoking, including passive. Smoking - leading cause of complications. Smoking can cause irritation and lead to infection and slow the healing process.
- Do not forget about common sense. Obey all instructions of your doctor. He certainly recommend that you avoid exercise and driving as long as you do not cease to feel pain.
- Do not forget about post-operative care. Play the doctor's instructions concerning the recovery period. It should be at least a week away from work and refrain from any serious physical activity, especially weight lifting.
- Follow your doctor's instructions. He will prescribe you an antibiotic ointment
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and painkillers. Use the medication as directed, to avoid complications.
Galina Romanenko