Side effects of plastic - not too big sacrifice for beauty? - Dangers

November 24, 2012

  • Side effects of plastic - not too big sacrifice for beauty?
  • Common consequences
  • Examples
  • Dangers

 side effects of plastic hidden dangers

Fee for artificial beauty - the hidden dangers

Having dealt with the flat chest, wrinkles and flabby thighs ... Modern plastic surgery has reached greater heights, more accessible and less dangerous. But do not think that such interference in the body has no side effects. It has, moreover, as the physiological and psychological. On them you need to remember and think twice before you decide on plastic.

 Dangers | Side effects of plastic - not too big sacrifice for beauty?

When the dream becomes a nightmare

Surgery entails not only a drastic change, but the complications and side effects. Because of them dream about a new appearance sometimes accompanied by unpleasant consequences.

 Dangers | Side effects of plastic - not too big sacrifice for beauty?

General common dangers and side effects of plastics

  • Anesthesia. Whatever the anesthesia, local or general, it entails risks, which the patient must learn to be consulted before agreeing to surgery. A side effect of anesthesia may be different - from a simple allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   to death.
  • Bleeding. Even a small exposure during surgery can cause internal bleeding. If it is not too serious, it drags yourself. If not, the doctor is required to resort to drainage, elimination of blood. If the bleeding is external, it is regarded as less dangerous, but sometimes the surgeon is required to make new cuts.
  • Infection. It manifests itself in a few days after surgery. If it is severe, hospitalization is required.
  • Education scars. Any surgery leaves a scar. The rate of healing of joints depends on the individual person (someone it takes 6-12 months, in rare cases - up to three years). The scar may become red and inflamed, particularly unaesthetic look at open areas of the body. About a month later he had to heal and become its final stage light and flat.

The most common types of plastic surgery today: breast augmentation Breast augmentation plastic surgery breast health perspective  Breast augmentation plastic surgery breast health perspective
 , Lips, and face lift. All of these types of operations have their own dangers, risks, side effects.

 Dangers | Side effects of plastic - not too big sacrifice for beauty?

Breast implants

The main complication of the implantation of the breast implant becomes a "capsular contracture". Formation of capsule around the implant is a normal reaction of the body, which forms a sort of membrane around any foreign tissue him to isolate and protect themselves. But in some cases, the membrane thickens to form fibrous casing: this is the capsular contracture. Depending on the severity, the formation of the shell can be painful and cause complications, and then need to re-plastic surgery.

Yet there is a risk of rupture, which can be triggered by a sharp blow or the age of the implant. The gel can remain in the fibrous sheath around the implant (without symptoms) or to go beyond it, which can cause a negative reaction of the organism to a foreign body (rejection), and then formed nodules (siliconomas) and sometimes inflammation of the lymph nodes. In case of rupture implant surgically removed and replaced with a new one.

Also, when breast augmentation surgery Breast plastic surgery: to perfect?  Breast plastic surgery: to perfect?
   may occur following side effects:

  • the asymmetry of the breasts;
  • reducing the sensitivity of the breast and nipple area in particular;
  • pain and general discomfort, especially when walking, sports, before menstruation.

A common problem after breast reconstruction is to change the volume, which reduces the aesthetic effect of the surgery. The fibrous sheath around the implant shrinks and looks chest may look different. Foresee such side effects can not be, and in identifying the problem that usually takes place a few months after the surgery, you can make a small correction.

 Dangers | Side effects of plastic - not too big sacrifice for beauty?

Side effects contouring with hyaluronic acid

As a rule, the risks associated with contouring nonabsorbable drugs. Hyaluronic acid is the real engine of the modern aesthetic medicine. Technically, the dosage is easily checked, the very same acid has very few side effects. According to French experts share hyaluronic acid accounts for only 0, 01% of complications. But when they occur, they are severe. One of the most critical is the ability to obtain necrosis of the skin when the product is introduced, for example, in the back of the nose. As a result, you can get a thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
   vessels which entail tissue necrosis.

The prevalence, availability, relative safety of hyaluronic acid led to the fact that it began to be widely used to increase the volume of the breast and buttocks implants to replace dangerous. But here we are talking about huge amounts of acid up to 300 cubes. At first the idea seemed excellent, but then began to appear complications, side effects, the patient's body reacted form of seals and inflammatory processes. Then the required additional intervention which again leaves a bad scars. Hyaluronic acid injections in the buttocks even leads to death, because the drug was introduced in a large vessel, causing massive embolism (blockage).

 Dangers | Side effects of plastic - not too big sacrifice for beauty?


Another star of aesthetic medicine - Botox. If called hyaluronic acid filler, filling the space, Botox has a deterrent effect, not allowing the muscles to contract. It is mainly used for the prevention and elimination of wrinkles on the forehead and "crow's feet".

Magical effect of Botox has made it super popular, leading to excessive proliferation and misuse. Botox paralyzes the muscles literally, and if you do not calculate the dosage, it can even cause death by paralysis. Less than a hard side effect of Botox - lifeless face difficulties in facial expressions. Fortunately, this effect is reversible and after some time (a few months), the action it will end.

Article Tags:
  • the effects of plastic surgery
