Liposuction - reasonable risk?

November 19, 2006

  • Liposuction - reasonable risk?
  • Preparation for surgery
  • Transaction

 Most people know that liposuction - the removal of fat from specific areas of the body, resulting in a figure of a man in general is starting to look better How to look better: the secrets of the natural charm  How to look better: the secrets of the natural charm
 . But how exactly does it work?

First of all, you must understand what fat. This tissue consists of cells that store energy and protect the body from the effects of some environmental factors. Most of the fat in humans - is subcutaneous fat. Where exactly it is deposited in the largest quantities, it depends mainly on the sex of the individual. As a rule, men are most fat is deposited in the abdomen, back and thighs; women - on the hips, waist and maturation.

There are two layers of subcutaneous fat - the deep and superficial. During liposuction, doctors removed predominantly deep layer of fat, because it is associated with a lower risk of skin damage.

The most commonly used liposuction for cosmetic purposes to improve the shape of any part of the body. Sometimes it is used to remove or reduce the size of Wen chest Breast size - does it matter?  Breast size - does it matter?
   in men (deposition of fat in the breast in men, make their similarity to FIG female figure, may occur due to hormonal disruption and some other problems). One procedure to remove fat as possible from one or more parts of the body.

It is important to note that liposuction in the strict sense can not be attributed to the methods of weight loss. It's really only lose weight through diet and sports; Liposuction allows only improve the appearance of the body, and without changes in diet effect will be temporary.


Suitable for this procedure

The large amount of excess fat does not make a person a good candidate for liposuction. Rather, the opposite is true. This procedure is more effective for people with normal weight and a few problem areas, because their skin is elastic. If the skin is not sufficiently elastic, as so often happens in obesity, liposuction she sagging and appearance does not change for the better. For the same reason liposuction can not give better results in elderly patients, even if they have normal weight.

In addition to a doctor to get permission for liposuction, a person must be healthy. Liposuction may not be recommended for people with diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Heart disease, blood circulation disorders, infectious diseases, bleeding history. Receiving blood thinners, such as aspirin, warfarin Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants  Warfarin - indirect anticoagulants
   and heparin, can also be a contraindication to liposuction.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that liposuction doctor is not required special training. Although the procedure is relatively simple (especially in comparison with some other types of cosmetic surgery), it is still recommended to ask your doctor whether it has experience in liposuction. It is desirable, at least for your own peace of mind, find an experienced specialist. Distrust to doctors who inspired you to promise miraculous results. Good specialists know that the actual outcome will depend not only on what they will do during the operation, but also on how you are going to work on yourself after you leave the hospital.


The procedure

Liposuction always begins with a consultation with a doctor. It will assess the state of health of the patient (including - psychological), will determine how elastic his skin, talk to him about the expectations from the surgery. Based on the results of such consultations, it is concluded that liposuction patient is suitable or not.

Liposuction in small areas of the body can be performed under local anesthesia. If you want to remove a lot of fat, using general anesthesia.

Then the skin on problem areas to make small incisions and using a vacuum device evacuated fat.


Types of Liposuction

  • Tumescent liposuction

Developed in the 1980s, Tumescent liposuction has become the most popular form of liposuction. It is considered the most secure because it allows significantly limit blood loss.

At the beginning of the procedure the physician enters in the subcutaneous fat deposits a large amount of liquid containing an anesthetic (its volume about five times larger than the volume of liquids and fat to be removed). The liquid composition includes a local anesthetic (lidocaine), drugs that cause contraction of the blood vessels (epinephrine) and brine to facilitate the removal of fat. Under the influence of this fluid somewhat adipose tissue expands and becomes thicker, so its removal is greatly simplified.

Tumescent liposuction takes quite a long time - up to four or five hours, but postoperative complications such as swelling, bruising and pain after it is less pronounced.

  • Supervlazhnaya liposuction

This technique is similar to tumescent liposuction, but it uses less liquid (its volume is approximately equal to the amount of fat, which intends to delete). A patient with this liquid gets only a small dose of lidocaine, so surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. Operation takes one to two hours.

  • Ultrasonic liposuction

This type of liposuction takes the most time, but he is considered the most accurate and effective. Ultrasonic liposuction allows you to effectively remove fat from the fibrous tissues, for example, of the male breast.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that it can cause burns. In addition, the effects of the use of ultrasound in the body is poorly understood.


After liposuction

If liposuction is performed under local anesthesia, the patient can go home the day of surgery. If general anesthesia was used, the patient usually has to stay in the hospital overnight. After surgery, many patients required drainage of fluids from the areas from which the fat is removed. Sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.

Many patients experience pain, burning and general discomfort during healing sutures; These symptoms usually disappear within three weeks.

After four to six weeks after liposuction swelling subsides how that can draw conclusions about the results of the operation.

Approximately a month after liposuction patients should avoid strenuous physical activity.

Needless to say one interesting side effect of liposuction. Many patients notice shortly after the procedure, they have greatly enhanced the appetite. This is partly due to the hormone leptin, which is produced in fat cells. After removing fat leptin decreases, which causes an increase in appetite. Appetite may remain at this level for as long as the person does not pick up the former weight and recover, so the level of leptin. To this we must prepare in advance - make a meal plan, which will include low-calorie meals, start eating four or five times a day, instead of the usual three. However, the most effective way to deal with an appetite - to find interesting work, which does not leave you time to think about food.



With liposuction associated risks:

  • Infection;
  • Blood clots;
  • The loss of too much fluid, which can cause shock and even death of the patient;
  • Damage to the nerve tissue, and as a result, numbness and change the sensitivity of certain parts of the body;
  • Swelling persisting for several weeks or months after surgery;
  • Necrosis of the skin cells;
  • Punctures internal organs (for example, when you remove fat from the abdomen can be punctured intestine);
  • Burns during ultrasonic liposuction;
  • The negative reaction to medications, such as lidocaine;
  • Visible bumps, hollows in the skin when the doctor removed too much fat;
  • Very noticeable scars on the skin.

Only in very rare cases, liposuction leads to death. According to the research, 100 thousand operations account for 3 to 100 deaths.
