Fetal development - week after week - Fruit and its relationship with the mother

December 31, 2013

  • Fetal development - week after week
  • Heredity
  • The fruit and its relationship with the mother
  • Signs of fetal maturity

 fruit and its relationship with the mother

The fruit and its relationship with the mother

Fruit - a developing organism from the ninth week of fetal development before birth. Prior to the ninth week of this organism is known as a fetus or embryo. A normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, plus or minus two weeks. These 40 weeks gynecologists are divided into three trimesters: I trimester - up to 12 weeks, II - 12-24 weeks, III - from 24 weeks before birth.

The fruit is inextricably linked to the mother's body during pregnancy operating system mother - placenta - fetus. Parent body provides optimum conditions for the development of the fetus. In co-mother and fetus engage the nervous, endocrine, immune, and other mechanisms. The most complete body of mother and fetus begin to interact after the development of the placenta, which allows the fetus to adapt to the changing conditions of the mother's body.


The development of the fetus in the first trimester (12 weeks)

At the end of the fourth week of gestation the embryo is implanted into the mucosa of the uterus, where the formation of primordia and organs and membranes. At the end of the eighth week of pregnancy, embryo length is approximately 3 cm, it is already possible to distinguish a head, torso (length is equal to the head), limb buds, eyes, nose, mouth. According to the microscopic structure of the sex glands can determine the sex of the fetus.

At the end of the 12th week fetus reaches a length of 9 cm, weight - '40 clearly defined limbs, begins the formation of the external genitalia, can be seen on x-ray point of ossification in the cartilage skeleton.


The development of the fetus in the second trimester (12-24 weeks)

In the 16th week of fetal length of about 16 cm, weight about 120 grams, clearly visible floor, the skin is thin, smooth, reddish, without subcutaneous fat, his face almost formed, begins ossification of skull. In connection with the formation of muscle activity of limb movement grows, there are weak respiratory movements.

At the end of the 20th week fetus reaches a length of 25 cm, weight - 300 grams Movement is so active that they felt the mother and the fetal heart may be heard. The skin of the fetus starting with the head and face, covered with the finest vellus hair, and the whole body - vernix consisting of a mixture of fat-like sebum with the scales of the surface layer of the skin. In the intestine, a first cal - meconium. In the lower abdomen starts to be postponed subcutaneous tissue.

At the end of 24 weeks, the length of the fetus is 30 cm, and weight - 700 Internal organs mature enough, sometimes in appropriate specially created conditions fetus may be viable in preterm labor.


The development of the fetus in the third trimester (24 weeks before childbirth)

By the 30th week, the length of the fetus is about 35 cm, weight - about 1 kg. The fruit has a "senile" appearance due to poor development of the subcutaneous tissue, the whole body is covered with vellus hair, cartilage, the ears are very soft, nails do not reach the fingertips. In girls, the labia majora to close small, boys testicles are not descended into the scrotum, navel is closer to the pubis. Fruit still premature and unripe, that is unsustainable, as a function of its internal organs and systems still not perfect. After the birth of the survival of the fetus is small and is possible only under especially favorable conditions.

In the 34th week, the fetus has a length of about 40 cm, weight - about 1, 6 kg. The fetus is viable, but require special conditions of care.

At 38-40 weeks, the fetus acquires the signs of maturity: its length of 45 cm, weight - about 2, 5 kg. "An old man" kind of lost because of which developed subcutaneous tissue, the skin becomes pink, stomach is a normal place. The fruit becomes completely viable.

The initial signs of pregnancy - at the level of intuition

May 25, 2013

 early signs of pregnancy
 Sure, to confirm or deny the diagnosis: pregnancy is capable doctor. The most accurate confirmation of the beginning of a new life in a woman's body is the pelvic ultrasound. But how it is sometimes difficult, even unbearable to wait a certain period and the delay menstruation to know that a miracle has occurred. All the women are trying to recognize the early signs of pregnancy, with special attention to listen to your body. And for the most part they are right, because the suspect occurred conception and implantation of the egg can be anticipated long before menstruation.

 The initial signs of pregnancy - at the level of intuition

The initial symptoms of pregnancy

All the signs of pregnancy are divided into three main groups: doubtful, probable and reliable (accurate). The initial symptoms of pregnancy mostly belong to the group of dubious characters.

Doubtful signs - these are signs that are directly related to the individual characteristics of women and dependent on its subjective perception and interpretation of the symptoms of pregnancy.

Possible symptoms - these are symptoms that in one way or another show come pregnancy, because due to hormonal changes in the body (for example, delayed menstruation). But these symptoms are often a symptom of any disease, because they are called probable.

By the initial signs of pregnancy are:

  • Changes in appetite

Appetite change in women in early pregnancy can occur in two directions. Either there is a constant feeling of hunger, even after eating already dreaming of the next (for example, after breakfast, it would be desirable to come soon dinner) or the appetite is completely absent, the woman only mechanically swallows food or even forgets to eat.

  • Constant fatigue

Unmotivated fatigue, weakness immediately after a full day, the desire to lie down and take a nap also belong to one of the early signs of pregnancy, due to the intensive reorganization of the whole body, preparing it for childbearing and the hormonal changes.

  • Sleep disturbance Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

Insomnia may also indicate pregnancy. There are three types of insomnia: it is impossible to sleep at night, intermittent sleep with periodic awakenings and early, even before the rise of an alarm clock. This feature is also associated with hormonal changes in the body.

  • Headaches and dizziness

A typical early symptom of pregnancy are headaches, often occurring on the type of migraine I have a migraine. What to do?  I have a migraine. What to do?
   and dizziness Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
 Up to fainting (not in vain in the 18-19 centuries fainting considered conclusive evidence of pregnancy). These symptoms also occur as a result of intense hormone of pregnancy.

  • Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting often occur even before a missed period, about seven - ten days after conception (that over this period, the egg is implanted in the uterine lining and the body between the mother and the embryo forms a strong bond). Also nausea appears aversion to favorite foods and smells, and often irresistible craving for inedible products (the desire to lick or whitewashing chew a piece of land). The latter feature indicates that the mother's body does not have enough of certain nutrients.

  • A small swelling of hands and feet

Progesterone contributes to fluid retention in the body to increase blood volume, so the compression of the hands into a fist can be seen pastoznost fingers and wedding ring was suddenly removed with difficulty.

  • Changes in mood

By the initial signs of pregnancy can be attributed, and sharp and sudden changes of mood. A couple of minutes ago, a woman was happy and reveled in their new state, and suddenly became gloomy, irritable and rude. Again, this is due to hormonal changes, plus the cost to add a constant nausea, headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications
   and fatigue that certainly did not improve the mood of the pregnant woman. In addition, women are constantly haunted by fear (as will occur pregnancy and childbirth, whether all will be fine with a child) and anxiety (anxiety in anticipation of the unknown).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • signs of pregnancy
