33rd week of pregnancy: swelling and hope for happiness - What's happening
March 6, 2011
- 33rd week of pregnancy: swelling and hope for happiness
- What's happening
How is a woman in the 33rd week of pregnancy
On the 33rd week of pregnancy can worsen insomnia. And this at a time when it came maternity leave. Last week, you constantly waking the baby, with him as possible to agree, and he mostly sleeps at night. Why insomnia is amplified? Mainly affecting chronic fatigue
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and tension that often accompany pregnancy. The woman experiences a hidden or obvious fear of childbirth, fear for her baby, she was tired of the constant ailments.
In order to reduce the symptoms of insomnia, you need:
- try not to engage in any conflicts and overwork during the day;
- spend more time with my girlfriend, it is better if it already has positive experience ended childbirth, she loves to share; as we know, all the more frightening unknown, so it's worth and most read more about pregnancy and childbirth;
- spend more time physiotherapist and a walk in the fresh air, be sure to walk at night in any weather;
- do not stay in bed during the day - this will reduce the chances of falling asleep at night; rest better between different types of non-intensive physical exertion in a chair with your feet elevated;
- dinner should be two hours before bedtime; Dinner should be light, suitable cottage cheese and dairy products, vegetables and fruit puree; You can eat some boiled or stewed turkey meat, it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes falling asleep;
- it is not necessary to engage in the evening with some severe cases requiring voltage;
- Avoid any worries before bedtime, including not read books or watch movies, causing strong emotions
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- before going to bed, you can take a warm bath, adding water soothing essential oil
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(e.g., lavender oil, or valerian); Only do not forget that the bath should be warm, not hot; a drop of soothing essential oils you can drop on the pillow;
- before going to sleep, you can use an old recipe for insomnia - drink a glass of warm milk; milk contains bioactive substances (such as amino triporofan) facilitating falling asleep;
- at night you can do a little back massage (it can make any member of the family) - it soothes and relaxes the back muscles;
- traditional cure for insomnia is better not to take, but homeopathic remedies should be fine; but they are chosen individually;
- bedtime need to ventilate the bedroom, let it be a little cool, better cover yourself with a blanket;
- underwear that you wear at night, should not squeeze the body;
- sleep better on elastic mattress if it is orthopedic, then that's great;
- help during sleep
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can be comfortable posture and small pillows - they can enclose to different parts of the body; on the back is better not to sleep: This may pinch the large vein that causes a sharp drop in blood pressure and fainting;
- if you went to bed, but sleep is still not coming for a long time do not need to lie; better get up and do any thing that calms you (read a book, knit).
It soothes and brings pleasant thoughts such activity as the preparation of the dowry for the baby. By that time I should be prepared and a bag with your belongings to the hospital.
The development of the fetus in the 33rd week of pregnancy
The body length of our baby 41-42 cm, weight - 1700-1900 grams, the amount of amniotic fluid is about 750 ml. Heart baby rhythmically and strongly reduced, it does its job. But it still remains communication between the atria, which will close after birth.
Develops respiratory system, increases the amount of surfactant in the alveoli of the lungs (it does not allow them to stick together when the first breath).
Improved neuroendocrine and immune systems, which is carried out under the influence of a child's growth. For this child needs more nutrients and oxygen, which he takes from his mother. Since metabolic processes take place in the body of the child is very intense, any interference affects it negatively. That is why the mother is necessary to conduct a correct way of life and not to worry.
All of the body and face of the child continue to be rounded by fat, the skin is straightened and a few lighter. While ultrasound can be seen (and ask for a photo of the pope) as a child blinks, moves arms and legs, puts his fingers in his mouth.
You are already very fond of her baby and can not wait to meet him!
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- the third trimester of pregnancy
The process of conception, from the natural to health
October 7, 2010
The process of conception is very difficult sometimes, for this there are many reasons. To conceive all happened, the woman will need to know very well all the features of your menstrual cycle, and may undergo a preliminary examination in order to know what are the barriers of such a desired pregnancy.
What is the process of conception
Conception - a complex physiological process, during which a woman's egg is fertilized by the sperm of men. The woman in each ovary contains about 200,000 immature eggs. By the time puberty full development and maturation of oocytes reach 400-500.
The possibility of birth of children a woman is dependent on the menstrual cycle, during which under the influence of hormones going on oocyte maturation in the ovary and its access to the fallopian tube or peritoneal cavity to fertilize. The process of entering the mature egg from the ovary is called ovulation. In women ovulate each month for a certain period of time, which is called childbearing or fertile period. This period begins with the appearance of the first menstruation (menarche) in 11-16 years and ends with the last menstruation, in 48-55 years, after which menopause.
During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary and into the abdominal cavity, where captured the funnel of the fallopian tube. In the fallopian tube meets the egg with the sperm. The fertilization is involved only one sperm nucleus is fused with the nucleus of the egg. From this moment begins a pregnancy.
The fertilized egg divides and at the same time moving the fallopian tube, it is promoted by its peristaltic movements and movements of ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane. At 7-8 day from the moment of conception
Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
the egg gets to the uterus, which is embedded in the mucous membrane that contains all the necessary nutrients for the development of the embryo. The mucous membrane of the uterus prepares to receive an embryo: under the influence of female hormones and pituitary hormones, it expands and becomes more friable - in a more easily penetrate the mucous membrane of the embryo.
The best time for fertilization and pregnancy is considered to be the middle of the menstrual cycle - the period of ovulation and one day after. Suitable for a ovulation and several days before ovulation
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Despite the fact that during this period the body yet ripe, ready to fertilize the egg. The fact that the sperm can maintain their livelihoods for about five days and then fertilize the mature egg.
According to statistics, healthy couples who have sex 2-3 times a week without contraception, for conception usually requires six months to a year, so do not panic if the pregnancy has not come at once. There are many moments of importance: the stresses associated with the wedding, a change of lifestyle, the recent use of hormonal birth control pills
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(after receiving the hormones may be reduced in the period from one month to six months) and so on.
What can interfere with fertility
If you could not conceive a child for a year, then it is cause for seeking medical attention and complete examination. During the examination, the woman checked hormones, carried ultrasound genitals, laboratory tests to rule out infection and inflammation. Inspect and man: he also identify various infections, hormones checked and examined for the presence of semen and sperm viability.
Conception can prevent:
- changes in menstrual cycle, which are accompanied by violation of oocyte maturation; Today there exist various methods restore a normal menstrual cycle using hormones;
- inflammation of the female genital organs, which can cause tubal occlusion
Obstruction of the fallopian tubes - asymptomatic
; it also surmountable obstacle often after treatment restores patency of tubes; If this is not possible, there is a method of in vitro fertilization (IVF), when a woman takes the egg from the ovary, fertilized in vitro with sperm of her husband, aged in certain circumstances, in special incubators, and then implanted into the uterus of the woman;
- coarse changes in the structure of female genital mutilation, which do not allow to bear a child; It's tough, but also surmountable obstacle: the aid may come a surrogate mother;
- Infertility husband; there are techniques to increase sperm fertilizing properties (if there are live sperm, but they are few and they are not viable); If a man is completely sterile, it is possible to use donor sperm.
Today, there is no reason to despair, if it is impossible to conceive naturally. Of course, all medical techniques require patience and work on them, but in most cases they give a positive result.
Galina Romanenko