Feelings in the first days of pregnancy - unusual manifestations

May 23, 2013

 the feeling in the first days of pregnancy
 The long-awaited pregnancy is, what's next? And further, all the enigmatic and mysterious, like a fairy tale. And, of course, like a fairy tale, everything must end a happy ending. But under certain conditions. Nature has arranged things so that best protect women from harmful factors and timely signals any malfunctions. The peculiar sensation in the early days of pregnancy experienced by a woman, not just hint at a change in its status (now two), but also inform about all sorts of deviations.

Pregnancy - is a very important period, during which a woman must radically change their habits, lifestyle and even diet. But he comes to the aid of the body.

 Feelings in the first days of pregnancy - unusual manifestations

Nausea and vomiting

There are few women who can boast of having escaped the nausea and vomiting during the first days and months of pregnancy. Many pregnant, still unaware of their condition in the hope or angrily blamed these symptoms on the use of stale food or the beginning of colds.

Usually, nausea and vomiting prevail in the first half of the day, but can pursue the woman and the day. Vomit may be only two or three times a day, and sometimes becomes unrestrained, which leads to dehydration and weight loss, and requires hospital treatment. Nausea occurs not only in the form of certain products, but also with the sense of smell, even pleasant before, or thought of food. Nausea accompanied by a decrease or complete loss of appetite and salivation.

 Feelings in the first days of pregnancy - unusual manifestations

Malaise and weakness

Malaise and weakness, loss of ability to work is often blamed pregnant at the beginning of the viral disease. In addition to these signs joins fever and reduction in blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 . Because of these symptoms the woman is constantly throws in the heat and cold. All these manifestations are explained by the action of a hormone - progesterone, and absolutely normal for early pregnancy.

 Feelings in the first days of pregnancy - unusual manifestations

Increased urination

A woman is, knowing that her stomach was born and develops new life, suddenly surprised to discover that her desire to urinate occurs more often. This feature is also characteristic and constant companion of pregnancy, up until the last weeks until the presenting part of the fetus is not to descend into the pelvis. Firstly, the relaxing effect of progesterone on the uterus and the effect on other smooth muscle organs. Secondly, the beginning of pregnancy increases blood volume (which, incidentally, reduces blood pressure). And thirdly, enhanced secretory ability of the kidney (kidneys as soon as possible try to bring the body of harmful substances). To reduce the number of nighttime trips to the bathroom, you should limit your fluid intake after 18.00.

 Feelings in the first days of pregnancy - unusual manifestations

Changes in bowel function

In addition to the uterus and bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , Progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   It has an effect on the bowels. Contractile movements (peristalsis), slowing down, delaying the advancement of the digested food, resulting in flatulence (flatulence), and constipation. Furthermore, there may be bloating and discomfort. To ease this condition, it is recommended to eat more fiber (raw fruits and vegetables, bread from wheat flour) and refuse products, provoking the formation of gases (beans, cabbage).

 Feelings in the first days of pregnancy - unusual manifestations

Pain or discomfort in the abdomen

Since the first days of pregnancy, women often experience discomfort or pain in the abdomen sipping Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
   and / or in the lower back. This feature is associated with relaxation and stretching of the uterus by increasing its blood supply, and later also due to the growth. This discomfort is very similar feelings that women experience on the eve of menstruation (premenstrual syndrome). Furthermore, there may be a tingling pain in right or left side. It makes itself felt ovary, which was formed and is actively functioning corpus luteum. Such symptoms should not be afraid. But the urgent need to consult a doctor if the pain became stronger and more constant, changed their character (cramping).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • first trimester of pregnancy

Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?

September 15, 2013

  • Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?
  • How to use
  • Kinds

 Ovulation Test
 To help identify the most successful days for conception is able to test for ovulation. It helps not only to determine the optimal day for conception, but also to calculate ovulation calendar. Subject to all rules of the test, 90% of healthy women can detect ovulation date.

 Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?

What is ovulation

Ovulation - the output is a mature egg from the main (dominant follicle). Normally ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle (for example, at twenty-eight day cycle of ovulation is the fourteenth day). However, one should consider not only the length of the menstrual cycle (with a longer ovulation is late and, on the contrary, short-cycle earlier), but also other circumstances which may affect the release of an egg from the ovary (stress, infections, changing climate and more ). That is, ovulation may not occur, or occur sooner or later.

Ovulation occurs under the influence of hormones. Estrogens cause the maturation of follicles in the ovary, the middle of the cycle takes a massive release of luteinizing hormone, which is under the influence of the dominant follicle ruptures and releases an egg ready to be fertilized. To the conception occurred, the egg is necessary to get into the fallopian tube, where it will meet the sperm. That is why the date of ovulation is considered the most favorable for conception.

But it is necessary to consider the fact that the lifetime total egg 24 hours (up to 48), and sperm about seven days.

Often, a woman alone can determine ovulation has occurred. At this time there are nagging pain in one or both ovaries, minor bleeding, and vaginal mucus becomes viscous and resembles raw egg white, enhanced libido.

It is also important to remember that regular ovulation rate may change after an abortion for three months postpartum, within twelve months, and after forty years when depleted ovarian function.

 Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?

Problems with ovulation

The lack of ovulation, or otherwise - anovulation Anovulation - the cause of infertility?  Anovulation - the cause of infertility?
   It is one of the common causes of infertility. However, remember that even a healthy woman from one to three times a year, there may be no ovulation, which is a variant of the norm. The alarm should be beaten when pregnancy does not occur within twelve months at regular sex without contraception.

Anovulation caused by a failure in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. The reasons for such violations may include: inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (especially the uterus and appendages), pathology of the adrenal cortex, various systemic diseases (eg, diabetes mellitus), tumors of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, increased intracranial pressure, stress.

Typical clinical signs of anovulation in the reproductive years is the menstrual cycle by type of oligomenorrhea Oligomenorrhea - too short menstruation  Oligomenorrhea - too short menstruation
   (rare and scanty menstruation), amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), uterine bleeding.

For the treatment of anovulation, as a cause of infertility, use a variety of hormones (birth control pills to restore menstruation, ovulation-stimulating drugs). In severe cases, a woman prescribed IVF (in vitro fertilization).

 Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?

How to calculate ovulation calendar

In order to calculate your own ovulation calendar, you can use two ways. What is needed ovulation calendar? It is suitable both for women planning a pregnancy, and those who want to determine the "safe" days for having sex without using contraception. If ovulation calendar compiled by all the rules, then its effectiveness reaches hundred percent.

The first way - this compilation ovulation calendar at home. For this it is necessary to measure the basal temperature for at least three months. Basal temperature - a temperature, which is measured in the rectum, vagina or oral cavity. Considered the most accurate results when measuring basal body temperature in the rectum. It is necessary to measure the temperature in the morning, at the same time continuously after a night's sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   at least six hours and one and the same thermometer. Measuring is necessary for at least ten minutes, and data entered into the schedule of basal temperature (horizontal marks the day of the menstrual cycle, and vertical temperature readings, starting with 36, 2C and ending with 37, 4-37, 6C). Normally, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature is below 37 degrees. Before ovulation, it is reduced, and the day of ovulation rises above 37C.

In addition, the calendar should be celebrated and their personal feelings that accompany ovulation (spotting, change in vaginal discharge, discomfort or pain in the abdomen). No need to measure the basal temperature during the days of menstruation.

This calendar will help to determine the date of ovulation and its absence for any reason.

The second method for determining ovulation - is online calendars. Currently, various sites have programs to help you calculate the day of ovulation. Suffice it to register: the duration of the menstrual cycle and menstruation, the first day of the last month and the first day of expected menstruation. Women who have irregular menstrual cycles, do not worry. Suffice it to lay down the length of menstrual cycles for six months and divide by six. The result will be an average cycle time.

 Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?

How to determine the ovulation doctor

There are two ways to determine the health of ovulation. These include:

  • Ultrasonography

Ultrasonography is the most accurate method of determining the ensuing ovulation. For this, about the end of month, on the seventh day of the menstrual cycle obstetrician gynecologist appoints pelvic ultrasound using a vaginal probe. Ultrasound is repeated every two - three days, and ultrasound monitoring monitor the growth and development of follicles. In addition, determine the thickness of the lining of the uterus growing. Based on all the data, it is possible to know the date of ovulation.

  • Determining the level of luteinizing hormone in the body

On this principle it is based on ovulation test work. The level of the hormone is determined on a daily basis for a few specific days. Effective methods for the determination of luteinizing hormone in the blood are: RIA (radioimmunoassay) and other non-radioactive methods.

 Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?

How does the ovulation test

The operating principle of the test is the reaction of ovulation it to the level of luteinizing hormone in the body. As indicated above, just before ovulation increases production of luteinizing hormone, which occurs under the action of the main gap and yield mature follicle egg 'float freely ". That is ovulation test is based on the determination of the peak (maximum) level of luteinizing hormone, therefore, a positive test but ovulation will mean that the release of an egg has to happen in the next twenty-four hours, and the sexual act is necessary to make in the next thirty-six hours, bearing in mind that the life expectancy of the egg just twenty-four hours.

 Ovulation Test - the exact calculation?

When doing tests for ovulation

To properly calculate the days when you need to determine ovulation, you should first determine the length of the menstrual cycle. Naturally, there are few women who begin menstruating as a clock to the day. The majority of the menstrual cycle varies One - five days each month. To calculate the duration of the cycle, add up the length of the cycle in the last three months and divide by three. For example:

The menstrual cycle was 24 days, 21 days later and finally 22 days. Fold (24 + 21 + 22) 3 = 22 days. Then subtract 22 days, 17 days before the start of the upcoming menstruation and get the 5th day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . Accordingly, it is the fifth day should begin to conduct the test.
